



  • 中文名:王仁卿
  • 出生日期:1955年
  • 職業:博導
  • 性別:男




山東大學生命科學學院教授 (1994-至今)
日本橫濱國立大學任客座教授 (2001.12-2002.12)
日本國立草地研究所合作研究 (1991.1-1991,4)
山東大學生物系副教授 (1991.1-1993)
山東大學生物系講師 (1985.11-1990.12)
山東大學生物系助教 (1982.8-1985.11)


山東大學生態學博士 (2001-2005)
山東大學生態學碩士 (1979-1982)
山東大學植物學學士 (1975-1979)






[1] 中國植被區劃,國家農業區劃委員會、國家基金委、中國科學院,1980-2000
[2] 荒山綠化適宜種類選擇,日本農林水產省,1988-1992
[3] 山東植被資源調查,山東省科委,1990-1992
[4] 山茶遺傳多樣性研究,山東省自然科學基金,1993-1995
[5] 島嶼效應與植物物種多樣性的研究(No.39370085),國家自然科學基金,1996-1998
[6] 黃河三角洲土壤微生物多樣性,教育部優秀青年基金,1998-2002
[7] 黃河三角洲濕地生物多樣性(No.39870129),國家自然科學基金,1999-2001
[8] 三種百合科植物Mata種群(No.39970080),國家自然科學基金,2000-2002
[9] 山東生物多樣性研究,山東大學傑出青年基金項目,2000-2002
[10] 生物多樣性大尺度格局(G2000046801),國家科技部973項目,2001-2005
[11] 華北造林樹種選擇,韓國,2002-2004
[12] 中韓合作赤松遺傳多樣性研究,國家基金國際合作,2002-2005
[13] 房乾生態恢復技術方法,房乾旅遊區,2003-2005
[14] 華北山地森林植被恢復(No.20030422030),教育部博士點基金,2004-2006
[15] 崑嵛山自然保護區生態服務價值評估與生態林工程關鍵技術研究(2004GG3206005),山東省科技廳科技攻關項目,2004-2006
[16] 山東外來植物研究 (No.Z2003D05),山東省自然科學基金重點項目,2004-2006
[17] 山東省黃河下游土壤生物多樣性及其作用研究(No.1212010310306),國家重大地質調查項目,2005-2006


1)Ding Wenjuan,Wang Renqing, Yuan Yifu, Liang Xiaoqin, Liu Jian. 2012.Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and relationship ofRobinia pseudoacaciaandQuercus acutissimaseedlings. Dendrobiology, 67: 3-13.
2)Zhang Juan, Dai Jiulan, Du Xiaoming, Li Fasheng, Wang Wenxing,Wang Renqing. 2012. Distribution and sources of petroleum-hydrocarbon in soil profiles in Hunpu wastewater-irrigated area, China’s northeast. Geoderma, 173: 215-223
3)Zhang Juan, Dai Jiulan, Haorui Chen, Du Xiaoming, Wang Wenxing, Wang Ning,Wang Renqing. 2012. Petroleum contamination in groundwater/air and their effects on farmland soil at the outskirt of an industrial city, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.In press(DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2012.04.002)
4)Wang Qiang,Wang Renqing, Tian Chengyu, Yu Yue, Zhang Yongli, Dai Jiulan. 2012. Using microbial community behavior as the complementary environmental condition indicator: a case study of an iron deposit tailing area. European Journal of Soil Biology, 51: 22-29.
5)Chen Hua,Wang Renqing, Ge Xiuli, Zhang Juan, Du Ning, Wang Wei, Liu Jian. 2012. Competition and soil fungi affect the physiological and growth traits of an alien and a native tree species. Photosynthetica, 50(1): 77-85.
6)Wang Shujun, Liu Jian,Wang Renqing, Ni Zirong, Xu Shipeng, Sun Yueyao. 2012. Impact of socio-economic development on ecosystem services and its conservation strategies: a case study of Shandong Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(5): 3213-3229.
7)Chen Hua,Liu Jian, Xue Tong,Wang Renqing. 2012. Roads accelerate the invasion process of alien species. Advanced Materials Research, 347-353: 1483-1487.
8)Yu Yue, Wang Hui, Liu Jian, Wang Qiang, Shen Tianlin, Guo Weihua,Wang RenQing. 2012. Shifts in microbial community function and structure along the successional gradient of coastal wetlands in Yellow River Estuary. European Journal of Soil Biology,49:12-21.
9)Ge Xiuli,Liu Jian,Wang Renqing.2012. The comparison between the historical and current vegetation in Nansi Lake area. Advanced Materials Research, 518-523: 5180-5184.
10)Xue Tong, Dai Jiulan, Zhang Mengmeng,Wang Renqing. 2012. FT-IR spectroscopic structural characterization of forest soil and its adsorption and desorption for mercury. Pedosphere. Accepted.
11)Zhang Mengmeng, Liu Jia, Tian Chengyu,Wang Renqing, Dai Jiulan. 2012. Effect of pH, temperature and the role of ionic strength on the adsorption of mercury (II) by typical Chinese soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43: 1599-1613.
12)薛童,陳華,張依然,王仁卿,戴九蘭. 2012.腐殖質化學的光譜研究新進展.安徽農業科學, 6: 3833-3836.
13)郭微,戴九蘭,王仁卿. 2012.溶解性有機質影響土壤吸附重金屬的研究進展.土壤通報, 43(3):761-768.
14)Ding Wenjuan, Liu Jian, Wu Daqian, Wang Yue, Chang Cheinchi,Wang Renqing. 2011. Salinity stress modulates habitat selection in the clonal plantAeluropus sinensissubjected to crude oil deposition. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 183(3): 262-271.
15)Wang Yutao, Liu Jian, Hansson Lars, Zhang Kai,Wang Renqing.2011. Implementing a relative stricter discharge standard in a regional industry to enhance eco-efficiency and sustainability: a case study of Shandong pulp and paper industry, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(4): 303-310.
16)Liu Lei, Liu Jian, Wang Yutao, Wang Nvjie,Wang Renqing.2011. Cost-benefit analysis and ecological compensation of watershed-scale wetland restoration: a case study in Shandong province,China.International Journal of Environmental Research, 5(3): 787-796.
17)Chen Hua, Liu Jian, Zhang Yongli, Wang Qiang, Ge Xiuli, Wei Yinghua,Wang Renqing. 2011. Influence of invasive plantCoreopsis grandifloraon functional diversity of soil microbial communities. Journal of Environmental Biology, 32(5): 567-572.
18)王仁卿,杜寧,郭衛華,張淑萍,戴九蘭,劉建,王玉志,王玉濤.2011.走向國際化的生態學——山東大學生態學的過去、現在和將來.山東大學學報(理學版), 46(10):197-207.
19)張孟孟,戴九蘭,王仁卿. 2011.溶解性有機質對土壤中汞吸附遷移及生物有效性的影響研究進展.環境污染與防治, 5: 95-99, 110.
20)Han Xuemei,Wang Renqing, Guo Weihua, Pang Xugui, Zhou Juan, Wang Qiang, Zhan Jincheng, Dai Jierui. 2011. Soil microbial community response to land use and various soil elements in a city landscape of North China. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(73): 16554-16565.
21)Guo Weihua, Jeong Jihee, Kim Zinsuh,Wang Renqing, Kim Enhye, Kim Sunghwan. 2011. Genetic diversity ofLilium tsingtauensein China and Korea revealed by ISSR markers and morphological characters. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39: 352–360.
22)Guo Weihua, Li Bo, Zhang Xinshi,Wang Renqing. 2011. Water balance in SPAC under water stress: a case study of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia. In: Efe R. (Eds). Environment and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
23)Wang Wei, Wang Renqing, Yuan Yifu, Du Ning, Guo Weihua.2011. Effects of salt and water stress on plant biomass and photosynthetic characteristics of Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensisLour.) seedlings. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(78): 17981-17989.
24)Zhou Juan,Wang Renqing, Guo Weihua, Zhou Guangjun, Wang Qiang, Wang Wei, Han Xuemei, Pang Xugui, Zhan Jincheng, Dai Jierui. 2011. Soil microbial community diversity and its relationships with geochemical elements under different farmlands in Shouguang, China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42: 1008-1026.
25)杜寧,張秀茹,王煒,陳華,譚向峰,王仁卿,郭衛華. 2011.荊條葉性狀對野外不同光環境的表型可塑性研究.生態學報, 31(20): 6049-6059.
26)Liu Jia, Dai Jiulan,Wang Renqing, Li Fasheng, Du Xiaoming, Wang Wenxing. 2010. Adsorption/desorption and fate of mercury (II) by typical black soil and red soil in China. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 19: 587-601.
27)Wang Qiang, Dai Jiulan, Yu Yue, Zhang Yongli, Shen Tianlin, Liu Jiangsheng,Wang Renqing. 2010. The changes of soil microbial structural and functional characterizations under the stress of heavy metals in typical agriculture soil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 161: 495-508.
28)Du N., Guo W. H., Zhang X. R.,Wang R. Q. 2010. Morphological and physiological responses ofVitex negundoL. var.heterophylla(Franch.) Rehd. to drought stress. Acta Physiol Plant, 32: 839-848.
29)Guo W. H., Li B., Zhang X. S.,Wang R. Q. 2010. Effects of water stress on water use efficiency and water balance components ofHippophae rhamnoidesandCaragana intermediain the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. Agroforestry Systems, 80: 423–435.
30)Wu D. Q., Liu J., Wang S. J.,Wang R. Q.2010. Simulating urban expansion by coupling a stochastic cellular automata model and socioeconomic indicators. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 24: 235–245.
31)Wu Daqian, Liu Jian, Wang Shujun,Wang Renqing.2010. Simulating urban expansion by coupling a stochastic cellular automata model and socioeconomic indicators. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24(2): 235-245.
32)徐飛,郭衛華,徐偉紅,王仁卿.2010.刺槐幼苗形態、生物量分配和光合特性對水分脅迫的回響.北京林業大學學報, 32 (1): 24-30.
33)吳大千,王仁卿,高甡,丁文娟,王煒,葛秀麗,劉建. 2010.黃河三角洲農業用地動態變化模擬與情景分析.農業工程學報, 26(4): 285-290.
34)葛秀麗,劉建,王鑥權,李衛東,王仁卿.2010.南四湖區域鄉土植物生態特性研究.見:第十三屆世界湖泊大會論文集(The 13th World Lake Conference).北京:中國農業大學出版社,pp. 2725-2728.
35)王強,戴九蘭,吳大千,余悅,申天琳,王仁卿. 2010.微生物生態研究中基於BIOLOG方法的數據分析.生態學報, 30(3): 817-823.
36)何歡,申天琳,戴九蘭,郭微,王強,馬麗,王仁卿. 2010.潮土潛在硝化速率對重金屬鋅鎘的回響研究.農業環境科學學報, 29(5): 918-922.
37)王強,戴九蘭,付合才,申天琳,吳大千,王仁卿. 2010.空間分析方法在微生物生態學研究中的套用.生態學報, 30(2): 439-446.
38)王女傑,劉建,吳大千,高甡,王仁卿.2010.基於生態系統服務功能的區域生態補償研究——以山東省為例.生態學報,30(23): 6646-6653.
39)Dai J. L., Zhang M., Hu Q. H., Huang Y. Z.,Wang R.Q., Zhu Y. G. 2009. Adsorption and desorption of iodine by various Chinese soils: II. Iodide and iodate. Geoderma, 153: 130-135.
40)Wang S. J., Li Jennifer, Wu D. Q., Zhang K.,Wang R.Q., Liu L.2009. The ecological impact assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Ji’nan city, China. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 4: 427-450.
41)Wang S. J., Liu J., Ren L. J., Zhang K.,Wang R.Q.2009. The development and practices of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Shandong Province, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29: 408-420.
42)Wang S. J., Jennifer Li, Wu D. Q. , Liu J., Zhang K.,Wang R.Q.2009. The Strategic Ecological Impact Assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Rizhao City, China.. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23: 1169-1180.
43)Wu D. Q. , Liu J., Zhang G. S., Ding W. J., Wang W.,Wang R.Q.2009. Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into cellular automata model: an application to the dynamics of Chinese tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.). Ecological Modelling, 220: 3490-3498.
44)Xu F., Guo W. H., Xu W. H., Wei Y. H.,Wang R.Q.2009. Leaf morphology correlates with water and light availability: What consequences for simple and compound leaves. Progress in Natural Science, 19: 1789 -1798.
45)Xu F., Guo W. H.,Wang R.Q., Xu W. H., Du N., Wang Y. F. 2009. Leaf movement and photosynthetic plasticity of black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia)allebiate stress under different light and water conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 31: 553 - 563.
46)Yang J. H., Zhang S. P., Liu J., Zhai W.,Wang R.Q.2009. Genetic diversity of the endangered species Rosa rugosa Thunb. in China and implications for conservation strategies. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,47(6): 515-524.
47)Zhang J., Dai J. L.,Wang R.Q., Li S. F., Wang W. X. 2009. Adsorption and desorption of divalent mercury (Hg2+) on humic acids and fulvic acids extracted from typical soils in China. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,335: 194-201.
48)王玉濤,郭衛華,劉建,王淑軍,王琦,王仁卿2009.崑嵛山自然保護區生態系統服務功能價值評估.生態學報,9 (1): 523-531.
49)吳大千,劉建,賀同利,王淑軍,王仁卿. 2009.基於土地利用變化的黃河三角洲生態服務價值損益分析.農業工程學報, 2009, 25 (8): 256-261.
50)吳大千,劉建,王煒,丁文娟,王仁卿. 2009.黃河三角洲植被指數與地形要素的多尺度分析.植物生態學報, 33 (2):237-245.
51)Dai J. L., Li S. J., Zhang Y. L.,Wang R.Q. 2008. Distributions, sources and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in topsoil at Ji’nan city, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 147: 317-326.
52)Liang Y., Liu J., Zhang S. P., Wang S. J., Guo W. H. andWang R.Q. 2008. Genetic diversity of the invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora at different altitudes in Laoshan Mountain, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 88(4):831-837
53)Liu J., He W. M., Zhang S. M., Liu F. H., Dong M.,Wang R.Q.2008. Effects of clonal integration on photosynthesis of the invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides.Photosynthetica,46(2): 299-302.
54)Zhang Y. L., Dai J. L.,Wang R.Q., Zhang J. 2008. Effects of long-term sewage irrigation on agricultural soil microbial structural and functional characterizations in Shandong, China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 44(1): 84-91.
55)Zhou J., Guo W. H.,Wang R.Q., Han X. M., Wang Q. 2008. Microbial community diversity in the profile of an agricultural soil in northern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20: 981-988.
56)劉江生,王仁卿,張永利,王強,戴九蘭. 2008.山東省黃河故道土壤環境背景值研究.環境科學, 29(6):1699-1704.
57)徐飛,郭衛華,徐偉紅,王仁卿. 2008.短期乾旱和復水對麻櫟幼苗光合及葉綠素螢光的影響.山東林業科技, 4: 1-5.
58)張高生,王仁卿. 2008.現代黃河三角洲生態環境的動態監測.中國環境科學, 28(4): 380-384.
59)張高生,王仁卿. 2008.現代黃河三角洲植物群落數量分類研究.北京林業大學學報, 30:31-36.
60)Guo W. H., Liu H., Du N., Zhang X. S.,Wang R. Q. 2007. Structure design and establishment of database application system for alien species in Shandong Province. Journal of Forestry Research, 18 (10): 11-16.
61)Guo W. H., Li B., Zhang X. S.,Wang R. Q.2007. Architectural plasticity and growth responses of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia seedlings to simulated water stress. Journal of Arid Environments, 69(3): 385-399.
62)Han X. M., Guo W. H.,Wang R. Q., Wang M. C. 2007. Microbial communities in microcosm soils treated with battery waste. 17(9): 29-36.
63)Han X. M., Guo W. H.,Wang R. Q., Zhou J., Wang M. C.2007. Effects of vegetation type on soil microbial community structure and catabolic diversity in five plant communities in North China assessed by polyphasic methods. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19(10): 1228-1234.
64)Liu C. C.,Wang R. Q.2007. Leaflet movement of Robinia pseudoacacia in response to a Changing light environment. Journal of integrative plant biology, 49(4): 419-424.
65)Zhang G. S.,Wang R. Q., BaiminSong. 2007. Plant Community Succession in Modern Yellow River Delta, China. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 8(8): 540-548.
66)Zong M.J., Han X.M., Zhang Z.G.,Wang R.Q.2007. DNA recovery from soil in restoration area and indicated biodiversity. Ekológia (Bratislava), 26: 381-389.
67)杜寧,郭衛華,王仁卿. 2007.崑嵛山典型植物群落生態學特徵研究.生態學雜誌, 26(2): 151-158
68)杜寧,郭衛華,王仁卿. 2007.嵛山典型林下灌草層植物種間關係研究.山東大學學報, 42(3): 71-83
69)郭衛華,李波,張新時,王仁卿. 2007.水分脅迫對沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)和中間錦雞兒(Caragana intermedia)蒸騰作用影響的比較.生態學報, 27 (10): 4132-4140.
70)王瑤,劉建,王仁卿. 2007.阿利效應及其對生物入侵和自然保護中小種群管理的啟示.山東大學學報, 42 (1): 76-82.
71)徐飛,郭衛華,王煒,徐偉紅,王玉芳,王仁卿. 2007.黃河三角洲檉柳與蘆葦光合特性比較.山東林業科技, 6: 29-33.
72)徐飛,郭衛華,王玉芳,王煒,杜寧,王仁卿. 2007.濟南市校園6個綠化樹種光合螢光特徵比較初探.山東大學學報,42 (5): 86-94.
73)吳大千,杜寧,王煒,翟雯,王玉芳,王仁卿,張治國. 2007.崑嵛山森林群落下灌草層結構與多樣性研究.山東大學學報, 42(1): 1-7.
74)吳大千,徐飛,郭衛華,王仁卿,張治國. 2007.中國北方城市常見綠化植物夏季氣孔導度影響因素及模型比較.生態學報, 10: 4141-4148.
75)徐偉紅,郭衛華,徐飛,王仁卿. 2007.三種棗樹葉綠素螢光參數的日變化.山東農業科學, 2: 29-32.
76)吳彤,李俊祥,戴潔,王仁卿. 2007.山東省外來植物的區系特徵及空間分布.生態學雜誌, 26 (4): 489-494.
77)張永利,戴九蘭,王仁卿,王文興. 2007.土壤重金屬污染的微生物生態效應研究進展.生態科學, 26 (2): 186-190.
78)Zhang X. Q., Liu J., Clive V. J. Welham, Liu C. C., Li D. N., Chen L.,Wang R. Q. 2006. The effects of clonal integration on morphological plasticity and placement of daughter ramets in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Flora, 201(7): 547-554
79)韓雪梅,郭衛華,周娟,張淑萍,王仁卿.2006.土壤微生物生態學研究中的非培養方法.生態科學,25(1): 87-90
80)王嘉,王仁卿,郭衛華. 2006.重金屬對土壤微生物影響的研究進展.山東農業科學, 1: 101-105.
81)張憲強,郭衛華,楊繼紅,劉成程,王仁卿. 2006.刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)無性系種群結構與生長動態的研究.山東大學學報, 41 (2): 135-139.
82)周娟,郭衛華,宗美娟,韓雪梅,王仁卿. 2006.房乾村不同植被下可培養細菌多樣性研究.山東大學學報, 41 (6): 161-167.
83)宋楠,宋亞囝,王仁卿,郭衛華,劉建. 2006.山東省農業外來植物入侵現狀及防治對策分析.山東科學, 19 (3): 15-21.
84)Liu J., Liang S. C., Liu F. H.,Wang R. Q., Dong M. 2005. Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns. Diversity and Distribution, 11(4): 341-347.
85)Liu J., Zhu X. W.,Wang R. Q., Dong M. 2005. Effects of grasshoppers on the dominant plants naturally growing in degraded grassland ecosystem in Northern China. Ekologia (Bratislava), 24 (2): 117-124.
86)Qi X. S., Zhang S. P., Wang Y. Z.,Wang R. Q.,. 2005. Advantages of the integrated pig-biogas-vegetable greenhouse system in North China. Ecological Engineering, 24(3): 177-185.
87)劉建,劉鳳紅,董鳴,王仁卿. 2005.渾善達克沙地南緣榆樹種群的大小結構和鄰體格局.中國沙漠, 25 (1): 75~80.
88)魯敏,李英傑,王仁卿. 2005.油松容器育苗基質性質與苗木生長及生理特性關係.林業科學, 41 (4): 86~93. .
89)齊鑫山,丁衛建,王仁卿,聶岩,田明英. 2005.果園間種白三葉草對土壤生態及果樹生產的影響.農村生態環境. 21(2): 13~17
90)宋志文,王仁卿,席俊秀,韓瀟源,孫賢風,王瑋. 2005.榮成人工濕地淨化效果的季節和年際變化.農村生態環境, 21 (4): 43~48.
91)宋志文,王仁卿,席俊秀,韓瀟源,姚晨. 2005.人工濕地對氮、磷的去除效率與動態特徵.生態學雜誌, 24(6) : 648-651
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