
張文星:男,電子科技大學副教授。研究方向: 凸最佳化 變分不等式及其套用.



·2014/02-2015/02 土魯斯大學(ITAV-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, France) 博士後(Post-doc.)
·2009/09-2012/06 南京大學數學系(Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University) 博士(Ph. D)
·2006/09-2009/06 南京師範大學數學科學學院(School of Mathematical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University) 碩士(M. Sc)
·2002/09-2006/06 山東師範大學數學科學學院(Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University) 本科(B. Sc


[1]P. Escande, P. Weiss, and W.X. Zhang, A variational model for multiplicative structured noise removal, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, to appear,
[2]Y.H. Dai, D.R. Han, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, A sequential updating scheme of Lagrange multiplier for separable convex programming, Mathematics of Computation, 86 (2017) 315-343
[3]W.X. Zhang, J. Fehrenbach, A. Desmaison, V. Lobjois, B. Ducommun, and P. Weiss, Structure tensor based analysis of cells and nuclei organization in tissues, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(1) (2016) 294-306
[4]D.R. Han, W.W. Kong, and W.X. Zhang, A partial splitting augmented Lagrangian method for low-patch-rank image decomposition, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,51(1) (2015) 145-160
[5]D.R. Han, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang,An augmented Lagrangian based parallel splitting method for separable convex minimization withapplications to image processing, Mathematics of Computation,83(289), (2014), 2263–2291
[6]W.X. Zhang, D.R. Han, and Z.B. Li, A self-adaptive projection method for multiple-sets split feasibility problem,Inverse Problems, 25, (2009) 115001
[7]M.K. Ng, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, A coupled variational image decomposition and restoration model for blurred cartoon+texture images with missing pixels,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(6) (2013) 2233-2246
[8]B.S. He, X.M. Yuan,and W.X. Zhang, A customized proximal point algorithm for convex minimization with linear constraints, Computational Optimization and Applications, 56 (2013) 559-572
[9]D.R. Han,X.M. Yuan, W.X. Zhang and X.J. Cai, An ADM-based splitting method for separable convex programming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 54 (2013) 343-369
[10]W.X. Zhang, D.R. Han and ­X.M. Yuan, An efficient simultaneous method for constrained multiple-sets split feasibility problem, Computational Optimizationand Applications,52 (2012) 825-843
[11]R.H. Chan, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, Point spread function reconstruction in ground-based astronomy by l1-lp model, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29 (2012) 2263-2271
[12]M.K. Ng, H.Y.T. Ngan, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, Lattice-based patterned fabric inspection by using total variation and sparsity with low-rank representations, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, accepted


[1]2014/01-2016/12: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11301055), 主持
[2]2014/01-2015/12: The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ( No. YGX2013J103),主持


線性代數與空間解析幾何, 凸最佳化方法


