


  • 中文名:曹毅
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 主要成就:國家自然科學基金面上項目
  • 代表作品:Nature Materials


University of British Columbia,化學系,博士(導師:Hongbin Li教授),2004.9-2009.4
南京大學,化學化工學院,本科 (導師:全一武、陳慶民教授),1997.9-2001.6


南京大學物理學院教授, 2010.5至今
University of British Columbia,化學系,博士後 2009.5-2010.4


國家自然科學基金面上項目彈性蛋白力學構造的單分子研究 (2011-2013);蛋白質摺疊的單分子力譜研究(2012-2014);新世紀人才支持計畫(2011-2013)


1. “How Do Proteins Unfold upon Adsorption on Nanoparticle Surfaces?” Pan, H, Qin, M, Meng, W, Cao, Y*, Wang, W* (2012) Langmuir. [Epub ahead of print]
2. “A versatile "multiple fishhooks" approach for the study of ligand-receptor interactions using single molecule atomic force microscopy.” Han, X, Qin, M, Pan, H, Cao, Y*, Wang, W* (2012) Langmuir 28:10020-5.
3. “Single-molecule experiments reveal the flexibility of a Per-ARNT-Sim domain and the kinetic partitioning in the unfolding pathway under force” Gao X, Qin, M, Yin, PG, Liang, JY, Wang, J, Cao, Y*, Wang, W* (2012) Biophysical Journal 102:2149-57.
4. “Low folding cooperativity of Hp35 revealed by single-molecule force spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation” Lv, CM, Tan, C, Qin, M., Zou, DW, Cao, Y*, Wang, W* (2012) Biophysical Journal 102:1944-51.
5. “A genetically encoded copper(I) sensor based on engineered structural distortion of EGFP.” Liang, J, Qin, M, Xu, R, Gao, X, Shen, Y, Xu, Q, Cao, Y*, Wang, W* (2012) Chemical Communications 48:3890-2
6. “Designed biomaterials to mimic the mechanical properties of muscles” Lv, S, Dudek, DM, Cao, Y, Balamurali, MM, Gosline, J, Li, HB (2010) Nature 465: 69-73
7. “Single molecule force spectroscopy reveals engineered metal chelation is a general approach to enhance mechanical stability of proteins” Cao, Y, Yoo, T, Li, HB (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 11152-11157.
8. “Engineered elastomeric proteins with dual elasticity can be controlled by a molecular regulator” Cao, Y, Li, HB (2008) Nature Nanotechnology 3: 512-516.
9. “A functional single-molecule binding assay via force spectroscopy” Cao, Y, Balamurali, MM, Sharma, D, Li, HB (2007) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104:15677-15681.
10.“Polyprotein of GB1 is an ideal artificial elastomeric protein” Cao, Y, Li, HB (2007) Nature Materials6: 109-114.


