

松居和(Kazu Matsui),1954年6月5日生於東京,為了成為小說家而移居美國,畢業於UCLA(美國加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校)的民族藝術專業。當代音樂界最著名的尺八演奏者,於1981年成立了“松居和project”,發行了11張專輯。




  • 中文名:松居和
  • 國籍:日本
  • 出生地:東京
  • 出生日期:1954年6月5日
個人專輯,1991年,1992年,1993年,1999年,2002年,2005年,“松居和Project”專輯,1981年,1982年,1983年,1984年,1985年,1986年,1987年,1997年(以下三張專輯為tribal三部曲系列),1999年,2001年,2006年,專輯《Bamboo 竹》的評價,



《Sign of the Snow Crane》(Sonic Atmospheres)


《Winter Blue》(Kazu Records)


《Wheels of the Sun》(Unity Label Group, Kazu Records)


《The Wind 》(Kazu Records)


《Bamboo 》(Kazu Records)


《The Stone Monkey 》(Kazu Records)



《Time No Longer 》專輯曲目:
Time no longerTime no longer
01. Overture (Rainy Moon) 04:59
02. Sunset And The Minstrel 03:57
03. Voice From The Dark 05:24
04. Dwarf's Workshop 00:53
05. Goblin Hunt 04:23
06. Father On (Song From The Prison) 06:34
07. Bonfire (Centerdance) 05:12
08. The Desert 05:22
09. Time No Longer (The Great Time-Giant Wakes Up) 04:31


《The Direction-West (featuring Carlos Rios)》
專輯曲目:1. Overture
The Direction-WestThe Direction-West
2. At The End Of The Alley (England, 1840...)
3. Then I Heard The Sound Of Rain
4. Fortune Teller
5. The Direction You Take
6. From These Hills
7. A Night Of The Great Canyon
8. Fiesta En Los Andes (Festival In The Andes)


《Standing On The Outside (featuring Robben Ford)》專輯曲目:
Standing On The OutsideStanding On The Outside
1. Standing On The Outside 4:55
2. Time Flies 4:17
3. Save Your Time For Me 3:35
4. Me On The One Side 2:43
5. Wheels Of Love 4:23
6. Tell That Girl 3:26
7. Illusions 3:13
8. Sunset Memory 4:33
9. Love's A Heartache 4:58
10. Sun Lake 4:55


《Is That The Way To Your Heart 》專輯曲目:
Is That The Way To Your HeartIs That The Way To Your Heart
1. Is That The Way To Your Heart
2. Mystery Girl
3. How To Handle Love
4. Let's Pretend
5. The Music Inside You
6. Song In Blue
7. Ariana
8. Romantic Notions
9. Fireflies
10. Don't You Know That
11. Break Away Gently


《Standing In The Wings 》專輯曲目:
Standing In The WingsStanding In The Wings
1. Don't Look Back (lead vocal: Chris Farren)
2. Standing In The Wings (lead vocal: Tommy Funderburk)
3. That Girl (lead vocal: Chris Farren)
4. Desire (Short Road To Heaven) (lead vocal: Chris Farren)
5. Doctor O'men (lead vocal: Tommy Funderburk)
6. Head Above Water (lead vocal: Tommy Funderburk)
7. Into The Nightfall (lead vocals: Chris Farren and Andrea Robinson)


《Marine Fantasia 》專輯曲目:
Marine FantasiaMarine Fantasia
1. Alone Tonight
2. Run
3. Marine Fantasia
4. Wind Crusing
5. Break The Lock
6. Sail Into The Sun
7. Ghost Of Atlantis
8. Gangama (Mother Ganges)
9. Everybody Wants To Fly
10. A Hundred Miracles (For Sarah)


《See You There 》專輯曲目:
See You ThereSee You There
1. Love Is Where You Find It 4:34
2. Love's Gone 4:25
3. I Close My Eyes 4:30
4. Castles 4:29
5. Afternoon Delight 3:45
6. Sentimental Slow Song 4:43
7. Midnight Shuffle 4:31
8. Silent Partners 4:10
9. Earth Beat 4:42
10. See You There 4:18


《Tribal Mozart 》專輯曲目:
Tribal MozartTribal Mozart
1. Kilamanjaro In B Flat
2. C Minor For The Orcas
3. Circle Dance, E Flat
4. G Minor Over The Mosques
5. Savannah In D Major
6. Tribal Mozart
7. Rainy G Minor
8. D Major Into The Forest
9. Through The Grasses With B Flat
10. Amadeus In The Mist


《Tribal Schubert 》專輯曲目:
Tribal SchubertTribal Schubert
1. Tribal Lullaby
2. Forest Trout
3. With Lotus Flower
4. Wild Rose of the Night
5. Tribal Schubert
6. At the Eastern Rim
7. North Sea Fire
8. Against the Wind
9. This Empty Sky
10. Steps into the Air


《Tribal Beethiven (Feat. 松居慶子)》專輯曲目:
Tribal BeethivenTribal Beethiven
1. Minstrel Steps - 5:35
2. Where Is Elise? - 4:39
3. River Soul - 5:18
4. Romance For Jacques Thibaud - 4:51
5. Horizon - 4:51
6. Blue Village Waltz - 4:25
7. Tempest, Read It! - 5:31
8. Moonlight - 5:19
9. Pastral Cloud - 3:59
10. Song Of Joy - 6:07


1. Love Is Gone (Jeff Day)
2. Sentimental Slow Song (Jeff Day)
3. Afternoon Delight (Michiru Oshima)
4. I Close My Eyes (Joe Curiale & Freeland)
5. Love Is Where You Find It (Barry Lee)
6. See You There (Jeff Day)
7. Romantic Notion (Jeff Day)
8. Ariana (Scott Martin)
9. Castles (Jeff Day)
10. Overture (Ken Ogasawara)
11. Standing On The Outside (Jeff Day & Robben Ford)
12. Standing In The Wings (Jeff Day)
13. Sail To The Sun (Jeff Day)
14. Sunset And The Minstrel (Brian Mann & Kazu Matsui)
15. Farther On (Danny O'Keefe)
16. The Direction You Take (Tetsuji Hayashi & Kazu Matsui)

專輯《Bamboo 竹》的評價

鋼琴與尺八的藝術——松居和《Bamboo 竹 》
專輯名字叫《Bamboo 竹》,竹心本空,簫聲也帶著寒竹的空寂。但是,那跳躍的鋼琴,分明是一個幸福女人才有的俏皮。所以,雖然是寒竹響空庭的冷寂意像,聽上去卻明明是幸福的天堂。
松居和最擅長的是尺八,說到尺八,我們不能不聯想到另一個尺八高手,那就是東風推出的《宙》這張絕美的好輯了。京田誠一的尺八高亢簫殺,而松居和的尺八更見婉轉柔和些,鋼琴,電聲節律也和尺八完美結合了。這輯里能看到松居慶子的名字也在CD封面裡,也確實能感覺到Keiko Matsui的神律鋼琴隱隱的自然合韻,也算是他們夫妻二人的完美共同傑作吧。
竹,給了人太多的憧憬,太多深刻的記憶,以及太多太多無奈的感懷。松居和是著名的尺八吹奏家,在世界範圍內都有一定的影響。松居和這名字可能對大多數人來說都比較陌生,事實上你肯定曾經聽到過他那獨特的尺八演奏,《燃情歲月》《蒙面俠佐羅》《太陽帝國》《勇敢者的遊戲》《紅場特警》等電影中都有松居和的配器演奏。或者你可能對尺八也不了解,事實上尺八是古中國一種竹製的簫,因身長一尺八寸而得名,又因出自唐代,故亦稱“唐尺”。大約是日本的鎌倉時期(1185-1333)傳入日本,並得到很好的保護與發展,而在中原則早已失傳。尺八音色與簫近似,卻比簫更富於變化,玩過真侍魂的人一定記得牙神幻十郎的那段背景音樂吧,濃烈的蕭殺之氣籠罩在一片蘆葦坡上,靠的就是尺八來撕碎這片冷靜空氣。松居和是有名的尺八吹奏家,在世界範圍內都有一定的影響,同時也是一名新世界音樂家,說起這專輯的鋼琴手也許很多人都聽過,傑出的smooth jazz音樂家松居慶子,鋼琴與尺八的對話,東西文化的碰撞與結合,二人一琴一簫互為知音,此等人生真是羨煞人啊。這張專輯不同於其他的尺八專輯,它的的配器十分豐富,很完美地將各個器樂連同電子樂結合在一起,聽起來很有新意。


