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  • 書名:法醫學(第2版)
  • 作者:喬世明
  • ISBN:9787302366232
  • 定價:39.8元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014-6-27
  • 裝幀:平裝







第1章概述Chapter 1Introduction
第1節法醫學一般知識Section 1General Knowledge of Forensic Medicine
一、法醫學的任務Tasks of Forensic Medicine
二、法醫學檢驗的內容Examination Content of Forensic Medicine
三、法醫學的分科Branches of Forensic Medicine
第2節法醫學史Section 2History of Forensic Medicine
一、古代法醫學檢驗的萌芽Emergence of Ancient Forensic Medicine Examination
二、古代法醫學的成就及主要著作Achievement and Books of Ancient Forensic Medicine
第3節法醫學鑑定Section 3Medicolegal Expertise
一、法醫學鑑定簡介Introduction of Medicolegal Expertise
二、法醫學鑑定的歷史演變Historical Development of Medicolegal Expertise
三、法醫學鑑定的基本理論和方法Fundamental Theory and Method of Medicolegal Expertise
第2章死亡與屍體現象Chapter 2Death and Postmortem phenomena
第1節死亡Section 1Death
一、死亡的概念Concept of Death
二、死亡的過程Processes of Death
三、死亡的原因Causes of Death
四、假死Apparent Death
五、死亡研究的新進展Recent Research Advance about Death
第2節屍體現象Section 2Postmortem Phenomena
一、早期屍體現象Early Postmortem Phenomena
二、晚期屍體現象Late Postmortem Phenomena
第3節動物對屍體的毀壞Section 3Destruction of Corpse by Animal
第3章機械性窒息Chapter 3Mechanical Asphyxia
第1節機械性窒息概述Section 1Overview of Mechanical Asphyxia
二、機械性窒息的概念和分類Concept and Classification of Mechanical Asphyxia
三、機械性窒息的過程Processes of Mechanical Asphyxia
四、機械性窒息死的一般屍體徵象Postmortem Phenomena of Mechanical Asphyxia
五、機械性窒息的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Mechanical Asphyxia
第2節縊死Section 2Death from Hanging
一、縊死的概念Definition of Death from Hanging
二、縊死的機制Mechanism of Death from Hanging
三、縊死的繩索、繩套和繩結Ligatures,Loop and Knot in Death from Hanging
四、縊死的類型和姿勢Pattern and Position in Hanging
五、縊死的屍體徵象Corpse Signs of Death from Hanging
六、縊死的法醫學檢驗與鑑定Medicolegal Examination and Expertise of Death from Hanging
第3節勒死Section 3Ligature Strangulation
一、勒死的概念Definition of Ligature Strangulation
二、勒死的種類Types of Ligature Strangulation
三、勒死的機制Mechanism of Ligature Strangulation
四、勒死的屍體徵象Corpse Signs of Ligature Strangulation
五、勒死的法醫學檢驗與鑑定Medicolegal Examination and Expertise of Ligature Strangulation
第4節扼死Section 4Manual Strangulation
一、扼死的概念Definition of Manual Strangulation
二、扼死的方法Methods of Manual Strangulation
三、扼死的機制Mechanism of Manual Strangulation
四、扼死的屍體徵象Corpse Signs of Manual Strangulation
五、扼死的法醫學檢驗與鑑定Medicolegal Examination and Expertise of Manual Strangulation
第5節溺死Section 5Death from Drowning
一、溺死的概念Definition of Death from Drowning
二、溺死的機制Mechanism of Death from Drowning
三、溺死的過程和症狀Processes and Symptom of Death from Drowning
四、溺死的屍體徵象Corpse Signs of Death from Drowning
五、硅藻檢驗在確定生前溺水死亡中的意義Diagnostic Value of theDiatom Test for Drowning
六、溺死的法醫學檢驗與鑑定Medicolegal Examination and Expertise of Death from Drowning
第6節堵塞呼吸孔道所致窒息死Section 6Death from Choking as a Result of Clogged Respiratory Tract
一、閉塞口、鼻所致窒息死(悶死)Death from Smothering
二、堵塞呼吸道所致窒息死(哽死)Choke to Death
第7節壓迫胸腹部所致的窒息死Section 7Asphyxia due to Overlay
二、壓迫胸腹部所致窒息死的機制Mechanism of Asphyxia due to Overlay
三、壓迫胸腹部所致窒息死的屍體徵象Corpse Signs of Asphyxia due to Overlay
四、壓迫胸腹部所致窒息死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Asphyxia due to Overlay
第8節性窒息死Section 8Sexual Asphyxia
一、性窒息死的概念Definition of Sexual Asphyxia
二、性窒息死的現場和窒息方式Scene and Manners of Sexual Asphyxia
三、性窒息死的死亡機制Mechanism of Death from Sexual Asphyxia
四、性窒息死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Sexual Asphyxia
第4章機械性損傷Chapter 4Mechanical Injury
第1節機械性損傷概述Section 1Overview of Mechanical Injury
一、機械性損傷的概念與分類Definition and Classification of Mechanical Injury
二、致傷物概述Overview of Instrument Causing the Trauma
第2節銳器傷Section 2Sharp Instrument Injury
二、銳器傷的常見類型Common Types of Sharp Instrument Injury
第3節鈍器傷Section 3Blunt Instrument Injury
二、皮下出血Subcutaneous Hemorrhage
五、內部器官損傷Internal Organ Injury
六、常見鈍器損傷Common Blunt Instrument Injury
第4節火器傷Section 4Firearm Injury
一、槍彈創Bullet Wound
二、爆炸傷Explosion Injury
第5節機械性損傷的鑑定Section 5Medicolegal Expertise of Mechanical Injury
二、損傷著力點和作用力的判斷Injury Focal Point and Determination of Force
三、打擊次數和損傷先後順序的判斷Number of Strikes and Determination of Damage Sequence
四、生前傷與死後傷的鑑別Differentiation of Antemortem Injury and Postmortem Injury
五、人體損傷經過時間的推斷Dating of Wound
第5章高溫、低溫及電流損傷Chapter 5Thermal,Frostbite and Electric Injury
第1節燒傷及燒死Section 1Burn and Death from Burning
一、燒(傷)死的徵象Signs of Death from Burning
二、燒死的死亡機制Mechanism of Death from Burning
三、燒死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Death from Burning
第2節中暑死亡Section 2Heat Stroke Death
一、中暑發生的條件Conditions of Heat Stroke
二、中暑的機制Mechanism of Heat Stroke
三、中暑的臨床表現Clinical Signs of Heat Stroke
四、中暑的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Heat Stroke
第3節凍死Section 3Death from Exposure to Cold
一、影響凍死的因素The Factors Affecting Death from Exposure to Cold
二、凍死的死亡過程及機制Processes and Mechanism of Death from Exposure to Cold
三、凍死的徵象Signs of Death from Exposure to Cold
四、凍死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Death from Exposure to Cold
五、冷凍頭顱的合法性問題The Legitimacy Problem of Head Frozen
第4節電流損傷與電擊死Section 4Current Injury and Death from Electricity
一、影響電流損傷的因素The Factors Affecting Death from Current Injury
二、電流損傷的機制Mechanism of Current Injury
三、電流損傷的徵象Signs of Current Injury
四、電擊死的死亡機制Mechanism of Death from Electricity
五、電擊死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Death from Electricity
第5節雷擊死Section 5Death from Lightning
一、雷擊對人體的損害Bodily Damage due to Lightning
二、雷擊損傷的徵象Signs of Lightning Injury
三、雷擊死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Lightning Death
第6節其他物理性損傷Section 6Other Physical Injuries
一、電離輻射所致的損傷Injury Caused by Nuclear Radiation
二、氣壓異常所致損傷及死亡Injury Caused by Abnormal Pressure
三、雷射損傷Laserinduced Injury or Laser Damage
四、微波損傷Microwave Injury
五、超音波損傷Ultrasoundinduced Injury or Ultrasonic Injury
第6章猝死Chapter 6Sudden Death
第1節猝死概述Section 1Overview of Sudden Death
一、猝死的概念與特徵Definition and Characteristics of Sudden Death
二、猝死的發生原因Causes of Sudden Death
三、猝死的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Sudden Death
第2節心血管系統疾病的猝死Section 2Sudden Death of Cardiovascular System
一、冠心病所致猝死Sudden Death of Coronary Heart Disease
二、高血壓病所致猝死Sudden Death of Hypertension
三、心肌炎所致猝死Sudden Death of Myocarditis
四、原發性心肌病所致猝死Sudden Death of Primary Myocarditis
五、肺動脈栓塞所致猝死Sudden Death of Pulmonary Artery Embolism
六、主動脈瘤破裂所致猝死Sudden Death of Aortic Aneurysm
第3節中樞神經系統疾病的猝死Section 3Sudden Death of Disease in the Central Nervous System
一、腦出血所致猝死Sudden Death of Cerebral Hemorrhage
二、蛛網膜下隙出血所致猝死Sudden Death of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
第4節呼吸系統疾病的猝死Section 4Sudden Death of Respiratory System Diseases
一、肺炎所致猝死Sudden Death of Pneumonia
二、肺結核病所致猝死Sudden Death of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
三、支氣管哮喘所致猝死Sudden Death of Bronchial Asthma
第5節消化系統疾病的猝死Section 5Sudden Death of Alimentary System Diseases
一、消化道出血所致猝死Sudden Death of Alimentary Canal Hemorrhage
二、急性胃擴張所致猝死Sudden Death of Acute Dilatation of Stomach
三、腹腔內出血所致猝死Sudden Death of Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage
四、急性出血壞死性胰腺炎所致猝死Sudden Death of Acute Hemorrhagic Necrotic Pancreatitis
五、急性大塊肝壞死所致猝死Sudden Death of Acute Massive Hepatic Necrosis
六、中毒型細菌性痢疾所致猝死Sudden Death of Toxic Bacillary Dysentery
第6節泌尿生殖系統疾病的猝死Section 6Sudden Death of Urogenital System Diseases
一、尿毒症所致猝死Sudden Death of Uremia
二、羊水栓塞所致猝死Sudden Death of Amniotic Fluid Embolism
第7節其他自然疾病的猝死Section 7Sudden Death of Other Natural Diseases
一、新生兒猝死Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
二、免疫異常性疾病所致猝死Sudden Death of Dysimmunity
三、青壯年猝死綜合徵Sudden Manhood Death Syndrome,SMDS
四、抑制死Death from Inhibition
第7章中毒Chapter 7Poisoning
第1節概述Section 1Overview
一、毒物與中毒的概念Definition of Toxicant and Poisoning
二、毒物檢驗的意義Rationale of Toxicology Examination
三、毒物的分類Classifications of Toxicant
四、毒物作用的條件Conditions of the Toxicant Effect
五、毒物在體內的代謝Internal Metabolic Toxicant Effect
第2節中毒的鑑定Section 2Testimony of Poisoning
中毒案件調查與屍檢Investigation and Postmortem Examination of Poisoning
第3節一些重要毒物的中毒Section 3Poisoning from Certain Important Toxicants
一、氰化物中毒Cyanide Poisoning
二、一氧化碳中毒Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
三、巴比妥類中毒Barbiturates Poisoning
四、有機磷農藥中毒Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning
五、砷化物中毒Arsenide Poisoning
六、亞硝酸鹽中毒Nitrite Poisoning
七、甲醇中毒Methanol Poisoning
八、乙醇中毒Ethanol Poisoning
九、磷化鋅中毒Zinc Phosphide Poisoning
十、毒鼠強中毒Tetramine Poisoning
十一、蛇毒中毒Snake Venom Poisoning
十二、斑蝥中毒Blister Beetle Poisoning
十三、強酸中毒Acid Poisoning
十四、強鹼中毒Alkali Poisoning
十五、苯酚和甲酚中毒Phenol and Cresol Poisoning
十六、汞及升汞中毒Mercury and Mercuric Chloride Poisoning
十七、嗎啡類中毒Morphine Poisoning
十八、大麻中毒Marijuana Poisoning
十九、毒蕈中毒Mushroom Poisoning
第8章司法精神醫學Chapter 8Forensic Psychiatry
第1節概述Section 1Overview
一、司法精神醫學的概念和任務Definition and Tasks of Forensic Psychiatry
二、司法精神醫學鑑定Forensic Psychiatric Expertise
三、法律能力評定Legal Capacity Assessment
四、暴力事件與性別和季節的關係Gender,Season and Violence Incident
第2節精神疾病的症狀Section 2Symptoms of Mental Illness
一、感覺及知覺障礙Sensation Abnormal and Disturbance of Perception
二、思維障礙The Thinking Obstacles
三、情感障礙Affective Disorders
四、意志和行為障礙Mental and Behavioral Disorders
五、記憶障礙Memory Disorders
六、智慧型障礙Intelligence Obstacles
七、意識障礙Disturbance of Consciousness
第3節精神分裂症Section 3Schizophrenia
一、精神分裂症的臨床特徵Clinical Characteristics of Schizophrenia
二、精神分裂症的診斷Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
三、精神分裂症的司法鑑定與有關問題Forensic Expertise of Schizophrenia and Relative Problems
第4節偏執性精神病Section 4Paranoiac Psychosis
一、偏執性精神病的臨床特徵Clinical Characteristics of Paranoid Psychosis
二、偏執性精神病的類型Types of Paranoid Psychosis
三、偏執性精神病的診斷與鑑別診斷Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Paranoid Psychosis
第5節情感性精神障礙Section 5Affective Mental Disorders
一、情感性精神障礙的臨床表現Clinical Manifestations of Affective Mental Disorders
二、情感性精神障礙的法律問題Legal Problems of Affective Mental Disorders
第6節器質性精神障礙Section 6Organic Mental Disorders
一、癲癇性精神障礙Epileptic Mental Disorders
二、老年性痴呆Senile Dementia
第7節反應性精神病Section 7Reactive Psychosis
一、反應性精神病的臨床表現及診斷Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Reactive Psychosis
二、反應性精神病的司法鑑定Reactive Psychosis of Forensic Expertise
第8節精神發育遲滯Section 8Mental Retardation
一、精神發育遲滯的臨床表現與分類Clinical Manifestation and Classifications of Mental Retardation
二、精神發育遲滯的司法鑑定Mental Retardation of Forensic Expertise
第9節神經症Section 9Neurosis
二、抑鬱性神經症Depressive Neurosis
三、其他神經症Other Neurosis
第10節人格障礙Section 10Personality Disorder
一、人格障礙的形成原因Causes of the Formation of Personality Disorder
二、人格障礙的臨床類型與表現Clinical Types and Manifestations of Personality Disorder
三、人格障礙的診斷和司法精神鑑定Diagnosis of Personality Disorder and Forensic Psychiatric Expertise
第11節性變態Section 11Sexual Deviation
一、性變態的臨床表現Clinical Manifestations of Sexual Deviation
二、性變態的司法鑑定Forensic Expertise of Sexual Deviation
第9章墮胎與虐嬰Chapter 9Abortion and Mishandled Newborns
第1節妊娠Section 1Pregnancy
二、妊娠的檢查The Examination of Pregnancy
三、妊娠的法醫學鑑定Medicolegal Expertise of Pregnancy
第2節墮胎Section 2Abortion
一、合法墮胎Legal Abortion
二、非法墮胎(非法流產)Illegal Abortion
第3節虐待嬰幼兒Section 3Infant Abuse
二、虐待兒童綜合徵Child Abuse Syndrome
三、性虐待兒童Childhood Sexual Abuse
第10章法醫物證檢驗Chapter 10Forensic Physical Evidence Examination
第1節法醫物證概述Section 1Forensic Physical Evidence Overview
一、法醫物證的發現Discovery of Forensic Physical Evidence
二、法醫物證檢材的提取Extract of Forensic Physical Evidence
三、法醫物證檢材的包裝Preservation of Forensic Physical Evidence
四、法醫物證檢材的送檢Sent of Forensic Physical Evidence
五、法醫物證檢驗的程式和要求Procedure and Matters need Attention in Forensic Physical
Evidence Examination
第2節血痕Section 2Blood Stain
一、血痕的肉眼檢查Macrography of Blood Stain
二、血痕的預試驗Preliminary Test of Blood Stain
三、血痕的確證試驗Conclusive Test of Blood Stain
四、血痕的種屬試驗Species Test of Blood Stain
五、血痕的血型檢驗Grouping of Blood Stain
六、血痕的其他檢驗Other Tests of Blood Stain
第3節精斑Section 3Seminal Stain
一、精液的組成及理化性質Component and Physicochemical Properties of Semen
二、精斑的肉眼檢驗Macrography of Seminal Stain
三、精斑的預試驗Preliminary Test of Seminal Stain
四、精斑的確證試驗Conclusive Test of Seminal Stain
五、精斑的血型檢測Blood Typing Test of Seminal Stain
六、精液與陰道分泌液混合斑的檢驗Examination of Mixed Stain of Semen and Vaginal Secretion
第4節唾液斑Section 4Saliva Stain
一、唾液的組成Component of Saliva
二、唾液斑的定性試驗Qualitative Test of Saliva Stain
三、唾液斑的血型檢驗Blood Typing Test of Saliva Stain
四、唾液斑的性別檢驗Gender Examination According to Saliva Stain
五、利用唾液分析鑑定死者的年齡Age Examination According to Saliva Stain
第5節毛髮Section 5Hair
一、毛髮的結構及理化性質Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Hair
二、毛髮的一般檢驗General Examination of Hair
三、毛髮的鑑定Identification of Hair
四、毛髮的血型檢驗Blood Typing Test of Hair
五、毛髮的DNA多態性分析DNA Polymorphic Analysis of Hair
六、毛髮的其他檢驗Other Examinations of Hair
第6節骨骼Section 6Bones
一、骨的確定Determination of Bones
二、骨的種屬檢驗Species Examination of Bones
三、人骨的血型及DNA分析Blood Typing and DNA Analysis of Human Bones
四、根據骨髓細胞性染色體判定骨的性別Determining the Gender of Bones According to the Myeloblastic Chromatin
第11章DNA檢驗技術Chapter 11DNA Examination Technique
第1節DNA檢驗Section 1DNA Examination
一、DNA基礎知識Basic Knowledge of DNA
二、DNA檢驗的法醫學意義Significance of DNA Examination in Forensic Medicine
第2節DNA檢驗的基本方法Section 2Basic Methods of DNA Examination
一、DNA指紋圖技術DNA Fingerprint Map Technique
二、聚合酶鏈反應技術PCR Technique
第3節DNA檢驗技術的現狀Section 3Current Conditions of DNA Examination Technique
第4節DNA檢驗技術的發展趨勢Section 4Developing Tendency of DNA Examination Technique
第12章醫療糾紛與醫療過錯鑑定Chapter 12Identification of Medical Tangle and Medical Fault
第1節概述Section 1Overview
一、醫療糾紛的概念與分類Definition and Classification of Medical Tangle
二、醫療過錯的概念與分類Definition and Classification of Medical Fault
第2節醫療過錯的構成Section 2Component of Medical Fault
一、醫療過錯的主體Subject of Medical Fault
二、醫療過錯的主觀方面Subject Aspect of Medical Fault
三、醫療過錯的客觀方面Object Aspect of Medical Fault
第3節醫療過錯的鑑定Section 3Identification of Medical Fault
一、醫療事故鑑定Identification of Medical Accident
二、醫療事故的司法鑑定Judicial Identification of Medical Accident
第13章法醫學屍體檢驗Chapter 13Postmortem Examination in Forensic Medicine
第1節法醫學屍體檢驗的對象和類型Section 1Objects and Types of Postmortem Examination in Forensic Medicine
一、法醫學屍體檢驗的對象Objects of Postmortem Examination in Forensic Medicine
二、法醫學屍體檢驗的類型Types of Postmortem Examination in Forensic Medicine
三、法醫學屍體檢驗時的注意事項Considerations of Postmortem Examination in Forensic Medicine
第2節屍體的外表檢驗和解剖檢驗Section 2Appearance Inspection and Anatomy Examination
一、屍體的外表檢驗Appearance Inspection
二、屍體的解剖檢驗Anatomy Examination
第3節特殊類型的屍體檢驗Section 3Postmortem Examination of Special Types
一、無名屍體的檢驗Examination of Unknown Dead Body(Examination of Jane Doe)
二、碎屍的檢驗Examination of Dismembered Body
三、挖掘屍體的檢驗Examination of Excavated Corpse
第14章法醫學活體檢驗Chapter 14Biopsy in Forensic Medicine
第1節損傷程度鑑定Section 1Assessment of Injury Severities
一、損傷程度的分類Classification of Injury Severities
二、損傷程度鑑定的意義及注意事項Significance and Considerations of Assessment of Injury Severities
第2節勞動能力鑑定Section 2Identification of Labor Capacity
一、勞動能力和勞動能力喪失Labor Capacity and Labor Incapacity
二、勞動能力鑑定的標準Standard of Identification of Labor Capacity
第3節詐病及造作病(傷)的鑑定Section 3Identification of Fictitious Diseases and Artificial Diseases
一、詐病(傷)Malingering or Fictitious Injuries (Disease)
二、造作病(傷)Artificial Injuries or Diseases
第4節性功能狀態的鑑定Section 4Identification of Sexual Function State
一、性交不能的鑑定Identification of Apareunia
二、生育不能的鑑定Identification of Infertility
三、兩性畸形的鑑定Identification of Hermaphroditism
四、強姦案的鑑定Identification of Rape Case
第15章法醫人類學簡介Chapter 15Forensic Anthropology
第1節概述Section 1Introduction
一、法醫人類學的概念、相關學科及意義Concepts of Forensic Anthropology and Related Disciplines
二、法醫人類學研究方法Research Methods of Forensic Anthropology
第2節骨骼測量學簡介Section 2Introduction on Skeletal Measurements
一、常用測量工具及顱骨觀測平面Tools for Measurements and the Planes of Skull
二、頭骨主要測點Measurement Points of Skull
三、頭骨主要測量項目Measurements of Skull
四、部分體骨測量項目Measurements of Long Bones
第3節骨骼性別、年齡推斷Section 3Sex and Age Estimation
一、性別判定Sex Estimation
二、年齡鑑定Age Estimation
第4節骨骼種族推斷Section 4Estimation of Race
一、頭骨的種族間比較Estimation of Race by Skulls
二、其他骨骼的種族間差異Estimation of Race by Other Bones
第5節骨骼身高推斷Section 5Estimation of Stature
一、下肢長骨推斷身高Estimation of Stature by Long Bones
二、骨骼身高推斷其他方法Estimation of Stature by Other Bones
第6節人骨體質特徵簡介Section 6Physical Characteristics of the Human Skeleton


