



  • 書名:材料力學
  • 作者:王開福
  • ISBN:978-7-312-02856-4
  • 定價:28
  • 出版社:中國科學技術大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年9月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝


本書是材料力學雙語教材,系統論述了材料力學的基本概念、基礎理論、計算方法和工程套用。全書由13章正文和4個附錄組成,正文內容包括應力與應變(Stresses and Strains)、材料的機械性能(Mechanical Properties of Materials)、桿的軸向拉伸與壓縮(Axial Tension and Compression of Bars)、軸的扭轉(Torsion of Shafts)、梁的剪力與彎矩(Shearing Force and Bending Moment of Beams)、梁的正應力與剪應力(Normal Stress and Shearing Stress in Beams)、梁的撓度與轉角(Deflection and Slope of Beams)、應力分析與強度理論(Analysis of Stresses and Theories of Strength)、組合載荷(Combined Loadings)、壓桿穩定(Stability of Columns)、


Chapter 1 Stresses and Strains
1.1 What Is Mechanics of Materials
1.2 Basic Assumptions of Materials
1.3 External Forces
1.4 Internal Forces
1.5 Stresses
1.6 Strains
1.7 Deformations of Members
Chapter 2 Mechanical Properties of Materials
2.1 Tensile or Compressive Test
2.2 Tension of Low-Carbon Steel
2.3 Ductile and Brittle Materials
2.4 Stress-Strain Curve of Ductile Materials Without Distinct Yield Point
2.5 Percent Elongation and Percent Reduction in Area
2.6 Hooke's Law
2.7 Mechanical Properties of Materials in Compression
Chapter 3 Axial Tension and Compression of Bars
3.1 Definition of Axial Tension and Compression
3.2 Axial Force
3.3 Normal Stress on Cross Section
3.4 Saint-Venant's Principle
3.5 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section
3.6 Normal Strain
3.7 Deformation of Axially Loaded Bar
3.8 Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Bar
3.9 Design of Axially Loaded Bar
3.10 Stress Concentrations
Chapter 4 Torsion of Shafts
4.1 Definition of Torsion
4.2 Twisting Moment
4.3 Hooke's Law in Shear
4.4 Shearing Stress on Cross Section of Circular Shaft
4.5 Nomal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section of Circular Shaft
4.6 Angle of Twist
4.7 Statically Indeterminate Circular Shaft
4.8 Design of Circular Shaft
Chapter 5 Shearing Force and Bending Moment of Beams
5.1 Definition of Bending
5.2 Shearing—Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams
5.3 Relations Among Distributed Load,Shearing Force,and Bending Moment
5.4 Relations Among Concentrated Load,Shearing Force,and Bending Moment
Chapter 6 Normal Stress and Shearing Stress in Beams
6.1 Types of Bending
6.2 Norreal Stresses on Cross Section in Pure Bending
6.3 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Cross Section in Transverse-Force Bending
6.4 Design of Prismatic Beams in Bending
Chapter 7 Deflection and Slope of Beams-
7.1 Deformation of Beams
7.2 Method of Integration
7.3 Method of Superposition
7.4 Statically Indeterminate Beams
Chapter 8 Analysis of Stresses and Theories of Strength
8.1 State of Stress
8.2 Transformation of Plane Stress
8.3 Principal Stresses for Plane stress
8.4 Maximum Shearing Stress for Plane Stress
8.5 Stresses in Pressure Vessels
8.6 Generalized Hooke's Law
8.7 Theories of Strength Under Plane Stress
Chapter 9 Combined Loadings
9.1 Definition of Combined Loadings
9.2 Stress in Bar Subjected tO Eccentric Tension or Compression
9.3 Stress in 1-Section Beam Subj ected to Transverse Bending
9.4 Stress in Beam Subj ected to Bending and Axial Tension/Compression
9.5 Stress in Shaft Subjected tO Torsion and Bending
Chapter 10 Stability of Columns
10.1 Definition of Buckling
10.2 Critical Load of Long Slender Columns Under Centric Load with Pin Supports
10.3 Critical Load of Long Slender Columns Under Centric Load with Other Supports
10.4 Critical Stress of Long Slender Columns Under Centric Load
10.5 Critical Stress of Intermediate Length Columns Under Centric Load
10.6 Design of Columns Under Centric Load
Chapter 11 Energy Methods
11.1 External Work
11.2 Stain-Energy Density
11.3 Strain Energy
11.4 Principle of Work and Energy
11.5 Castigliano's Theorem
11.6 Unit Load Method
11.7 Applications of Enorgy Methods
Chapter 12 Dynamic Loadings
12.1 Definition of Impact Loadings
12.2 Vertical Impact
12.3 Horizontal Impact
Chapter 13 Statically Indeterminate Structures
13.1 Concept of Statically Indeterminate Structures
13.2 External and Internal Indeterminacy
13.3 Force Method for Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures
13.4 Force Method for Analysis of Symmetrical Indeterminate Structures
Appendix I Geometrical Properties of Areas
I.1 First Moment and Centroid
I.2 First Moment and Centroid of a Composite Area
I.3 Moment of Inertia and Polar Moment of Inertia
I.4 Radius of Gyration and Polar Radius of Gyration
I.5 Product of Inertia
I.6 Parallel—Axis Theorem
AppendixⅡ Geometrical Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
Ⅱ.1 I-Steel
Ⅱ.2 Channel Steel
Ⅱ.3 Equal Angle Steel
Ⅱ.4 Unequal Angle Steel
AppendixⅢ Moment of Inertia and Polar Moment of Inertia of Commonly-Used Areas
Appendix IV Deflections and Slopes of Commonly-Used Beams


