
李岩松博士,南京大學高水平人才計畫“登峰人才支持計畫”入選者。現為南京大學社會學院心理學系副教授,心理實驗中心主任。江蘇省心理學會普通和實驗心理分會委員,江蘇省心理學會認知神經科學分會秘書長,常務理事;中國神經科學會應激研究分會委員。李岩松副教授先後分別在德國馬克思普朗克學會-神經病理學研究所和法國國家科學中心攻讀博士學位和從事博士後研究工作。近年來,李岩松博士通過發展心理學,臨床心理學和實驗心理學的多個研究視角,並結合FMRI, EEG/ERP, TMS, 心理藥理學等腦成像研究手段,研究正常人和心理疾病病人社會行為的認知和神經機制,重點關注人的競爭,獎賞和社會決策行為。目前以第一作者和通訊作者在國際一流期刊發表若干篇論文,其中包括Brain,J of Neuroscience,Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience以及影響力極大的傳統心理學百年刊物Journal of Experimental Psychology: General。


  • 中文名:李岩松
  • 職業:教師



  1. Yi Zhu, Jiajie Wang, Xiaofeng Lv,Yansong Li*.Once failed, twice shy: How group-based competition influences risk preference in young children.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.2016. 145(4):397-401. (傳統心理學百年刊物,SSCI TOP 刊物) (通訊作者).
2. Yansong Li*, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, Jean Isnard, François Mauguière, Jean-Claude Dreher. The neural dynamics of reward value and risk coding inthe human orbitofrontal cortex.Brain.2016. 139 (4): 1295-1309. (IF=10.4) (第一作者和共同通訊).See the commentary article: Timing in the orbitofrontal cortex, Brain, 2016,139 (4): 1010-1013.

3. Guoliang Chen, Lei zhang, Weiyan Ding, Renlai Zhou, Peng Xu, Shan Lu, Li Sun, Zhongdong Jiang, Hong Cui,Yansong Li*. Event-related brain potential correlates of prospective memory in symptomatically remitted male patients with schizophrenia.Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.Accepted. (Q1分區:行為學領域) (通訊作者)

4. Yi Zhu, Guan Gan,Yansong Li*. The effects of intergroup competition on prosocial behaviors in young children: A comparison of 2.5-3.5 year-olds with 5.5-6.5 year-olds.Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.2015. 9(16), 1-8. (Q1分區:行為學領域) (通訊作者)

5. Yansong Li*, Guillaume Sescousse, Celine Amiez, Jean-Claude Dreher*. Local morphology predicts functional organization of experienced value signals in the human orbitofrontal cortex.Journal of Neuroscience.35(4). 2015. (nature index-自然指數刊物) (第一作者和共同通訊作者)。

6. Guillaume Sescousse,Yansong Li, Jean-Claude Dreher. A common currency for the computation of motivational values in the human striatum.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2014. (社會認知神經科學最好刊物)(2014年因子,7.4,五年因子:7.3)

7. Yansong L*, Guillaume Sescousse, Jean-Claude Dreher. Endogenous cortisol levels are associated with an imbalanced striatal sensitivity to monetary versus non-monetary cues in pathological gamblers.Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2014. 8(83), 1-8. (第一作者和唯一通訊作者). (最近被領域內一篇重要綜述列為所引用100篇文章里,重點推薦的5篇重要領域內成果).


1. 許鑫,朱毅,肖春曲,李岩松*.團體間競爭對兒童社會行為的影響. 2016.套用心理學.(約稿) (通訊作者)
2. 李岩松, 周仁來. 再認記憶雙加工的理論模型及研究方法. 北京師範大學學報 (自然科學版). 2008. 44 (3). (中文核心).


1. Ling Zou, Renlai Zhou, Senqi Hu, Jing Zhang,Yansong Li. Single trial evoked potentials study during an emotional processing based on wavelet transform. ISNN (1) 2008: 1-10. (計算機領域內的會議,被SCI收錄).


1. 2016/09/21-09/25. Understanding neuropsychological mechanisms underlyinghuman reward processing.中國心理學會生理心理學分會-專題報告,重慶, 中國.
2. 2016/05/26. Understanding neuropsychological mechanisms underlyinghuman social behaviorby combining neuroimaging methods with developmental andclinical perspectives: an integrated approach.南京大學附屬鼓樓醫院,南京,中國.
3. 2016/05/19. Understanding neuropsychological mechanisms underlyinghuman social behaviorby combining neuroimaging methods with developmental andclinical perspectives: an integrated approach.南京航天航空大學計算機學院,南京,中國.
4. 2016/01/06. Characterizing the role of the human orbitofrontal cortex in reward processing using an integrative approach combining intracranial recordings andfMRI.北京大學心理學系,北京,中國.
5. 2015/12/16. Characterizing the role of the human orbitofrontal cortex in rewardprocessing using an integrative approach combining intracranial recordings and fMRI.浙江大學心理與行為科學系,杭州,浙江,中國.
6. 2015/12/23. Understanding neuropsychological mechanisms underlyinghuman social behaviorby combining neuroimaging methods with developmental andclinical perspectives: an integrated approach.臨沂大學教育科學學院,臨沂,山東,中國.
7. 2015/12/05-06. Characterizing the role of cortisol in motivational bias toward gambling-relatedvs.non-gambling-related incentives in gambling disorder: Apreliminary evidence from a fMRI study with hormonal measurements.南京師 范大學心理學院,南京,江蘇,中國.
8. 2015/11/19. Understanding value signals for consumer behaviour in the human brain.南京大學商學院,南京,江蘇,中國.
9. 2015/10/28. Chracterizing the role of the human orbitofrontal cortex in reward processing.中國社會心理學學術年會-專題報告,重慶, 中國
10. 2015/08/01-/03. Chracterizing the role of the human orbitofrontal cortex in reward processing.大連理工大學生物醫學工程系,大連, 中國


1. 2015/01. Characterizing reward processing in healthy subjects and in pathological gamblers using an integrative approach combining intracranial recordings, endocrinology, fMRI and structural MRI. Neuroimaging ResearchBranch,National Institute on Drug Abuse (美國國家藥物濫用研究所), Jan 2015, Baltimore, USA (美國).
2. 2014/05. Characterizing reward processing and social decision making in healthy subjects and in pathological gamblers using an integrative approach combining intracranial recordings, endocrinology, fMRI and structural MRI. The Center for Adaptive Rationality (ARC),Max Planck Institute for HumanDevelopment (馬普人類發展 所), May 2014, Berlin, Germany (德國).


1. 11/06/2012. Yansong Li, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, François Mauguière, Jean-Claude Dreher. Reward risk coding in the orbitofrontal cortex: An intracranial recording study in humans. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Mapping, Beijing, China


1. May 11-13 2015. Yansong Li, Guillaume Sescousse, Celine Amiez, Jean-Claude Dreher. Local morphology predicts functional organization of experienced value signals in the human orbitofrontal cortex. The 5th Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, Paris,France

2. 08-12/06/2014. Yansong Li, Guillaume Sescousse, Philippe Domenech, Guillaume Barbalat, Jean-Claude Dreher. Cortical thickness abnormalities in pathological gambling: neural markers of vulnerability? The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg,Germany

3. 26-28/05/2014. Yansong Li, Guillaume Sescousse, Celine Amiez, Jean-Claude Dreher. Individual differences in functional cluster localization for primary and secondary rewards are predicted by local morphology of the orbitofrontal cortex. The 4th Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, Paris,France

4. 29-30/05/2013. Yansong Li, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, François Mauguière, Jean-Claude Dreher. Reward risk coding in the orbitofrontal cortex: An intracranial recording study in humans. The 3rd Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, Paris,France

5. 21-24/05/2013. Yansong Li, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, François Mauguière,
Jean-Claude Dreher. Reward risk coding in the orbitofrontal cortex: An intracranial recording study in humans. The 11th meeting of French Neuroscience Society together with German Neuroscience Society, Lyon-Grenoble, France.

6. 10-14/06/2012. Yansong Li, Guillaume Sescousse, Jean-Claude Dreher. Correlation between testosterone levels and reward-induced activity in orbitofrontal cortex in men. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing,China

7. 13-17/10/2012. Yansong Li, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, François Mauguière, Jean-Claude Dreher. Reward risk coding in the orbitofrontal cortex: An intracranial recording study in humans. The 42th Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, U.S.A

8. 10-11/05/2012. Yansong Li, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier, François Mauguière, Jean-Claude Dreher. Reward risk coding in the orbitofrontal cortex: An intracranial recording study in humans. The 2nd Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, Paris,France

9. 2007. Zhangjing, Yansong Li, Renlai Zhou. Asymmetry effects of viewing pleasant and unpleasant photographs with high arousal and low arousal: An ERP study. The 11th annual meeting of the Chinese Psychological Society, Henan,China

10. 2006. Yansong Li, Renlai Zhou. Asymmetry effects of viewing pleasant and unpleasant photographs on event-related brain potentials. The 1st Conference of Sino-Western Exchanges in Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing,China


1. 南京大學“登峰人才支持計畫”。

2、國家自然科學基金青年基金 初級和刺激獎賞整合對動機行為的影響。 2017-2019,20萬元。


1. 軍隊精神分裂症患者康復期認知功能損傷評定及其腦功能機制的研究, 全軍醫學科技青年培育項目 (項目號:14QNP006). (經費額度: 10萬). (執行期: 10/2014 – 10/2016).

2. 情緒對人的獎賞和風險決策影響的認知和神經機制的研究, 法國國家自然科學基金 (項目號:ANR-11-IDEX-0007).(經費額度:22萬歐元(約154萬人民幣)). (執行期: 09/2011 – 08/2014).

3. 賭博病人(pathological gambling)獎賞和風險決策的認知和神經機制的研究, 法國賽馬投注公司(PMU)資助項目 (經費額度:9萬歐元(約63萬人民幣)). (執行期: 05/2011
– 08/2014).

4. 法國政府前沿研究管理局資助的人腦結構功能建構和腦損傷修復(經費總額度1000萬歐元) (項目號:LABEX ANR-11-LABEX-0042). 參與的課題經費額度為47.5萬歐元(約333萬人民幣). (執行期: 01/2012 – 12/2020).



21/07-01/08 2014 International Summer School for Social Cognitive Neuroscience (ScONe), Triste, Italy

03-05/06/2013 CORTEX international meeting, Lyon, France

08/10/2012 1st CORTEX Workshop on Behavioral Economics, Lyon, France


05-06/2013 Statistical analysis using R in Lyon
Instructors: Dr. Ken Knoblauch
It is supported by Doctoral School "Neurosciences and Cognition”, Lyon,France.

25-27/04/2012 SPM EEG/MEG Course in Lyon
Instructors: Researchers in the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
It is supported by Lyon Neuroscience Research Center and Inserm, Lyon,France.

27/08-02/09 2009 Neuroanatomy Course in Nijmegen
Instructors: Researchers in Neuroanatomy Department
It is held by Division of Cognition, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour (荷蘭唐德斯研究所), Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.


