



  • 軟體名稱:歐元匯率兌換
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:152.07KB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.0及以上
易貨幣,為您提供全球領先的貨幣匯率在你的手掌。您可以按匯率計算價格,並選擇自己喜歡的利率。 易貨幣是完美的,當你: - 去國外度假 - 在網際網路上購物 - 討論日元的速度與你的隊友 該應用程式包含後續的貨幣:美元,日元,保加利亞列弗,捷克克朗,丹麥克朗愛沙尼亞克朗,英鎊,匈牙利福林,立陶宛立特拉脫維亞拉特,波蘭茲羅提,新羅馬尼亞列伊1,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎,挪威克朗,克羅地亞庫納,俄羅斯盧布,土耳其里拉,澳元,巴西雷亞爾,加拿大元,中國億元人民幣,港元,印尼盾,印度盧比,韓國韓元,墨西哥比索,馬來西亞林吉特,紐西蘭元兌美元,菲律賓比索,新加坡元,泰銖,南非蘭特。 從歐洲央行的貨幣每日更新。 Easy Currency gives you the world leading currency exchange rates right at your palm. You can sort exchange rates, calculate rates and choose your favourite rates. Easy Currency is perfect when you are: - Going on vacation abroad - Shopping on the Internet - Discussing the rate of Yen with your mates The application contains the follow currencies: US dollar, Japanese yen, Bulgarian lev, Czech koruna, Danish krone, Estonian kroon, Pound sterling, Hungarian forint, Lithuanian litas, Latvian lats, Polish zloty, New Romanian leu 1, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, Norwegian krone, Croatian kuna, Russian rouble, Turkish lira, Australian dollar, Brasilian real, Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan renminbi, Hong Kong dollar, Indonesian rupiah, Indian rupee, South Korean won, Mexican peso, Malaysian ringgit, New Zealand dollar, Philippine peso, Singapore dollar, Thai baht, South African rand. Currencies are updated daily from The European Central Bank.


