

李燦鵬,男,雲南大理人,白族,1974年生,博士,雲南大學教授,主要從事分析化學、材料化學和食品及生物安全檢測方面的研究工作。迄今,在Chem. Commun.; Nanoscale; Biosens. Bioelectron.; ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.; Oncotarget; Anal. Chim. Acta.; Analyst; Sens. Actuator B-Chem.; RSC Adv.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; Food Chem.; LWT-Food Sci. & Technol. 等國際刊物上發表50多篇SCI論文, 其中第一或通訊作者41篇,中科院JCR1區論文19篇,IF>5的論文13篇,單篇最高IF=8.2(3篇),總影響因子超過140。論文被引用700多次,H指數為15。同時,在國家級出版社出版了3部教材,其中主編2部,副主編1部。獲得1項中國發明專利。主持3項國家自然科學基金,1項雲南省自然科學基金重點項目,1項國家科技支撐計畫項目子課題以及多項省級項目和橫向項目。現為雲南省中青年學術與技術帶頭人、昆明市中青年學術帶頭人、雲南大學東陸學者、雲南大學第三批青年英才培育對象、雲南大學青年骨幹教師。2016年獲得雲南大學 第二十屆伍達觀教育基金優秀教師獎和 “雲南啟迪杯”第二屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀創新創業導師獎。

擔任Biosens. Bioelectro.; Anal. Chim. Acta; J. Hazard. Mater.; Electrochim Acta.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; Food Chem.; Food Rev. Int.; Food Res. Int.; Molecu. Nutri. Food Res.; Biotechnol. Progr.等期刊的審稿人。


  • 中文名:李燦鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:日本國立鹿兒島大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:分析化學、材料化學



1995.09-1999.07 雲南農業大學食品科學部 本科
2000.04-2005.03 日本國立鹿兒島大學農學研究科 碩士,博士


1999.09-1999.12 雲南農業大學食品科學部 助教
2005.04-2006.03 日本國立鹿兒島大學農學部 研究助手
2006.04-2006.09 日本京都PharmaFoods Inter. Co., Ltd 研究組長


[1] 基於超分子識別的光/電化學/生物感測器的研究
[2] 新型功能納米材料在感測器中的套用研究
[3] 功能食品研發
[4] 食品及生物安全檢測




主要論文 (*通訊作者)
[1]. Hu, X., Liu, N., Yang, H., Wu, F., Chen, X.,Li, C.-P.,* and Chen, X.* Reversible ion transportation switch of ON-OFF-ON type by a ligand-gated calix[6]arene channel. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 3008-3011. (SCI, IF= 6.29, JCR1區)
[2]. Zhao, H., Liu, F., Lu Y., Jin, L., Tang, S., Zhang, Y.*, andLi, C.-P. * Ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of alternative cleavage and polyadenylation of CCND2 gene at the single-cell level. Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2019, 285, 553-561. (SCI, IF= 5.667, JCR1區)
[3]. Zhao, H., Liu, F., Wu, S., Yang, L.,* Zhang, Y.*, andLi, C. P.* Ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of Dicer1 3’UTR for the fast analysis of alternative cleavage and polyadenylation. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 4272-4282. (SCI, IF=7.233,JCR1區)
[4]. Zhao, G., Yang, L., Wu, S., Zhao, H.,* Tang, E*, andLi, C. P.* The synthesis of amphiphilic pillar[5]arene functionalized reduced graphene oxide and its application as novel fluorescence sensing platform for the determination of acetaminophen. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 91, 863-869. (SCI, IF=8.2,JCR1區)
[5]. Zhao, H., Yang, L., Li, Y., Ran, X., Ye, H., Zhao, G. Zhang, Y., Liu, F., and Li, C. P.* A comparison study of macrocyclic hosts functionalized reduced graphene oxide for electrochemical recognition of tadalafil. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 89, 361-369. (SCI, IF=8.2,JCR1區)
[6]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Ye, H., Zhao, G. Ran, X., Liu, F., andLi, C. P.* Insights into the recognition of dimethomorph by disulfide bridged β–cyclodextrin and its high selective fluorescence sensing based on indicator displacement assay. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 87, 737-744. (SCI, IF=8.2,JCR1區)
[7].Li, C. P.*, Tan, S., Ye, H., Cao, J., and Zhao, H.* A novel fluorescence assay for resveratrol determination in red wine based on competitive host-guest recognition. Food Chem., 2019, 283, 191-198. (SCI, IF= 4.946)
[8]. Tan, S., Han, R., Wu S., Liang H., Zhao, Y., Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* A novel fluorescent sensing platform for insulin detection based on competitive recognition of cationic pillar[6]arene. Talanta, 2019, 197, 130-137. (SCI, IF= 4.244)
[9]. Yang, L., Ran, X., Cai, L., Li, Y., and Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* Calix[8]arene functionalized single-walled carbon nanohorns for dual-signalling electrochemical sensing of aconitine based on competitive host-guest recognition. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 83, 347-352. (SCI, IF=7.5,JCR1區)
[10]. Yang, L., Xie, X., Cai, L., Ran, X., Li, Y., Yin, T., and Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* p-Sulfonated calix[8]arene functionalized graphene as a "turn on"fluorescent sensing platform for aconitine determination. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 82, 146-152. (SCI, IF=7.5,JCR1區)
[11].Yang, L., Zhao, H., Li, Y., Ran, X., Deng, G., Xie, X., and Li, C. P.* Fluorescent detection of tadalafil based on competitive host–guest interaction using p-sulfonated calix[6]arene functionalized graphene. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 26557-26565. (SCI, IF=7.5,JCR1區)
[12]. Yang, L., Fan, S., Deng, G., Li, Y., Ran, X., and Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* Bridged β-cyclodextrin-functionalized MWCNT with higher supramolecular recognition capability: The simultaneous electrochemical determination of three phenols. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 68, 617-625. (SCI, IF=7.5,JCR1區)
[13]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Li, C. P.,* Fan, S., and Li, B. Dual β-cyclodextrin functionalized Au@SiC nanohybrids for the electrochemical determination of tadalafil in the presence of acetonitrile. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 64, 126-130. (SCI, IF=7.5,JCR1區)
[14]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Fan, S., Deng, S., Lv, Q., Lin, J., andLi, C. P.* Label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on gold-silicon carbide nanocomposites for sensitive detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 57, 199-206. (SCI, IF=6.4,JCR1區)
[15]. Ye, H., Yang, L., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Ran, X., Wu, S., Zou, S., Xie, X.,* Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* A FRET-based fluorescent approach for labetalol sensing using calix[6]arene functionalized MnO2@graphene as a receptor. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 79350-79360. (SCI, IF=3.1)
[16]. Ran, X., Yang, L., Zhang, J., Deng, G., Li, Y., Xie, X., Zhao, H.,* and Li, C. P.* Highly sensitive electrochemical sensor based on β-cyclodextrin-gold@3, 4, 9, 10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid functionalized single-walled carbon nanohorns for simultaneous determination of myricetin and rutin. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 892, 85-94. (SCI, IF=4.7)
[17]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Li, Y., and Li, C. P.* Electrochemical simultaneous determination of hydroquinone and p-nitrophenol based on host-guest molecular recognition capability of dual β-cyclodextrin functionalized Au@graphene nanohybrids. Sens. Actuators B-Chem, 2015, 207, 1–8. (SCI, IF=4.8)
[18]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Li, Y., Ran, X., Deng, G., Zhang, Y., Ye, H., Zhao, G., and Li, C. P.* Indicator displacement assay for cholesterol electrochemical sensing using calix[6]arene functionalized graphene-modified electrode. Analyst, 2016, 141, 270-278. (SCI, IF=4.0)
[19]. Wu, S., Fan, S., Tan, S., Wang, J., and Li, C. P.* A new strategy for sensitive electrochemical determination of nitrophenol isomers using-cyclodextrin derivatives functionalized silicon carbide. RSC Adv. 2018, 8, 775-784. (SCI, IF=2.9)
[20]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Deng, G., Ran, X., Y., Li, andLi, C. P.* Immunosensor for prostate-specific antigen using Au/Pd@flower-like SnO2 as platform and Au@mesoporous carbon as signal amplification. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 74046-74053. (SCI, IF=3.3)
[21]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Fan, S., Zhao, G., Ran, X., and Li, C. P.* Electrochemical detection of cholesterol based on competitive host–guest recognition using a β-cyclodextrin/poly(N-acetylaniline)/ graphene-modified electrode. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 64146-64155. (SCI, IF=3.3)
[22]. Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., andLi, C. P.* A label-free fluorescent determination of Sunset Yellow in soft drinks based on an indicator displacement assay. J. Food Qual. Volume 2018 (2018), doi.org/10.1155/2018/6302345 (SCI)
[23]. Ran, X., Yang, L., Zhao, G., Ye, H., Zhang, Y., Fan, S., Xie, X.,* Zhao, H.,* andLi, C. P.* Simultaneous determination of two flavonoids based on disulfide linked β-cyclodextrin dimer and Pd cluster functionalized graphene-modified electrode. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 60775-60785. (SCI, IF=3.3)
[24]. Yang, L., Zhao, H., Fan, S., Li, B., and Li, C. P.* A highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for simultaneous determination of hydroquinone and bisphenol A based on the ultrafine Pd nanoparticle@TiO2 functionalized SiC. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2014, 852, 28–36. (SCI, IF=4.5)
[25].Li, C. P.,* He, Z., Wang, X., Yang, L., Yin, C., Zhang, N., Lin, J., and Zhao, H.* Selenization of ovalbumin by dry-heating in the presence of selenite: effect on protein structure and antioxidant activity. Food Chem., 2014, 148, 209-217. (SCI, IF=3.3)
[26]. Yin, C., Yang, L., Zhao, H., and Li, C. P.* Improvement of antioxidant activity of egg white protein by phosphorylation and conjugation of epigallocatechin gallate. Food Res. Int., 2014, 64, 855-863. (SCI, IF=2.8)
[27]. Li, C. P.,* Fan, S., Yin, C., Zhang, N., Du, S., and Zhao, H. Carboxylic silica nanosheets-platinum nanoparticles modified glass carbon electrode for pesticides detection. Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 1914-1921. (SCI, IF=1.8)
[28]. Zhao, J., Zhao, H., Wang, X., Huang, R., Enomoto, H., He, Z., and Li, C. P.* Characteristics and enhanced antioxidant activity of egg white protein selenized by dry-heating in the presence of selenite. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61, 3131-3139. (SCI, IF=2.9,JCR1區)
[29]. Huang, R.,Li, C. P.*, Chen, D., Zhao, G., Cheng, W., Zhang, Y., and Zhao, H.* Preparation of phosphorylated starch by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate and its calcium-phosphate solubilizing ability. J. Food Sci. & Technol., 2013, 50, 561-566. (SCI, IF=2.0)
[30].Li, C. P.,* Peng, J. L., Zhu, G. H., and Li, C. Micellar calcium phosphate-cross-linkage in donkey casein micelles. Milchwissenschaft, 2010, 65, 274-276. (SCI)
[31].Li, C. P.,* Peng, J. L., Dong, B. S., Zhao, H., and Ou, L. C. Formation of micelles and micellar calcium phosphate-cross-linkage in artificial buffalo caseinmicelles. Milchwissenschaft, 2010, 65, 432-434. (SCI)
[32]. Li, C. P.,* Chen, D., Peng, J., Enomoto, H., Hayashi, Y., Li, C., Ou, L., and Aoki, T. Improvement of functional properties of whey soy protein by phosphorylation by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol., 2010, 43, 919-925. (SCI, IF=2.2)
[33]. Li, C. P.,* Enomoto, H., Hayashi, Y., Zhao, H., and Aoki, T. Recent advances in phosphorylation of food protein: A review. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol., 2010, 43, 1295-1300. (SCI, IF=2.2)
[34]. Li, C. P.,*Peng, J. L., Ke, H. F., Chen, D. Y., Zhu, G. H., Ou, L. C., and Miao, Y. W. Micellar calcium phosphate-cross-linkage in buffalo casein micelles. Milchwissenschat, 2010, 65, 41-43. (SCI)
[35]. Li, C. P.,* Hayashi, Y., Enomoto, H, Hu , F., Sawano, Y., Tanokura, M. and Aoki, T. Phosphorylation of proteins by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate and some characteristics of introduced phosphate groups. Food Chem., 2009, 114, 1036-1041. (SCI, IF=3.1)
[36].Li, C. P., Akasaki, E., Zhao, Y. and Aoki, T. Micellar calcium phosphate-cross- linkage in yak casein micelles. Milchwissenschaft, 2006, 61, 288-292. (SCI)
[37]. Li, C. P., Hayashi, Y., Shinohara, H., Ibrahim, H. R., Sugimoto, Y., Kurawaki, J., Matsudomi, N., and Aoki, T. Phosphorylation of ovalbumin by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate: effect on protein structure and some properties. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2005, 53, 4962-4967. (SCI, IF=2.5,JCR1區)
[38]. Li, C. P., Enomoto, H., Ohki, S., Ohtomo, H., and Aoki, T. Improvement of functional properties of whey protein isolate through glycation and phosphorylation by dry-heating. J. Dairy Sci., 2005, 88, 4137-4145. (SCI, IF=2.2)
[39].Li, C. P., Ibrahim H. R., Sugimoto, Y., Hatta, H., and Aoki, T. Improvement of functional properties of egg white protein through phosphorylation by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2004, 52, 5752-5758. (SCI, IF=2.3,JCR1區)
[40]. Li, C. P., Salvador, A. S., Ibrahim H. R., Sugimoto, Y., and Aoki, T. Phosphorylation of egg white proteins by dry-heating in the presence of phosphate. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2003, 51, 6808-6815. (SCI, IF=2.1,JCR1區)
[41]. Umeda, T.,Li, C. P.,and Aoki, T. Formation of micelle and micellar calcium phosphate-cross linkage in artificial porcine casein micelles. Milchwissenschaft, 2005, 60, 372-375.(SCI)
[42]. Umeda, T., Li, C. P, and Aoki, T. Micellar calcium phosphate-cross-linkage in ovine casein micelles. Milk Sci., 2005,54, 63-68.
[43]. Enomoto, H., Li, C. P., Morizane, K., Ibrahim H. R., Sugimoto, Y., Ohki, S., Ohtomo, H. and Aoki, T. Glycation and phosphorylation of -lactoglobumin by dry-heating:effect on protein structure and some properties. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2007, 55, 2392-2398. (SCI, IF=2.5)
[44]. Enomoto, H.; Li, C. P., Morizane, K., Ibrahim, H.R., Sugimoto, Y., Ohki, S., Ohtomo, H.and Aoki, T. Improvement of functional properties of bovine serum albumin through phosphorylation by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. J. Food Sci., 2008, 73, C84-C91. (SCI, IF=1.6)
[45]. Hayashi, Y.,Li, C. P., Enomoto, H., Ibrahim, H. R., Sugimoto, Y. and Aoki, T. Improvement of functional properties of ovotransferrin by phosphorylation through dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2008,21, 596-602. (SCI)
[46]. Enomoto, H., Nagae, S., Hayashi, Y.,Li, C. P., Ibrahim, H. R., Sugimoto, Y. Aoki T. Improvement of functional properties of egg white protein through glycation and phosphorylation by dry-heating. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 2009,22, 591-597. (SCI)
[47]. Hayashi, Y., Nagano, S., Enomoto, H., Li, C. P., Sugimoto, Y., Ibrahim, H. R., Hatta, H., Takeda, C. and Aoki T. Improvement of foaming property of egg white protein by phosphorylation through dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. J. Food Sci., 2009, 74, C68-C72. (SCI, IF=1.6)
[48]. Enomoto, H., Hayashi, Y.,Li, C. P., Ohki, S., Ohtomo, H., Shiokawa, M., Aoki, T. Glycation and phosphorylation of alpha-lactalbumin by dry heating: effect on protein structure and physiological functions. J. Dairy Sci., 2009, 92, 3057-3068. (SCI, IF=2.3)
[49]. Enomoto, H., Ishimaru, T., Li, C. P., Hayashi, Y., Matsudomi, N., Aoki, T. Phosphorylation of ovalbumin by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate: Effect of carbohydrate chain on the phosphorylation level and heat stability. Food Chem., 2010, 122, 526-532. (SCI, IF=3.1)
[50]. Liu, Y., Wang, G., Li, C. P., Zhou, Q., Wang, M., Yang, L. A novel acetylcholinesterase biosensor based on carboxylic graphene coated with silver nanoparticles for pesticide detection. Mate.Sci.Engin.: C, 2014, 35, 253-258. (SCI, IF=3.0)
[51]. 李燦鵬*,陳德義,趙逸雲,青木孝良. 食品蛋白質磷酸化改性的研究進展. 食品科學,2009, 30, 252-255.
[52]. 成偉華,付國平,沙勐,趙改紅,李燦鵬*. 生物大分子的硫酸化修飾及其生物活性的研究進展. 天然產物研究與開發, 2012, 10, 1486-1490.
[53]. 李燦鵬,楊龍,龐芳,楊周,王光燦. 鈀-四氧化三鐵納米複合物生物感測器的製備及檢測有機磷農藥的研究, 分析實驗室, 2013, 32, 5-9.
[54]. 和智坤,趙改紅,李夢婷,王曉燕,李燦鵬*. 魔芋葡甘露寡糖的乾燥加熱硒酸化及其產物的抗氧化性. 食品科學, 2013, 5, 5-9.
[55]. 陳明勇,彭劍林,李燦鵬*. 雙團棘胸蛙(Paa yunnanensis)肌肉營養成分分析 與評價.雲南大學學報,2010, 32, 114-117.
[56]. 李燦鵬, 林葉子,榎元廣文, 八田一, 青木孝良. リン酸塩存在下での乾 燥加熱による食品タンパク質のリン酸化.多機能化. New Food Industry 2006, 48, 29-36. (日文)
[1] 張志勝, 李燦鵬,毛學英 主編. 乳與乳製品工藝學,北京:中國質檢出版社,中國標準出版社,2014.
[2] 李燦鵬,吳子健 主編. 蛋品科學與技術,北京:中國質檢出版社,中國標準出版社,2013.
[3] 劉紅英,高瑞昌,戚向陽 主編,李燦鵬 副主編,食品化學,北京:中國質檢出版社,中國標準出版社,2013.
[1] 李燦鵬、曾祥慧、趙 卉、朱光輝、李聰、歐靈澄。一種硒酸化多糖的製備方法。中國發明專利,已批准,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0094679.2
[2] 李燦鵬、成偉華,趙 卉、張媛圓。一種硫酸化絲素蛋白的製備方法。 中國發明專利,申請號:ZL 2009 1 0218244.6
[1] 2010年11月,入選“雲南省第十三批中青年學術與技術帶頭人後備人選”
[2] 2010年12月,入選“昆明市第八批中青年學術與技術帶頭人後備人選”
[3] 2010年12月,入選“雲南大學第三批中青年骨幹教師培養計畫”
[4] 2016年05月,入選“雲南大學第三批青年英才教師培養計畫”
[5] 2017年11月,入選雲南大學第二批東陸學者支持計畫


[1] 2016.11,獲得雲南大學 第二十屆伍達觀教育基金優秀教師獎
[2] 2016.06,獲得“雲南啟迪杯”第二屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀創新創業導師獎


[1] 國家自然科學基金“茶多酚功能化柱芳烴超分子自組裝體的構建及其對β澱粉樣蛋白纖維化的抑制作用”(21764005),執行時間:2017.1-2020.12。(主持)
[2] 雲南省基礎研究重點項目“基於超分子主體/金屬氧化物納米複合體系的生物感測器的構建及其在癌症非編碼RNA檢測中的套用”(2018FA005),執行時間:2018.1- 2021.12。(主持)
[3] 國家自然科學基金“基於超分子主體/鱗片狀MnO2納米複合材料的電化學生物感測器的構建及其在新型腫瘤標誌物檢測中的套用”(21565029),執行時間:2016.1-2019.12。(主持)
[4] 國家自然科學基金“基於硒酸化的蛋清蛋白功能特性改善及其機理研究” (31160334),執行時間:2012.1-2015.12。(主持)
[5] 雲南省重點研發計畫項目“食品安全快速檢測關鍵技術研究及裝備開發”(2018BC005),執行時間:2018.1-2021.12。(參加)(總經費600萬元,其中雲大經費60萬元)
[6] 國家科技支撐計畫項目“雲南天然橡膠產業關鍵技術研究與集成示範”子項目“橡膠籽油、復混肥、食用菌的研究與開發及低蛋白濃縮天然膠乳生產關鍵技術集成與產業化開發”(2011BAD30B00),執行時間:2011-2014年。(主持)
[7] 雲南省自然科學基金“基於硒酸化的乳源肽抗氧化性的增強及其機理研究(2012FB112),執行時間:2012-2015年。(主持)
[8] 雲南省科技創新強省計畫項目“雲南天然橡膠產業提升關鍵技術集成與套用子課題”. ( 2009AB001),執行時間:2009-2012年。(主持)
[9] 雲南省自然科學基金 “螺旋藻蛋白和多糖的磷酸化及多功能化研究”. (2007C155M),執行時間:2007-2010年。(主持)
[10] 雲南省教育廳基礎科學研究基金重大專項項目“魔芋葡甘聚糖的硒酸化及其抗癌、抗氧化研究”. (ZD2009002),執行時間:2010-2011年。(主持)
[11] 中華全國供銷總社合作社昆明食用菌研究所委託研究項目“低氟磚茶的研製(橫向)”,執行時間:2009-2011年。(主持)
[12] 雲南省熱帶作物研究所委託研究項目“辣木葉中辣木鹼(Moringine)的定量方法研
[13] 雲南省第13批中青年學術與技術帶頭人後備人才培養項目。執行時間:2010-2013年。(主持)
[14] 雲南大學第3批骨幹教師培養項目,執行時間:2010-2013年。(主持)
[15] 昆明市第8批中青年學術與技術帶頭人後備人才培養項目,執行時間:2010-2013年。(主持)
[16] 河口橡膠股份有限公司合作研究項目 “低蛋白濃縮膠乳的中試生產線建設”。 執行時間: 2013-2014年。(主持)
[17] 雲南省社會發展科技計畫項目“新型金屬-碳納米生物感測器的製備及其在有機磷和氨基甲酸酯類農殘檢測中的套用”(2014RA022). 執行時間:2014-2017年。(參加)


[1] 雲南省預防醫學會第二屆食品安全分會 委員
[2] 雲南省食品安全標準專家委員會 專家


