
李傳友,博士,教授(兼職),博士生導師,泰山學者優勢特色學科人才團隊領軍人才。1991年獲山東農業大學學士學位,1994年獲山東農業大學碩士學位,1999年獲中國科學院遺傳研究所博士學位。1999-2003年在Michigan State University DOE-Plant Research Laboratory從事博士後研究。2003年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,2004年獲 “國家傑出青年科學基金”資助。2015年入選科技部創新人才推進計畫“中青年科技創新領軍人才”。2015年入選泰山學者優勢特色學科人才團隊領軍人才。2016年入選中組部國家“萬人計畫”領軍人才。國家重大科學研究計畫項目首席科學家。


  • 中文名:李傳友
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:山東農業大學
  • 主要成就:2016年入選中組部國家“萬人計畫”領軍人才。


1991年獲山東農業大學學士學位,1994年獲山東農業大學碩士學位,1999年獲中國科學院遺傳研究所博士學位。1999-2003年在Michigan State University DOE-Plant Research Laboratory從事博士後研究。2003年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,2004年獲 “國家傑出青年科學基金”資助。2015年入選科技部創新人才推進計畫“中青年科技創新領軍人才”。





主要研究植物激素茉莉酸的生理功能及作用機理。以番茄為模式建立了用遺傳學方法解析植物對昆蟲和腐生型病原菌免疫反應途徑的研究體系;證明植物系統性免疫反應中長距離運輸的信號分子是茉莉酸而不是傳統認為的系統素,這是對本領域工作模型的重要修正。作為執行委員會委員和中方聯絡人參與組織實施“國際茄科基因組計畫”,完成了模式植物番茄的基因組序列分析。以擬南芥為模式研究茉莉酸調控植物生長發育和抗逆反應的分子機理,發現茉莉酸和生長素拮抗互作調控根尖幹細胞維持和根系可塑性生長的新機制;發現植物轉錄因子利用“activation by destruction”的機制調控免疫反應;揭示了轉錄中介體複合物在茉莉酸信號途徑中的功能及作用機理。在Nature, Plant Cell, PNAS, PLoS Genetics等國際著名學術刊物發表論文80餘篇。多項研究成果受到Nature Editorial, Science STKE, The Scientist, Faculty of 1000 Biology, 央視新聞聯播、央視新聞直播間、光明日報、科技日報、中國科學報等科技媒體的關注。


1. Zhai Q, Zhang X, Wu F, Feng H, Deng D, Xu L, Zhang M, Wang Q* and Li C*. (2015).Transcriptional mechanism of jasmonate receptor COI1-mediated delay of flowering time inArabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 27, 2814-2828.
2. Chen Q , Liu Y, Maere S, Lee E, Van Isterdael G, Xie Z, Xuan W, Lucas J, Vassileva V, Kitakura S, Marhavy P, Wabnik K, Geldner N, Benkova E, Le J, Fukaki H, Grotewold E, Li C, Friml J, Sack F, Beeckman T. (2015). A coherent transcriptional feed-forward motif controls auxin-sensitive PIN3 expression for lateral root development. Nature Communications. 6:8821. DOI:10.1038/NCOMMS9821
3. Li C*. (2015) Toward understanding the stem-cell origin and the molecular regulation of rice tillering. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 42, 47-48.
4. Zhou Z, Wu Y, Yang Y, Du M, Zhang X, Guo Y, Li C and Zhou J. (2015). An Arabidopsis plasma membrane proton ATPase modulates JA signaling and is exploited by the Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrB for stomatal invasion. The Plant Cell. 27, 2032-2041.
5. Du M, Zhai Q, Deng L, Li S, Li H, Yan L, Zhuo Huang Z, Wang B, Jiang H, Huang T, Li C-B, Wei J, Kang K, Li J and Li C*. (2014). Closely-related NAC transcription factors of tomato differentially regulate stomatal closure and re-opening during pathogen attack. The Plant Cell. 26, 3167-3184.
6. Song S, Huang H, Gao H, Wang J, Wu D, Liu X, Yang S, Zhai Q, Li C, Qi T and Xie D. (2014). Interaction of MYC2 with EIN3 modulates antagonism between jasmonate and ethylene signaling. The Plant Cell. 26, 263-279.
7. Du L, Li N, Chen L, Xu Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Li C and Li Y. (2014). The ubiquitin receptor DA1 controls seed size by modulating the stability of the ubiquitin-specific protease UBP15/SOD2 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 26, 665-677.
8. Xu Y, Zhang S, Guo H, Wang S, Xu L, Li C, Qian Q, Chen F, Geisler M, Qi Y, Jiang D. (2014). OsABCB14 functions in auxin transport and iron homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa. L). The Plant Journal. 79, 106-117.
9. Wang S, Xu Y, Li Z, Zhang S, Li C, Qian Q, Jiang D,Qi Y. (2014). OsMOGS is required for N-glycan formation and auxin-mediated root development in rice.The Plant Journal. 78, 632-645.
10. Kang J, Yu H, Tian C, Zhou W, Li C, Jiao Y, Liu D. (2014). Suppression of photosynthetic gene expression in roots is required for sustained root growth under phosphate deficiency. Plant Physiology. 165, 1156-1170.
11. Zhang G, Li S, Wang L, Ye W, Zeng D, Rao Y, Peng Y, Hu J, Yang Y, Xu J, Ren D, Gao Z, Zhu L, Dong G, Hu X, Yan M, Guo L, Li C and Qian Q. (2014). LSCHL4 from japonica cultivar, which is allelic to NAL1, increases yield of indica super rice 93-11. Molecular Plant. 7, 1350-1364.
12. Song Y, Ye M, Li C, He X, Zhu, Wang R, Su Y, Luo S & Zeng R. (2014). Hijacking common mycorrhizal networks for herbivore-induced defence signal transfer between tomato plants. Scientific Reports. 4, 3915.
13. Yan L, Zhai Q, Wei J, Li S, Wang B, Huang T, Du M, Sun J, Kang L, Li C-B and Li C*. (2013). Role of tomato lipoxygenase D in wound-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and plant immunity to insect herbivores. PLoS Genetics. 9, e1003964.
14. Yu X, Pasternak T, Eiblmeier M, Ditengou F, Kochersperger P, Sun J, Wang H, Rennenberg H, Teale W, Paponov I, Zhou W, Li C, Li X, and Palme K. (2013). Plastid-localized GR2-controlled glutathione redox status is essential for Arabidopsis root apical meristem maintenance. The Plant Cell. 25, 4451-4468.
15. Sun J, Qi L, Li, Y, Zhai Q and Li C*. (2013). PIF4 and PIF5 link blue light and auxin to regulate the phototropic response in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 25, 2102-2114.
16. Zhai Q, Yan L,Tan D, Chen R, Sun J, Gao L, Dong M-Q, WangY and Li C*. (2013). Phosphorylation-coupled proteolysis of the transcription factor MYC2 is important for jasmonate-signaled plant immunity. PLoS Genetics. 9, e1003422.
17. Li S, Zhao B, Yuan D, Duan M, Qian Q, Tang L, Wang B, Liu X, Zhang J, Wang J, Sun J, Liu Z, Feng Y, Yuan L and Li C*. (2013). The rice zinc finger protein DST enhances grain production through controlling Gn1a/OsCKX2 expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110, 3167-3172.
18. Wang C, Yan X, Chen Q, Jiang N, Fu W, Ma B, Liu J, Li C, Bednarek S, and Pan J. (2013). Clathrin light chains regulate clathrin-mediated trafficking, auxin signaling, and development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 25, 499-516.


