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王瑛, 女,研究生, 博士,暨南大學理工學院副教授。

研究方向: 食品化學, 食品添加劑, 食品安全
2002.1-2006.8 美國Kansas State University 農業生物工程博士
1998.9-2001.7 中國農業大學 農產品加工與貯藏碩士
1994.9-1998.7 中國農業大學 食品科學與工程學士
Wang, Y., R. Corwin, D. P. Jaramillo, F. J. Wojnicki, J. N. Coupland. 2010. Acceptability and Digestibility of Emulsions in a Rat Model: Effects of Solid Fat Content and Lipid Type. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.
Wang, Y., D. Wang, M. Tilley, S. Bean, X. S. Sun and D. Wang. 2009. Comparison of Methods for Extracting Sorghum Proteins from Dried Distiller Grains with Soluble, J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 8366-8372
Wang, D., X. Sun, G. Yang, and Y. Wang. 2009. Improved Water Resistance of Soy Protein Adhesive at isoelectric point. Trans. ASABE. 52(1): 173-177
Coupland, J. N., R. Corwin, Y. Wang, and F. Wojnicki. 2008. What makes fatty food “irresistible”? Relating food structure and eating behavior. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. (inform). 19 (11): 722, 724
Wang, Y., X. Mo, D. Wang, and X. Sun. 2007. Effect of Crosslink on Soy Protein Adhesive Properties. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 104: 130-136
Wang, Y., D. Wang, and X. Sun. 2007. Effects of preheating treatment on thermal property and adhesion performance of soy protein isolates. J. Adhesion Sci. Technol. 21(15): 1469–1481
Wang, Y., D. Wang, and X. Sun. 2006. Soy Protein Adhesive Performance Enhanced by esterification. Trans. ASABE. 49(3): 713-719
Wang, Y., D. Wang, and X. Sun, 2005. Thermal Properties and Adhesiveness of Soy Protein Modified with Cationic detergent. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 82: 357-363
Wang, Y., J. Coupland, F. H. Wojnicki and R. L. Corwin. 2009. Different eating behavior of rats triggered by different fat composition (In preparation)


