

2002-2006長江大學(原江漢石油學院) 本科
2006-2011中國石油大學(北京) 碩博連讀
2011-2013塔里木油田博士後工作站 博士後
2015- 中國石油大學(北京)副教授
所在系所: 油氣井工程系
研究方向: 石油工程岩石力學、井壁穩定、水力壓裂、高壓氣井出砂、井筒完整性等
教學情況: 本科生《鑽井工程》、研究生《石油工程岩石力學》、《鑽井工程實踐與案例分析》
[1]Productivity-Index Optimization for Hydraulically Fractured Vertical Wells in a Circular Reservoir: A Comparative Study With Analytical Solutions SPE-180929-PA, 2016.
[2]A Wellbore Stability Model for a Deviated Well in a Transversely Isotropic Formation Considering Poroelastic Effects [J]. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2016,49(9): 3671-3686.
[3]Experimental study and artificial neural network simulation of the wettability of tight gas sandstone formation [J]: Journal of natural gas science and Engineering,2016,34:387-400.
[4]Oil-based critical mud weight window analyses in HTHP fractured tight formation[J]: Journal of natural gas science and Engineering,2015,135: 750-764.
[5]Wellbore stability model for shale gas reservoir considering the coupling of multi-weakness planes and porous flow[J]: Journal of natural gas science and Engineering, 2014,21: 364-378.
[6]Influence of Porous Flow on Wellbore Stability for an Inclined Well With Weak Plane Formation [J]. Petroleum Science and technology,2013 31(6): 616-624.
[7]A Mechanical Model of Borehole Stability for Weak Plane Formation Under Porous Flow[J]. Petroleum Science and technology,2012,30(15): 1629-1638.
[8]The Development and Application of an Environmentally Friendly Encapsulator EBA-20 [J]. Petroleum Science and technology,2012,30,(21):2227-2235.
[9]Analysis of the External Pressure on Casings Induced by Salt-Gypsum Creep in Build-up Sections for Horizontal Wells [J]. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2011, 44( 6): 711-723.
[10]Salt-gypsum bed complicates Tarim horizontal drilling, Oil& Gas journal[J], 2011, 109(11): 86-89.
[1]Anisotropic Wellbore Stability Model for Transversely Isotropic Formation and Its Application in Drilling Through Shale Formation [C] .SPE 176922,2015.
[2]A Quantitative Approach to the Design and Evaluation of Shale Drilling Fluids Based on Multi-Field Coupling Theory[C].SPE OTC-26847-MS,2016.
[3]A New Prediction Model of Energy Consumption on Rock Fragmentation and Rate of Penetration Based on Fractal Theory[C].SPE ARMA-2015-518,2015.
[4]Radial Drilling Revitalizes Aging Field in Tarim: A Case Study[C] SPE 168282-MS,2014.
[4]庫車前緣隆起帶鹽下油氣藏水平井鑽井技術研究與實踐 ,中國石油集團公司科技進步二等獎,2011


