

Sonic Runners(索尼克奔跑者,ソニックランナーズ ,Sonikku Ran'nāzu)是一款世嘉最新推出的《刺蝟索尼克》系列新作。這是一款以藍刺蝟索尼克為主題的 2D 橫版動作跑酷手遊,與其他的跑酷手遊類似,不過節奏稍快。遊戲只使用一根手指即可完成操作,角色會自動向前奔跑,點擊螢幕進行跳躍避開各種機關陷阱、並在 前進過程中獲得各種道具,成功到達終點就算通關。


  • 中文名:索尼克奔跑者
  • 原版名稱:Sonic Runners 
  • 其他名稱:ソニックランナーズ
  • 遊戲類型:自動運行遊戲,動作
  • 遊戲平台Android
  • 所屬系列刺蝟索尼克
  • 地區:日本,美國,中國,加拿大
  • 開發商Sonic Team
  • 發行商SEGA
  • 發行日期:2015年2月25日(日版)
  • 製作人:飯冢隆,Takayuki Okada,Takeshi Yamazaki,Jyunpei Ootsu
  • 音樂:大谷智哉
  • 主要配音羅傑·克雷格·史密斯
  • 玩家人數:單人
  • 遊戲畫面:2D
  • 媒介:數據下載(v2.0.3)
  • 主要角色索尼克塔爾斯納克魯斯




索尼克(Sonic The Hedgehog)索尼克是世界上速度最快的刺蝟,也是全系列遊戲的主人公,他利用自己難以置信的速度對抗邪惡勢力(通常情況下是艾格曼博士),他的性格有些不耐煩,做事從容鎮定、陽光自信。喜歡四處冒險,別人遇到困難的時候他也總是樂於伸出援手。最大的弱點是不會游泳。

塔爾斯Tails索尼克最好的朋友,全名麥爾斯·普勞爾(Miles Prower),“塔爾斯”是他的小名。他是一隻雙尾小狐狸,能夠利用尾巴像直升機一樣旋轉飛行,時常為索尼克提供支援。雖然膽子有點小,但塔爾斯卻是一個機械天才兼鬼馬發明家,能創造各種工具,比如說他的得意之作——“龍捲風”系列飛機。

納克魯斯Knuckles the Echidna世界上最後一隻針鼴,索尼克的死黨兼死對頭,做事情頑固、一根筋,被索尼克戲稱為“單細胞生物”。納克魯斯住在天使島上,守護著王者翡翠(Master Emerald)——一顆強大到足以令天使島懸浮在空中的能量翡翠。納克魯斯的力氣很大,他拳頭上的刺可以粉碎石頭,也可以藉此攀爬岩壁。針鼴與生具來刺也賦予了他在空中飄浮的能力。

艾咪·羅斯Amy Rose艾咪一隻粉色的刺蝟、索尼克的女朋友,性格熱情、潑辣,初登場於《索尼克CD》。當艾咪初次遇見索尼克時便對他一見鐘情,但索尼克對這個充滿熱情的女朋友又驚又怕,時常躲著她,以至於後來艾咪趁索尼克誤入陷阱的時候,要求他娶自己,否則就不救他出來。艾咪的力氣很大,雖然不能像索尼克一樣“衝刺攻擊(Spin Dash)”,但可以用“Piko Piko”大錘子攻擊敵人。


卡歐迪克斯(Team Chaotix一個偵探社團,由幾位動物角色組成的這個社團內的卡通人物。都喜歡惡作劇,而且每個人性格迥異,長相、年齡也差別極大,故此以"Chaotix"為名表明他們的特色。在遊戲中他們經常作為給遊戲增添笑料的點綴。主要成員有貝克達艾斯皮歐查蜜


金屬索尼克(Metal Sonic)艾格曼仿造索尼克製造出來的機器人,不僅外觀與索尼克相似,而且速度與力量也不遜於索尼克。曾經被索尼克擊敗並處於休眠狀態,一直等候打敗索尼克的機會。在被艾格曼充電激活後,再次成為索尼克等人的敵人。


  • Episode 1-1: It's Doctor Eggman, the evil scientist!The evil genius Dr. Eggman is back to sow chaos in Sonic and the Animals' peaceful world.
  • Episode 2-1: Save the Animals!Sonic and friends drove Dr. Eggman away, but he won't give up, and is kidnapping Animals again!
  • Episode 3-1: Dr. Eggman's Dirty TricksSonic and friends foiled Eggman's plan to turn Animals into robots, but just what WAS he planning?
  • Episode 4-1: Little Chao LostSonic and friends come across a lost chao, and decide to help it get home safely!
  • Episode 5-1: A Not-So-Heavy-LoadDr. Eggman had ordered Cubot to collect items [to get] ready for his big comeback. But can Cubot deliver...?
  • Episode 6-1: Evening PatrolSonic and friends hear some Animals calling out in fright. Better find out what's up...
  • Episode 6-2: Evening Patrol 2Sonic and friends are on their way to fetch a translation unit so they can talk to the White Wisp.
  • Episode 7-1: Earthquake IslandPinky says there have been a lot of earthquakes lately, and asks Sonic and friends to investigate...
  • Episode 8-1: The Mysterious LightRicky and his friend get a fright from a mysterious light on the way home. Find out the truth behind it!
  • Episode 9-1: Disaster ZoneThe Friends find the remains of a great disaster, and are asked by the local Animals for help...
  • Episode 10-1: Dr. Eggman's Robot Army Attacks!Eggman's robot army attacked an Animal village! Invade Dr. Eggman's base and save the Animals!
  • Episode 11-1: Chasing our TailsHaving managed to drive Dr.Eggman away, the gang follow Tails as he guides them to an all-new area!
  • Episode 11-2: Chasing our Tails 2Tails leads the way as the gang investigate an all-new area - home to one of Dr.Eggman's bases!
  • Episode 12-1: Picky's Pig-OutSonic and co. bump into Picky, and the poor pig's real hungry! They'd better find him some food!
  • Episode 13-1: Little Pocky LostPocky's crying because he's lost his mother. It's up to Sonic and co. to reunite them!
  • Episode 14-1: Ricky's RequestDr.Eggman has built a factory right next to Ricky's home, and it's polluting the water! Do something!
  • Episode 15-1: Ring HillKnuckles remembers a rumor about a place called Ring Hill, and the gang decide to go check it out!
  • Episode 16-1: Dr. Eggman's Secret ExperimentSonic and friends hear a rumor that Dr.Eggman is conducting a secret experiment. Time to investigate!
  • Episode 16-2: Dr. Eggman's Secret Experiment 2Sonic and friends have found Dr.Eggman's base. Now it's time to find out what he's up to!
  • Episode 17-1: Goodbye GreeneryPocky needs help! All the greenery is disappearing from the hills where he lives!
  • Episode 18-1: Damsel in DistressRocky's girlfriend has gone missing. Help him to find her!
  • Episode 19-1: The Animals Fight BackThe gang visit the Animals' village, but there are no Animals to be found! Where have they all gone?!
  • Episode 19-2: The Animals Fight Back 2Sonic and co. have agreed to help the Animals with their plan - but just what ARE they planning?
  • Episode 20-1: Sonic the VillainThe animals are suddenly scared of Sonic, and won't come near him... What on earth is going on?
  • Episode 20-2: Sonic the Villain 2Metal Sonic has been pretending to be the real Sonic and scaring the Animals. After him!
  • Episode 21-1: Flicky Gets FlusteredFlicky can't find his little brother, and comes to ask Sonic for help. Can the gang help him out?
  • Episode 22-1: Wisps from On HighMysterious creatures are getting the Animals agitated. The gang think they're Wisps, and go looking for proof!
  • Episode 22-2: Wisps from On High 2Eggman is taking the Wisps back to his base! Can Sonic catch up with him and free the colorful creatures?
  • Episode 23-1: Showdown with Eggman's AirforceDr. Eggman's airforce are preventing Flicky from taking to the skies! Find Dr. Eggman's airbase!
  • Episode 23-2: Showdown with Eggman's Airforce 2Eggman left Orbot in charge, so Sonic had no trouble disabling the base. Now to find the man himself!
  • Episode 24-1: Angel SchmangelCucky and Omochao say they've seen an angel. Time for Sonic and friends to find out what's really going on...
  • Episode 24-2: Angel Schmangel 2The "angel" turned out to be a Hero Chao, and now Metal Sonic has kidnapped it! Sonic to the rescue!
  • Episode 25-1: Treasure in the CloudsThe Hero Chao tells the gang about a treasure hidden in the clouds, and Knuckles is keen to seek it out!
  • Episode 26-1: Birdly ParadiseDr. Eggman's forces have taken over Cucky's place! Drive them away so Cucky can get his life back!
  • Episode 27-1: Little Walrus LostSonic and co. find Rocky in a panic, and unable to find his way home. It's up to them to help him!
  • Episode 28-1: Penguins Might FlyPecky and his pals used to fly freely round these parts - until Eggman showed up. Now they're grounded!
  • Episode 29-1: Guarding the Sky TempleSome Animals come to Sonic and co. asking for help, and offer to guide them to Dr. Eggman's latest base...
  • Episode 29-2: Guarding the Sky Temple 2The "Animals" were really Orbot and Cubot! Time to interrogate them and find out what Eggman's up to...
  • Episode 30-1: Bring on the Dawn!The sun has stopped rising in Cucky's part of the forest, so there's nothing to crow at! Do something!
  • Episode 31-1: After that Emerald!Flicky comes to speak to Knuckles, and he's all aflutter - Eggman's after the Master Emerald!
  • Episode 31-2: After that Emerald 2The Master Emerald has been stolen! Sonic and co. need to find Dr. Eggman and get it back!
  • Episode 32-1: A Red-Hot WinterPecky's village has suddenly become unbearably hot. It's up to Sonic and co. to find out what's going on!
  • Episode 33-1: The Hunt for the Master EmeraldAfter shutting down Dr. Eggman's factory, the gang find Pocky waiting with some important information!
  • Episode 33-2: The Hunt for the Master Emerald 2Metal Sonic has run off with a fragment of the Master Emerald. Sonic and friends set off in hot pursuit!
  • Episode 34-1: Ricky's RequestRicky's found a tree that he can't cut down, no matter how hard he tries! Time for Sonic to give it a try!
  • Episode 35-1: The Dragon's HoardThe map Sonic and pals found is actually a treasure map! Time for a spot of treasure-hunting!
  • Episode 36-1: The Hunt for the Master Emerald 3Now that they have an Emerald Detector, it's time for the friends to get back on the trail of the fragments!
  • Episode 36-2: The Hunt for the Master Emerald 4Sonic and pals have headed up to the clouds in search of a Master Emerald fragment.
  • Episode 37-1: A Gift for MamaThe gang's Master Emerald sensor leads them to Picky. Can he be persuaded to part with his fragment?
  • Episode 38-1: The Hunt for the Master Emerald 5Dr. Eggman has taken Picky - and the Master Emerald fragment too! Get after him!
  • Episode 38-2: The Hunt for the Master Emerald 6Dr. Eggman has run off with the Master Emerald fragment! Time to chase him down!
  • Episode 39-1: Guardians of the Master EmeraldHaving assembled all the Master Emerald fragments, the gang head to the temple to put it back together...
  • Episode 39-2: Guardians of the Master Emerald 2Just as Sonic and pals are thinking of how to protect the Master Emerald, Omochao appears!
  • Episode 40-1: The Eggman's PlansThe Animals are convinced that Dr. Eggman's up to his old tricks. Time to find out what he's planning...
  • Episode 40-2: The Eggman's Plans 2It seems Flicky might have some information about Dr. Eggman...but might also be in need of rescuing!
  • Episode 40-3: The Eggman's Plans 3Flicky's been abducted by Eggman! Sonic and friends to the rescue!
  • Episode 41-1: Uncovering Eggman's PlansSonic and pals learn that Dr. Eggman has been collecting Chaos Emeralds. The question is: Why?
  • Episode 41-2: Uncovering Eggman's Plans 2Dr. Eggman is trying to make a brainwashing laser to control the world! The gang have to stop it being fired!
  • Episode 41-3: Uncovering Eggman's Plans 3Sonic and co. manage to get their hands on a Chaos Emerald detector. Now they just need to fix it...
  • Episode 42-1: Collecting the Chaos EmeraldsTails has fixed the detector, so it's time to go hunt down the Chaos Emeralds!
  • Episode 42-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 2Sonic and co. have followed the detector to one of Dr. Eggman's energy collection devices...
  • Episode 43-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 3Sonic and pals have found one Chaos Emerald, now it's time to round up the rest!
  • Episode 43-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 4Sonic and pals head for another one of Dr. Eggman's energy collection devices - this time with Cubot in tow!
  • Episode 44-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 5Sonic and co. have recovered the second Chaos Emerald. Now it's time to find the third!
  • Episode 44-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 6Having successfully evaded Orbot's traps Sonic and co. head for the third Chaos Emerald!
  • Episode 45-1: The Wisp GardenWhile looking for the fourth Chaos Emerald, the gang bump into a giant group of Wisps!
  • Episode 46-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 7Sonic and co. set out in search of more Chaos Emeralds - this time with Wisps in tow!
  • Episode 46-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 8Metal Sonic appeared out of nowhere and stole on of the Chaos Emeralds! Get it back!
  • Episode 47-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 9A powered-up Metal Sonic has swiped the gang's Chaos Emeralds! How are they going to get them back?!
  • Episode 47-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 10Having overcome Cubot without laying a finger on him, the gang head to the next energy collection device!
  • Episode 48-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 11Sonic and friends have avoided Metal Sonic and retrieved another Chaos Emerald. Onto the next one!
  • Episode 48-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 12Sonic and pals have survived Orbot's traps. Time to get the search for the Chaos Emeralds back on track!
  • Episode 49-1: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 13The gang have secured all the easy Chaos Emeralds - now it's time to take some risks!
  • Episode 49-2: Collecting the Chaos Emeralds 14En route to find Chaos Emeralds, the gang prepare for a showdown with Metal Sonic...
  • Episode 50-1: Boiling PointWith the brainwashing laser ready to fire, the gang get ready for the final showdown with Dr. Eggman!
  • Episode 50-2: Boiling Point 2Sonic and co. have begun their invasion of Eggman's HQ. Next on the menu: More robots!
  • Episode 50-3: Boiling Point 3Sonic and pals are making short work of Dr. Eggman's defenses. Next up: Orbot!
  • Episode 50-4: Boiling Point 4Cubot's tip-off got the team safely through Orbot's traps. Time to go even deeper into Eggman's HQ!
  • Episode 50-5: Boiling Point: FinaleHaving managed to make their way past Metal Sonic, the gang are finally at the heart of Eggman's HQ...






Beyond The Speed Of...
Fly Away
Power Ride
Theory Of Attack
Where To Today?
Going My Way!
Go Quickly!
Spring Emotions
Fiery Passion
End Of The Summer
Strange Parade
Magical Snow Day


2016年7月29日,手機遊戲Sonic Runners正式關服並停止更新。根據Sonic Runners官方推特的統計數據,遊戲的下載量已突破600萬。在1年半的時間內取得這樣的成績,對於一款有著大IP的手遊來說實在是差強人意。運營失誤、內購繁雜外加活動策劃乏力恐怕是導致遊戲最後死亡的主因,但還是有不少玩家懷念這款遊戲,紛紛請願其能夠重啟。不過,世嘉似乎真的打算在手遊方面先緩一緩了。諷刺的是,年底任天堂推出了他們的第一款手機跑酷遊戲:Super Mario Run,僅僅兩天就超過了Sonic Runners的總下載量,不得不讓人佩服老任強大的實力。


