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  • 中文名:張東
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:通信與信息系統
  • 任職院校:中山大學









1. 信息隱藏技術安全性若干關鍵問題研究, 主持人,中央高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師培養項目(12lgpy37),2012.01-2014.12.( the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (nos.12lgpy37)
2. 基於自然圖像模型的信息隱藏安全性和攻擊算法研究,主持人,國家自然科學基金(青年基金),(61100170),2012.01-2014.12. (the National Science Foundation of China under Grant (nos.61100170)).
3. 數字圖象被動取證中若干關鍵技術的研究(nos. 61379156),參與人,國家自然科學基金, 2013.8.15-2017.12.31.
4. 數字圖像被動取證關鍵技術研究(S2012020011114),廣東省自然科學基金重點項目,參與人,2012.10.09-2015.10.15.
5. 基於模型的魯棒和安全水印關鍵技術研究,參與人,廣東省自然科學基金(7003722),2008.1-2009.12,結題.
6. 基於模型的魯棒和安全水印新方法研究,參與人,國家自然科學基金(60773200),2008.1-2008.12,結題.
7. 基於通用解碼的抗幾何攻擊水印方法及相關安全性問題研究,參與人,國家自然科學基金(60970145),2010.1-2012.12,結題.
8. 阿爾法磁譜儀(AMS)軌跡探測器熱控制系統的研製(TTCS)—電子子系統,參與人,2003年國際科技合作重點項目計畫,廣東省人民政府科技專項和科技部國際科技合作重點項目計畫(2003DF000050).


1. D. Zhang,K.D. Lillywhite, D.J. Lee, andB.J. Tippetts, “Automated fish taxonomy using Evolution-COnstructed features for invasive species removal,“Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 18/2. P. 451-459, May 2015. (SCI)
2. D. Zhang,D.J. Lee,B.J. Tippetts, K.D. Lillywhite,“Date quality evaluation using short-wave infrared imaging,” Journal of Food Engineering, 141, 74–84, Elsevier, 2014. (SCI)
3. D. Zhang,D.J. Lee,B.J. Tippetts, K.D. Lillywhite,“Date maturity and quality evaluation using color distribution analysis and back projection,” Journal of Food Engineering,131, 161-169, Elsevier, June 2014. (SCI)
4. D. Zhang, D.J. Lee, A. Desai, “Color back projection for date maturity evaluation," Proc. SPIE9025, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXXI: Algorithms and Techniques, 90250Y (February 3, 2014) (EI)
5. D. Zhang, D.J. Lee, A. Desai, “Using short-wave infrared imaging for fruit quality evaluation," Proc. SPIE9025, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXXI: Algorithms and Techniques, 90250B (February 3, 2014); (EI)
6. D. Zhang,D.J. Lee, Y.P. Chang, "A new profile shape matching stereo vision algorithm for real-time human pose and hand gesture recognition,”International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(16) 1-12, 2014. (SCI)
7. D. Zhang,K.D. Lillywhite, D.J. Lee, andB.J. Tippetts, “Automatic shrimp shape grading using evolution constructed features,”Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 100 (2014), pp. 116-122, Elsevier, Jan 2014. (SCI).
8. D. Zhang, D. J. Lee, B. Taylor, “Seeing Eye Phone: a smart phone-based indoor localization and guidance system for the visually impaired,” Machine Vision and Applications, 25(3), 811-822, 2014. (SCI)
9. D. Zhang,K.D. Lillywhite, D.J. Lee, B.J. Tippetts, “Automated apple stem end and calyx detection using evolution-constructed features,” Journal of Food Engineering,119(3),411-418, Elsevier, December 2013. (SCI)
10. D. Zhang, D. J. Lee, “Security of CASS data hiding scheme under the scenarios of KMA and WOA,” IEEE 2012 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), March 25-30, 2012, Kyoto, Japan. (EI)
11. D. Zhang, J. Q. Ni, Q. P. Zeng, D. J. Lee, J. W. Huang, “Security analysis of ISS watermarking using natural scene statistics,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6387, Information Hiding, (IH2010), pp. 235-248. (EI)
12. 張東, 倪江群, 李大捷. 基於GSM模型的擴頻水印安全性分析. 自動化學報,35(7): 841-850, 2009年.(EI)
13. D. Zhang, J. Q. Ni, D. J. Lee, J. W. Huang, “GSM based security analysis for Add-SS watermarking,” Digital Watermarking, the 7th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, IWDW2008. Lecture Notes on Computer Science 5450, Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg 2009, pp. 313-326. (EI)
14. D. Zhang, J. Q. Ni, D. J. Lee, “Security analysis for Spread-Spectrum watermarking incorporating statistics of natural images.” Advances in Visual Computing, the 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5359. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2008, pp.400-409. (EI)


