


  • 中文名:臨床信息管理碩士
  • 外文名:Master of Management in Clinical Informatics
  • 簡稱:MMCi
  • 校訓:Think Health be Visionary
  • 創辦時間:2010
  • 現任校長:Yonnie Butler
  • 所屬地區:美國 北卡羅來納州
  • 主要院系:所屬杜克大學福庫商學院


杜克大學臨床信息管理碩士(Master of Management in Clinical Informatics program, 簡稱MMCi)由杜克大學福庫商學院(The Fuqau School of Business)和杜克大學醫學院合作成立的一個醫療信息管理項目。該項目成立於2010年,是全美目前為止第一個頒授臨床信息的工商管理碩士。杜克大學成立該項目的初衷在於約50%的高速發展的職業和醫療保健有關,並且已經成為美國以及世界的主要驅動力。巨大的市場機遇要求高等學府能夠培養具有多方面的技能的和跨越眾多學科的專業人才。 
第一年MMCi招收了24名學生(共3名中國學生),2011招收37名學生(共1名中國學生),2012年招收了27名學生。大多都是醫學背景,也有少數的商科背景。這個項目的特點是要求學生必須在學習期間實習或工作,主要實習在Duke Hospital及SAS醫療機構。就業機會主要集中在IT directors, project managers, systems/application analysts, quality directors等。


1.Train informaticians and health professionals to thoughtfully apply technology in order to improve the performance of providers, payers and regulators; to enhance patient care; and to promote the translation of scientific discovery into clinical practice. 
2.Provide insight into the interaction and interdependencies of informatics, advanced analytics, process improvement methodology, and business management principles. 
3.Hone functional skills and the ability to think strategically in a global business environment, allowing the immediate application of new-won knowledge and skills. 
4.Enhance opportunities for professional roles in a variety of health arenas, from payer and health systems to biomedical research and development.Assist in building a network of national and global contacts.


MMCi 共設有兩大類課程,12門課(Management Courses & Clinical Informatics Courses),總計36學分。要求學生在一年之內完成。除此之外,學生還需要完成每學期一門的不計學分的倫理道德課程。上課形式為每兩周的周五和周六。


1. 企業戰略(Strategy) Students will identify business opportunities in dynamic competitive environments and develop the skills necessary to become effective strategy analysts. They will explore the complexity of analyzing competition and assessing strategy in an era of globalization and increasing uncertainty. 
2. 企業財務管理(Corporate Finance) This course examines important issues in corporate finance from the perspective of financial managers. The concept of net present value, suitably adapted to account for taxes, uncertainty, and strategic concerns is used to analyze how investment and financing decisions interact to affect the value of a firm. 
3. 決策模型(Decision Models) Students will explore the use of decision models to understand different business scenarios in order to make sound business decisions. The course introduces several commonly used modeling tools (decision trees, Monte Carlo simulation and optimization) and the art of modeling in a Microsoft Excel environment. 
4. 市場分析(Marketing Analysis) This course will introduce students to the principles, processes and tools necessary to analyze markets, including customers, competitors and their own companies (the 3 Cs) and to design optimal marketing programs via strategies for pricing, promotion, place and product (the 4 P’s). 
5.供應連鎖管理(Supply Chain Management) In this course, students will learn the basic facts and principles comprising the processes and activities involved with product delivery – from the extraction of raw materials, through transportation and processing, to the delivery of finished products to the customer. 
6. 管理及成本會計(Managerial/Cost Accounting) This course focuses on the design of management accounting systems for analyzing costs in the context of a firm’s business model, as well as the use of managerial accounting data in planning and controlling operations. 
7.組織設計與創新(Organizational Design and Innovation) Using information strategically to transform the delivery of care requires an understanding of the relationship between organizational design and processes. This course will explore how technology can be a catalyst for organizational change and transformation. 


1. 臨床信息戰略(Clinical Informatics Strategy) Health IT (HIT) solutions have been promoted as a means to reduce the cost and increase the quality of healthcare delivery in the US and globally. The question we try to assess in this course is how we can deploy HIT technology to achieve its promise. This question is addressed from a strategic rather than technical perspective in the class. First, we develop exploratory frameworks to help analyze potential for impact of IT implementation efforts: scale economics, network economics, and organizational innovation. Second, we assess the adoption of technology within existing organizations as well as barriers to adoption. Third, we explore the development of killer apps–how are health IT firms financed and what are successful business models and concepts. Overall, students should have a grasp of the potential for the technology to achieve the cost and quality goals that have been proposed, and the barriers to achieving this success. 
2. 商業醫療信息解決方案(Health IT Business Solutions) Healthcare is highly regulated and associated with special needs and risks not present in other sectors. The health information system industry echoes this specialization. This course will provide an overview of principles and concepts of information technology with a focus on healthcare systems used in the healthcare setting and the industry seeking to serve these uses. This course will assist the student in identifying the critical needs of the current health information systems including vendor and healthcare organization perspectives. The course will include an examination of electronic health records, current and emerging use of clinical information systems and applications in clinical health information systems, technologies that support health care information systems, and system design, implementation, maintenance and overview and their impact on organizational resources and efficiency. 
3. 數據、信息和知識的演示(Data, Information and Knowledge Representation) This course addresses different strategies for representing data, information and knowledge including description logic, information models, data elements, terminologies and ontologies. Emphasis will be placed on the data, information, knowledge framework for solving problems in health informatics. Both declarative and procedural knowledge acquisition, modeling, representation and use will be explored. 
4. 二次運用醫療保健數據(Secondary Use of Healthcare Data) Organizational decisions, including accreditation, quality management, and reimbursement would be improved by relevant, timely, accurate, and complete analyses of available data for decision support. This course is designed to introduce theoretical knowledge and practical skills to evaluate and conduct analysis for secondary data available in health care settings. Using epidemiology methods as a framework, students will learn how one can evaluate or conduct secondary data analysis. The course helps students to recognize the principles of epidemiology methods applicable to health services and outcome analyses, and understand the terminology and methods for research using secondary data. Threats to validity including selection bias, confounding, information bias, and methods for their control will be discussed in a variety of settings emphasizing practical considerations. 
5. 實習 (Practicum) Through a team-based project approach, this capstone course applies the core concepts of the informatics and management courses to a “real world” situation at Duke Health Technology Solutions or in a similar clinical environment. Students will explore the relationship between organizational strategy, implementation, and technical applications of health informatics. The practicum is arranged by the student and the student’s faculty advisor, and usually entails the student joining an ongoing real-world health IT project and project team, and requires a written, publication quality report of the practicum and related results. The practicum will be developed to encompass a work, internship, or independent study project. These projects extend beyond a single academic term, but must be completed within the duration of the MMCi 12-month program depending on the student’s course of study. The practicum assignment must be approved by the Program Director. Note: International students will do a year-long practicum that is based on a minimum of 2 days (16 hours) per week being actively engaged in a real world project. Practical work experience associated with the practicum may be paid or unpaid.Ethics Seminar Each term, a case-based ethics seminar will address ethical issues in health information technology. Topics may include the sale of prescription drug information; ownership of personal health records; data security breeches and organizational responses; health literacy; access to electronic medical records.


MMCi Association Fee
Graduate Student Activity Fee
Graduate Recreational Facilities Fee
Transcript Fee (one-time fee-1st year)
Pre-Term Fee (one-time fee-1st year)
Total Tuition and Fees
Estimate Books, Supplies, and Course Packs
Student Medical Insurance


