


  • 中文名:曹莉華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 性別:女
  • 政治面貌:民眾


1986.8—1993.4西北核技術研究所 助理研究員,研究實習員。






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Li-Hua Cao, Wei Yu,Han Xu, Chun-Yang Zheng,Zhan-Jun Liu , Bin Li, and A. Bogaerts , Terahertz Radiation from Oscillating Electrons in Laser-Induced Wake Fields, Phys. Rev. E 70 ,046408(2004). Lihua Cao,Wei Yu,Han Xu,Chunyang Zheng,Zhanjun Liu and Bin Li, Electron acceleration by the short pulse laser in inhomogeneous underdense plasmas, J. Plasma Physics 70,625(2004).
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Lihua Cao, Wenwei Chang, Zongwu Yue, Particle simulation and electron heating effects in plasmas produced by laser pulse, Phys. Plasmas 5,499(1998).
A.L. Lei, L. H. Cao, X. Q. Yang, K. A. Tanaka, R. Kodama, X. T. He, K. Mima,T. Nakamura, T. Norimatsu, W. Yu, and W. Y. Zhang, Guiding and confining fast electrons by transient electric and magnetic fields with a plasma inverse cone, Phys. Plasmas 16, 020702(2009).
W. YU, L. CAO, M.Y. YU, H. CAI, H. XU, X. YANG, A. LEI, K.A. TANAKA,AND R. KODAMA,Plasma Channeling by Multiple Short-Pulse Lasers, Laser and Particle Beam 27, 109(2009).
Wei Yu, L.H. Cao, H. Xu, A.L. Lei, et al, Plasma hole boring by multiply short-pulse lasers,Journal of Physics, Conference series 112, 022100(2008).
Wei Yu, Lihua Cao, M. Y. Yu, A. L. Lei, Z. M. Sheng, H. B. Cai, K. Mima, and X. T. He, Focusing of intense laser pulse by a hollow cone, Laser and Particle Beam( 2010,accepted).
J. H. Bin, A. L. Lei, L. H. Cao, X. Q. Yang, L. G. Huang, M. Y. Yu, and Wei Yu,Influence of the target front-surface curvature on proton acceleration in laser-foil interaction, Phys. Plasmas 16, 043109(2009).


