








  • 中文名:焦豪
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理學
  • 職務:北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院企業管理系主任
  • 主要成就:教育部霍英東教育基金會第十六屆高等院校青年教師獎
  • 職稱:教授,博士生導師
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學






國際SSCI期刊、國內期刊上發表論文80多篇,其中在Academy of Management Perspectives, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Technovation,Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeSSCI期刊上發表論文33篇,國內期刊上《管理世界》上發表論文8篇,近年來代表性論文有:
[11]Hao Jiao, Jifeng Yang, Jianghua Zhou, and Jizhen Li. Commercial Partnerships and Collaborative Innovation in China: The Moderating Effect of Technological Uncertainty and Dynamic Capabilities.Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019.
[12]Hao Jiao,Yuke Jin, and Ruiming Liu. “Lean in”: The Moderating Effect of Female Owner on the Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Innovation in China.Journal of Intellectual Capital.2019.
[13]Hao Jiao, Yupei Wang, Hongjun Xiao, Jianghua Zhou and Wensi Zeng. Promoting Profit Model Innovation in Animation Project in Northeast Asia: Case Study on Chinese Cultural and Creative Industry.Sustainability. 2017.
[14]Hao Jiao,Jianghua Zhou, Taishan Gao, and Xielin Liu. The More Interactions the Better? The Moderating Effect of the Interaction between Local Producers and Users of Knowledge on the relationship between R&D Investment and Regional Innovation Systems.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2016.
[15]Hao Jiao,Dan Yang, Minghua Gao, Peihong Xie and Yibing Wu. Entrepreneurial ability and technological innovation: evidence from public listed companies in an emerging economy.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2016.
[16]Hao Jiao, Yu Cui, Qing Wang, and Shichun Xu.High Impact Strategy Research by OverseasChineseScholars in Leading Business Journals: 1991-2011.Asia Pacific Journal of Management.2015.
[17]Hao Jiao,Koo Chun Kwong, and Yu Cui. Legal Environment, Government Effectiveness and Firms' Innovation in China: Examining the Moderating Influence of Government Ownership.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2015.
[18]Hao Jiao,Koo Chun Kwong,Yu Cui, and Jin Chen. Who are More Sensitive to ProceduralFairness? The Impact of an Innovation Implementation Approach, Employees’ Status Concerns and Need for Control.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.2015.
[19]Hao Jiaoand Jin Chen. Critical review of: On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition by Michael E. Porter.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2015.
[20]HaoJiao, Dean B. McFarlin and Yunxia Zhu. Deliberation, Intuition, or Both: What Helps Sales Professionals Adapt?Academy of Management Perspectives.2014.
[21]Hao Jiaoand Guozhen Zhao.Why Would Employees be supposed to Embrace Managers’TechnologicalInnovation? The Mediating Effects of Technology Acceptance and Legitimacy on Employees’ Perception of Justice.Journal of Product Innovation Management.2014.
[22]Hao Jiao, Yu Cui, Yunxia Zhu, and Jin Chen. 2014. Building Entrepreneurs' Innovativeness through Knowledge Management: the Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Alertness.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.2014.
[23]HaoJiao, Dean B. McFarlin and Yunxia Zhu. Collaboration in Geographically Dispersed Teams: What Kind of "Distance" Matters Most?Academy of Management Perspectives.2014.
[24]Hao Jiao, Ilan Alon, Koo Chun Kwong, and Yu Cui. When should Organizational Change be implemented? The Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism between Dynamic Capabilities and New Venture Performance.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.2013.
[25]Hao Jiaoand Yunxia Zhu. Can Firms Build an Innovation-oriented Culture in Turbulent Environments?AcademyofManagement Perspectives.2013.
[26]Jianghua Zhou, Jizhen Li,Hao Jiao*,Hang Qiu and Zixu Liu.The More Funding the Better? The Moderating Role of Knowledge Stock on the Effects of Different Government-funded Research Projects on Firm Innovation in Chinese Cultural and Creative Industries.Technovation. 2020.(* Corresponding author)
[27]Yu CuiandHao Jiao*. Organizational Justice and Management Trustworthiness during Organizational Change: Interactions of Benevolence, Integrity, and Managerial Approaches.Information Processing and Management.2019.
[28]Yuan Tian, Yupei Wang, Xuemei Xie, Jie Jiao andHao Jiao*.The impact of business-government relations on firms' innovation: Evidence from the Chinese manufacturing industry.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2019.(* Corresponding author)
[29]Tang Wang,Hao Jiao*,Zhijian Xu and Xiaoming Yang.Entrepreneurial Finance Meets Government Investment at Initial Public Offering: The Role of Minority State Ownership.Corporate Governance: An International Review.2018.
[30]Xuemei Xie, Hongwei Wang andHao Jiao. Non-R&D Innovation and Firms’ New Product Performance: The Joint Moderating Effect of R&D Intensity and Network Embeddedness.R&D Management. 2019.
[31]Feihu Zheng,Hao Jiao, and Hongbo Cai. Reappraisal of Outbound Open Innovation under the policy of China’s ‘Market for Technology’.Technology Analysis & StrategicManagement.2018.
[32]Chaoqun Zhang, Jingjing Guo, Xiaobo Wu, andHao Jiao.2018.Linking user interaction and new venture growth: the mediating role of new product development.Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. 2018.
[33]Dan Yang,Hao Jiao*and Roger Buckland.The Determinants of Financial Fraud in Chinese Firms: Does Corporate Governance as an Institutional Innovation Matter?Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2017.(* Corresponding author)
[34]Hang Wu, Jin Chen, andHao Jiao*. 2016.Dynamic Capabilities as a Mediator Linking International Diversification and Innovation Performance of Firms in an Emerging Economy.Journal of Business Research.2016.(* Corresponding author)
[35]JinChen,HaoJiao*and Xiaoting Zhao. Scientific Knowledge and Technological Capability: Managing Innovation in Biotechnology.Chinese Management Studies.2016.(* Corresponding author)
[36]Yu Cui, Jie Jiao andHao Jiao*.Technological Innovation in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS): An Organizational Ecology Perspective.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2016.(* Corresponding author)
[37]TangWang, DirkLibaersandHao Jiao*.Opening the Black Box of Upper Echelons in China: TMT Attributes and Strategic Flexibility.Journal of Product Innovation Management.2015.(*Correspondingauthor)
[38]Clive Muir,HaoJiaoand Yunxia Zhu. Talking Strategy: Does it Make Senior Managers Vulnerable?Academy ofManagementPerspectives.2015.
[39]Yunxia Zhu, Alison Konrad, andHao Jiao*. Violation and Activation of Gender Expectations: Do ChineseManagerialWomen Face a Narrow Band of Acceptable CareerGuanxiStrategies?Asia Pacific Journal of Management.2015.(* Corresponding author)
[40]WeiqiDai, Ilan Alon,andHao Jiao*. Financial Marketization and Corporate Venturing in China: The Impact of Provincial-Level Institutions on the Pharmaceutical Sector.Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 2015.(* Corresponding author)
[41]ZhongweiLuo,Hao Jiao, and Yangfan Xu. Tencent WeChat’s Micro-Innovation of Integration and Iteration under Technical Paradigm Transformation.China Economist.2015.
[42]Chuan Sun,HaoJiao*, and Yun Ren. 2014. An Empirical Study on Regional Informatization and Economic Growth in Japan: Based on Spatial Econometric Analytical Method. Sustainability.2014.(* Corresponding author)
[43]Song Zhu andHao Jiao*.Organizational Structure and Corporate Performance:Insights from 6065 Listed Corporations.Chinese Management Studies. 2013.(* Corresponding author)
[44]Hao Jiao. A Conceptual Model for Social Entrepreneurship Directed toward Social Impact in Society.Social Enterprise Journal.2011.
[45]Hao Jiao, dt ogilvie, and Yu Cui. An Empirical Study of Mechanisms to Enhance Entrepreneurs’ Capabilities through Entrepreneurial learning in an Emerging Market.Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 2010.
[1]焦豪、陳勁 譯,(英)保羅·特羅特(Pall Trott)等著,《創新管理和新產品研發》. 機械工業出版社,2020年。
[2]焦豪魏江 校,(美)麥可·A·希特(Michael A. Hitt)等著,《戰略管理:競爭與全球化(第12版)》. 機械工業出版社,2018年。
[3]焦豪魏江 校,(美)麥可·A·希特(Michael A. Hitt)等著,《戰略管理:競爭與全球化(第11版)》. 機械工業出版社,2016年。
[4]焦豪.《企業動態能力論:企業家的創新視角》. 北京師範大學出版社,2013年。






戰略管理(Strategic Management)
創新管理(Innovation Management)
人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)
國際管理(International Management)
創業管理(Entrepreneurship Management)
管理學前沿文獻導讀(Frontier of Management and Organization)
比較管理研究(Comparative Study in Management)
社會創業與社會企業(Social Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprise)




