



通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北土城西路3號
所屬部門: 微電子設備技術研究室(八室)


1978-1982: 復旦大學物理系 半導體專業, 學士
1982-1985: 復旦大學物理系 表面物理專業, 碩士
1989-1994: 美國加州大學聖塔克魯司分校物理系 博士


1985-1989: 復旦大學材料科學系 講師
1994-2000: 美國nk科技公司, 研發部長
2000-2002: 美國耐諾股份有限公司, 算法研發部長
2002-2009: 美國nk科技公司, 首席科學家
2010- 中科院微電子研究所, 研究員,博士生導師


極大規模積體電路矽片光學測量與檢測技術研究和設備研製, 薄膜和關鍵尺寸光學測量


1. G. G. Li, Frank Bridges, and George S. Brown, “Multielectron x ray photoexcitation observations in XAFS background”, Phys
2. G. G. Li, F. Bridges, J. B. Boyce, and W. C. H. Joiner, “Local structure of Co and Fe substituted Yba2Cu3O7 studied by x ray absorption spectroscopy”
3. G. G. Li, J. Mustre de Leon, S. D. Conradson, and M. A. Subramanian,” Local distortions of the TlO layers in Tl based high temperature superconductors”
4. G. G. Li, F. Bridges, J. B. Boyce, T. Claeson, C. Strom, S. G. Eriksson, and S. D. Conradson, “Correlated local distortions of the TlO layers in Tl2Ba2CuOy: an x ray absorption study”
5. G. G. Li, F. Bridges, and C. H. Booth, “XAFS Standards: A Comparison of theory and experiment”, Phys
6. Guoguang Li, Shuqiang Chen, and Phillip Walsh, “Optical determination of pattern feature parameters using a scalar model having effective optical properties”
7. Guoguang Li, Shuqiang Chen, A. R. Forouhi, “System and method for measuring overlay alignment using diffraction gratings”
8. Guoguang Li, “Broadband optical metrology with reduced wave front distortion, chromatic dispersion compensation and monitoring”
9. Guoguang Li, “Implementation of Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis Having Improved Efficiency for Characterization”
10. Guoguang Li, “Method and apparatus for phase-compensated sensitivity-enhanced spectroscopy (PCSES)”


現任“45-22nm OCD檢測系統研發與產業化”課題負責人, 該項目屬國家科技重大專項“極大規模積體電路製造裝備及成套工藝”(02)。


