



  • 中文名:樊耀亭
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1949年12月
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校鄭州大學


1976年鄭州大學化學系畢業留校任教。1978.10-1981.12 和1994.10-1997.12,分別在蘭州大學化學系和大連理工大學化工學院讀碩士和博士學位,分別獲理學碩士和工學博士學位;1999.01-1999.05,美國依阿華州立大學訪問學者;1992年晉升副教授,1996年晉升教授;2001年遴選為博士生導師;學術兼職:蘭州大學兼職教授、兼職博導。鄭州大學環境科學與工程研究中心主任。河南省化學常務理事,河南省環境學會理事,中國化學會會員,中國氫能學會會員。Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,Biomass & Bioenergy, Process Biochemistry, J. Solid State Chem.,Molec.Struc., J Coord.Chem.及《無機化學學報》,《環境科學》通訊審稿人。






主持國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫(面上項目)1項,國家自然科學基金面上項目4項,國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973計畫)前期研究專項1項,國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973計畫)子課題2項,高校博士點專項科研基金1項,此外,還主持河南省和鄭州市基金及科技攻關課題多項。獲國家發明專利授權3項,已在包括Cryst. Growth Des.,Bioresource Technology ,Int J Hydrogen Energ, ,J. Agric. Food Chem., J. Solid State Chem.,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,Environ Sci Pollut Res,Inorganica Chimica Acta以及科學通報等國內外有影響的學術期刊上發表論文116篇, 其中SCI收錄論文60餘篇.
1、De-Gang Ding, Ben-Lai Wu, Yao-Ting Fan*, and Hong-Wei Hou,Four Novel Metal Diphosphonate Compounds Based on 2-(1-Triazole)-1- Hydroxyl- 1,1′-Ethylidene diphosphonic Acid: Syntheses, Topological Structures, and Magnetic Properties,Crystal Growth & Design, 2009,9(1): 508-516. (IF 4.1)
2、Yaoting Fan,* Yiping Guo, Chunmei Pan, Hongwei Hou,Bioconversion of Aging Corn to Biohydrogen by Dairy Manure Compost,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2009, 48(5), 2493–2498
3、Degang Ding , Lixia Xie , Yaoting Fan *, Yuling Wang,Hongwei, Hou,Syntheses, crystal structures and electrochemical properties of Zn(II), Ag(I) and Cu(II) complexes based on 2-[(4,6-dimethyl- pyrimidinyl) -2-thio] acetic acid,Journal of Molecular Structure,2009, 919: 295–302
4. Pan CM, Zhang ML, Fan YT, Xing Y, Hou HW.,Production of Cellulosic Ethanol and Hydrogen from Solid-State Enzymatic Treated Cornstalk: A Two-Stage Process,J. Agric. Food Chem., , 2009,57(7):2732-2738. (IF 2.65)
5. Xing Yan, Ma HongCui, Fan YaoTing* Hou HongWei, CHen JingRun,Cellulose-hydrogen production from corn stalk biomass by anaerobic fermentation,Chinese Science Bulletin,2009,54(8) 1433-1441.
6.Yan Xing, Zhuo Li, Yaoting Fan*, Hongwei Hou, Biohydrogen production from dairy manures,Environ Sci Pollut Res,2009,DOI 10.1007/ s(IF 3.89)
with acidification pretreatment by anaerobic fermentation
7. De-Gang Ding a,b, Li-XiaXie c, Yao-TingFan Hong-WeiHou a, YanXua ,6. Syntheses, crystal structures and fluorescent properties of Cd(II), Hg(II) and Ag(I) coordination polymers constructed from 1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-acetic acid,Solid State Chem. 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2009.02.026
8. Yu-Ting Wang , Yan Xu, Yao-Ting Fan, Hong-Wei Hou Five novel transition metal coordination polymers with 2D/3D framework structure based on flexible H2 tzda and ancillary ligand bpe,J. Solid State Chem. 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2009.07.018 .
9. Chunmei Pan , Shufang Zhang Yaoting Fan *, Hongwei Hou , Jingrun Chen, Bioconver- sion of corncob to hydrogen using anaerobic mixed microflora, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.04.023. (IF 3.45)
11、Jin’an Zhao, Liwei Mi, Jiyong Hu, Hongwei Hou,* and Yaoting Fan,Cation Exchange Induced Tunable Properties of a Nanoporous Octanuclear Cu(II) Wheel with Double-Helical Structure,J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2008,130( 46)
12、ChunMei Pan , YaoTing Fan, Yan Xing, HongWei Hou, MaoLin Zhang. Statistical optimization of process parameters on biohydrogen production from glucose by Clostridium sp. Fanp2,Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99, 3146–3154.(IF 4.45)
13、ChunMei Pan , YaoTing Fan , Pan Zhao HongWei Hou ,Biological hydrogen production with Clostridium beijerinckii Fanp3 isolated from anaerobic sludge, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 2008,3 3, 5 3 8 3 – 5 3 91. (IF 3.45)
14、Chunmei Pan,Yaoting Fan,* and Hongwei Hou,Fermentative Production of Hydrogen from Wheat Bran by Mixed Anaerobic Cultures, Ind. Eng. Chem. 2008,47 (16), 5812–5818.
15、Yao-Ting Fan,Yan Xing,Chun-Mei Pan, HongWei Hou, Enhanced Cellulose-hydrogen Production from Corn Stalk by Lesser Panda Manure. Int J Hydrogen Energ, 2008,33, 6058-6065. (IF 4.45)
16、De-Gang Ding, Hong Xu, Yao-Ting Fan *, Hong-Wei Hou,Anion-dependent assemblies of two unprecedented copper(II) polymers withfour-fold screw axes and trapped sodium chains,Inorganic Chemistry Communications ,2008,11:1280–1283.
17、Yu-Ting Wang; Xiao-Qing Shen ; Yao-Ting Fan; Hong-Chang Yao,
Hong-Wei Hou ,Metal-organic Coordination Polymers Assembled from Divalent Transition Salts with a Flexible Spacer Ligand: Hydrothermal Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Luminescent and Magnetic Properties,Supramolecular Chemistry,2008 20:5, 501 — 515.
18、Mao-Lin Zhang, Yao-Ting Fan* Yan Xing, Chun-Mei Pan, Gao-Sheng Zhang, Jiunn-Jyi Lay, Enhanced biohydrogen production from cornstalk wastes with acidification pretreatment by mixed anaerobic cultures, Biomass & Bioenergy, 2007,31:250-254.
19、Yuting Wang, Linping Zhang, Yaoting Fan* , Hongwei Hou *, and Xiaoqing Shen,
Hydrothermal Syntheses, Structures and Properties of Five Rare Earth Coordination Polymers with (1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2, 5-diyldithio) diacetic acid.,Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2007,360,2958-2966.
20、 Lin Lin , Tian-Jiao Zhang , Yao-Ting Fan*, De-Gang Ding , Hong-Wei Hou,Synthesis, crystal structures and characterization of three novel main group metal diphosphonate coordination polymers of Ca(II), Sr(II) and Pb(II) with 1-aminodiphosphonic acid,Journal of Molecular Structure,2007,837: 107–117.
21、 Yao-Ting Fan*, Ya-Hui Zhang, Shu-Fang Zhang, Hong-Wei Hou, Bao-Zeng Ren,Efficient conversion of wheat straw wastes into biohydrogen gas by cow dung compost, Bioresource Technology,2006,97:501- 505 (IF 4.45)
22、 Yao-TingFan* ,Gao- Sheng Zhang, Xin- Yong Guo, Yan Xing, Mao-Hong Fan,Biohydrogen-production from beer lees biomass by cow dung compost,Biomass and Bioenergy,2006,30:493-496
23、De-Gang Ding, Ming-Cai Yin, Hui-Jie Lu, Yao-Ting Fan*, Hong-Wei Hou, Yu-Ting Wang,A novel copper diphosphonate complex Cu4(aedp)2(4,40-bpy) (H2O)4 with three-dimensional framework structure,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2006,179 :747-752
24、Yaoting Fan, Gang Li, Zifeng Li, Hongwei Hou, Hairong Mao, Synthesis, structure and third-order nonlinear optical properties of 1,3,5-triazine-based Zn(II) three-dimensional supramolecule, J. Molecular Structure, 2004,693,217-224
25、 Y.T. Fan, Ch.L. Li, J.J.Lay, H.W. Hou, G..Sh. Zhang, Optimization of intial substrate and pH levels for germination of sporing hydrogen-producing anaerobes in cow dung compost, Bioresourse Technology, 2004;91:189-193. (IF 4.45)
26、Synthesis, crystal structures, and third- order nonlinear optical properties of two novel complexes of H4edbbp with Zn(II), Cd(II),J. Mol. Struct.,2004, 707,153-160
27、杏艷,趙金安,樊耀亭*, 侯紅衛,含纖維素類生物質的生物制氫研究,太陽能學報,2006,27(7):656-660. 28、 杏艷, 馬紅翠, 樊耀亭*, 侯紅衛, 陳景潤, 秸稈類生物質發酵法生物產氫的研究,科學通報,2009,54(5):648-654.
1) 國家自然科學基金項目:
2、秸稈生物質發酵產氫系統底物鹽酸-混合酶兩步水解催化動力學及機理(90610001), 2007.01-2009.12
2) 國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目(973計畫)
6、973計畫前期研究專項:項目名稱:資源利用與環境安全的基礎研究(項目編號:2006CB708400);課題名稱:秸稈類生物質微生物高效轉化的基礎研究(課題編號:2006.B708407); 2007.01-2008.12
7、 973計畫子課題:項目名稱:高效低成本直接太陽能化學及生物轉化與利用的基礎研究(項目編號:2009CB220000);課題名稱:光催化分解無機鹽水溶液與直接太陽能制氫系統集成(農作物秸稈發酵產氫機理及其示範系統)(課題編號:2009CB220000);2009.01-2013.12
3) 高校博士點專項科研基金:


