



  • 中文名:孫英
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生態學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學



1985.09-1989.07 大連理工大學 化學工程 本科 工學學士
1989.09-1992.07 大連理工大學 環境工程 工學碩士
2001.09-2004.07 中國農業大學 生態學 理學博士


1992.10-1994.12 北京農業大學土化系 助教
1995.01-1999.12 中國農業大學土化系 講師
1999.12-2004.12 中國農業大學理學院 副教授
其中:2003.03-2003.10 加拿大滑鐵盧大學 環境毒理學 國家公派留學高級訪問學者
2005.01-2011.03 中國農業大學 理學院教授
2011.04- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 教授


1. 持久性有機污染物、農藥及重金屬等環境污染物的分析方法學、環境遷移轉化過程與效應研究;
2. 基於多種光譜學手段和技術及分子對接、分子動力學方法的環境污染物與生物大分子(DNA/蛋白質/酶等)相互作用機制研究;
3. 催化降解有機污染物技術原理研究







1. 國家重點研發計畫項目“糞水與沼渣沼液有害物質控制與農田安全利用關鍵技術研究” ( 2016.07-2020.12 )
2. 國家自然科學基金課題“載體微環境調控強化AChE酶穩定性的構象匹配機制” ( 2015.01-2018.12 )
3. 北京市科技計畫項目“種植業產地環境危害因子風險評估與控制科技示範” ( 2015.01-2016.12 )
4. 北京市農業環境監測中心科技計畫項目“農田土壤中多環芳烴污染概況研究” ( 2016.01-2016.12 )
5. 北京市農業環境監測中心科技計畫項目“種植業生產中抗生素多殘留檢測” ( 2015.01-2016.12 )
6. 2015年度國家農產品質量安全風險評估項目“種植業農產品質量安全隱患因子監測” ( 2015.01-2016.12 )
7. 2015年度國家農產品質量安全風險評估項目“種植業生產中抗生素污染概況” ( 2015.01-2016.12 )
8. 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局科技計畫項目“基於磁性分子印跡的紡織品致癌芳香胺快速篩選技術” ( 2015.01-2016.12 )
9. 國家級大學生創新創業項目“超音波強化重金屬污染土壤原位淋洗修復工藝設計及修復效果研究” ( 2015.01-2016.06 )
10. 北京市大學生創新創業項目“光熱耦合強化氧化提高黃腐酸產率的研究” ( 2015.01-2015.12 )
11. 美國國家地理空氣與水保護基金課題“生活垃圾開放式燃燒污染監測與風險評估” ( 2014.01-2014.12 )
12. 國家級大學生創新創業項目“PM2.5在生活垃圾露天焚燒中的污染特徵及風險評估” ( 2014.01-2014.12 )
13. 國家自然科學基金課題“基於蛋白表面相互作用的AChE酶定向固定化研究” ( 2012.01-2015.12 ))
14. 國家社會科學重點基金項目“基於環境保護與食品安全的農業生產服務體系研究” ( 2012.01-2014.12 )
15. 北京市科委課題“垃圾分類處理技術對周邊環境的影響分析研究” ( 2011.07-2016.06 )
16. “十二五”國家科技支撐計畫重點項目“基於靶標合理設計及合成方法學的農藥先導化合物的發現研究” ( 2011.01-2014.12 ))
17. 北京市朝陽區科委課題“北京市朝陽循環經濟產業園垃圾處理設施對周邊環境的影響分析及環境風險性評價” ( 2010.07-2012.06 )
18. “十一五”國家科技支撐計畫重點項目“持久性有機污染物控制與削減的關鍵技術研究與示範” ( 2009.01-2011.12 )
19. 中國農業大學研究生科研創新專項“農藥小分子與人血清白蛋白相互作用的研究” ( 2009.11-2010.12 )
20. 教育部科學技術研究重點項目“介孔分子篩固定羧酸酯酶及其對農藥殘留的生物降解” ( 2008.01-2010.12 )
21. 北京市科委課題“種植業廢棄物資源化利用需求分析與技術選擇” ( 2008.01-2008.12 )


1.Chengjun Pu, Xiaoyan Gong, Ying Sun*. 2019. Characteristics of two transferable aminoglycoside resistance plasmids in Escherichia coli isolated from pig and chicken manure. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. Accept.
1. Chengjun Pu, Liquan Liu, Meng Yao, Hang Liu, Ying Sun*. 2018. Responses and successions of sulfonamides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones resistance genes and bacterial community during the short-term storage of biogas residue and organic manure under the incubator and natural conditions. Environmental Pollution, 242: 749-759
2. Yun Li, Hang Liu, Guoxue Li, Wenhai Luo*, Ying Sun*. 2018. Manure digestate storage under different conditions: Chemical characteristics and contaminant residuals. Science of the Total Environment, 639: 19-25
3. Diao, J.; Yu, X.; Ma, L.; Li, Y.; Sun Y.*. 2018. Protein Surface Structural Recognition in Inactive Areas: A New Immobilization Strategy for Acetylcholinesterase. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 29, 1703−1713.
4. Hang Liu, Xiaolu Yu, Zirui Liu*, Ying Sun*. 2017. Occurrence, characteristics and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in arable soils of Beijing, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,159:120–126
5. Xiaolu Yu, Hang Liu, Jianxiong Diao, Ying Sun*, Yinchao Wang*. 2018. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles for separating aromatic amines from azo dyes – Synthesis, Characterization and Application, Separation and Purification Technology , 204: 213–219.
6. Pu CJ, Liu H, Ding GC, Sun Y*, Yu XL, Chen JH, Ren JY, Gong XY. 2018. Impact of direct application of biogas slurry and residue in fields: In situ analysis of antibiotic resistance genes from pig manure to fields. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344:441-449.
7. Xiaolu Yu, Hang Liu, Chengjun Pu, Junhao Chen, Ying Sun*, Lin Hu*. 2018. Determination of multiple antibiotics in leafy vegetables using the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe method with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 41:713-722.
8. Hang Liu, Chengjun Pu, Xiaolu Yu, Ying Sun*, Junhao Chen. 2018. Removal of tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and quinolones by industrial-scale composting and anaerobic digestion processes,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25:35835-35844.
1. 蒲承君, 呂明環, 曾鈺涵, 宮小燕, 孫英*. 2017. 雞、豬糞便源大腸桿菌對4種抗生素耐藥性的比較研究. 生態毒理學報. accept.
1. Li Y.-Z., Wang H.-J., Liu X.-X., Zhao G.-Y., Ying S.*. 2016. Dissipation Kinetics of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline and Chlortetracycline Residues in Soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (23): 13822-13831.
2. 於曉璐, 劉航, 劉曉霞, 陳俊豪, 李國學, 李彥明, 孫英*. 2016. 設施條件下添加有機肥對土壤中土黴素消減的影響. 農業工程學報. 32(S.2): 304-310.
1. 李遠矚, 李源清, 李揚颺, 呂丹彤, 孫英*, 李少寧. 2015. 基於PRZM-GW 模型菜田農藥施用對地下水環境污染風險評估. 灌溉排水學報. 1672 – 3317, Supp.1: 0187-05.
1. Peng W., Ding F., Peng Y.-K.*, Sun Y.*. 2014. Molecular recognition of malachite green by hemoglobin and their specific interactions: insights from in silico docking and molecular spectroscopy. Mol. BioSyst. 10: 138-148.
2. Peng W., Ding F., Jiang Y.-T., Sun Y., Peng Yu-Kui*. 2014. Evaluation of the biointeraction of colorant flavazin with human serum albumin: insights from multiple spectroscopic studies, in silico docking and molecular dynamics simulation. Food & Function. 5 (6): 1203-1217.
3. 陳俊豪, 李遠矚, 李彥明, 張濤, 李國學, 高茹英, 刁劍雄, 孫英*. 2014. 麥稈黃原酸酯對水中Cu2+的吸附. 環境工程學報. 8(09): 3675-3682.
1. Ding F., Peng W., Diao J.-X., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2013. Characteristics and essences upon conjugation of imidacloprid with two model proteins. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 4497-4505.
2. Diao J., Zhao G., Li Y., Huang J., Sun Y.*. 2013. Carboxylesterase from Spodoptera Litura: Immobilization and use for the Degradation of Pesticides. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 18 (0): 610-619.
1. Ding F., Diao J.-X., Sun Y., Sun Y.*. 2012. Bioevaluation of Human Serum Albumin−Hesperidin Bioconjugate: Insight into Protein Vector Function and Conformation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 7218-7228.
2. Ding F., Li X.-N., Diao J.-X., Sun Y., Zhang L., Sun, Y.*. 2012. Chiral Recognition of Metalaxyl Enantiomers by Human Serum Albumin: Evidence from Molecular Modeling and Photophysical Approach. CHIRALITY. 24: 471-480.
3. Ding F., Zhang L.; Diao J.-X., Li X.-N., Ma L., Sun, Y.*. 2012. Human serum albumin stability and toxicity of anthraquinone dye alizarin complexone: An albumin–dye model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 79238-246.
4. Ding F., Liu W., Sun Y., Yang X.-L., Sun Y.*, Zhang L.. 2012. Analysis of conjugation of chloramphenicol and hemoglobin by fluorescence, circular dichroism and molecular modeling. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1007: 81-87.
5. Ding F., Sun Y., Diao J.-X., Li X.-N., Yang X.-L., Sun Y.*, Zhang L.. 2012. Features of the complex of food additive hesperidin to hemoglobin. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 106: 53-60.
6. Ding F., Zhang L., Sun Y., Diao J.-X., Yang X.-L., Sun Y.*, Zhang L.. 2012. Specificity and affinity of phenosafranine protein adduct: Insights from biophysical aspects. Journal of Luminescence. 132 (3): 629-635.
7. Ding F., Li X.-N., Diao J.-X., Sun Y., Zhang L., Ma L., Yang X.-L., Zhang, L.*, Sun, Y.*. 2012. Potential toxicity and affinity of triphenylmethane dye malachite green to lysozyme. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 79: 238-246.
8. 李遠矚, 李國學, 刁劍雄, 朱金波, 孫英*. 麥稈黃原酸酯的合成條件最佳化及其在去除沼液中重金屬的套用. 農業環境科學學報. (09): 1848-1853.
9. 孫少艾, 李洋, 周軼, 王海蛟, 孫英*. 2012. 基於被動採樣技術的垃圾焚燒廠及周邊大氣中PAHs分布研究. 環境科學. 33(11): 303-309.
10. Wang H.-J., Zhao G.-Y., Yang S.-T., Jiang R.-F., Sun, Y.*. 2012. The analysis of soil environmental factors about the extraction recoveries of three tetracyclines. Oral Presentation to 4th International Symposium on Pesticide and Environmental Safety. September 15th -20th, Beijing, China.
1. Ding F., Liu W., Diao J.-X., Yin B., Zhang L., Sun, Y.*. 2011. Complexation of insecticide chlorantraniliprole with human serum albumin: Biophysical aspects. Journal of Luminescence . 131(7): 1327-1335.
2. Ding F., Diao J.-X., Yang X.-L., Sun Y.*. 2011. Structural analysis and binding domain of albumin complexes with natural dietary supplement humic acid. Journal of Luminescence. 131 (11): 2244-2251.
3. Ding F., Diao J.-X., Yang X.-L., Sun Y.*. 2011. Characterization of Alizarin Red S binding sites and structural changes on human serum albumin: A biophysical study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 186(1): 352-359.
4. Liu W., Ding F., Sun Y.*. 2011. Characterization of Phenosafranine-Hemoglobin Interactions in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Solution Chemistry. 40(2): 231-246.
1. Ding F., Liu W., Zhang X., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2010. Fluorescence and circular dichroism studies of conjugates between metsulfuron-methyl and human serum albumin. Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces. 76(2): 441-448.
2. Ding F., Liu W., Zhang X., Wu L.-J., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2010. Identification of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl binding affinity and binding site subdomain IIA in human serum albumin by spectroscopic methods. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 75A(3): 1088-1094.
3. Ding F., Liu W., Zhang L., Yin B., Sun Y.*. 2010. Sulfometuron-methyl binding to human serum albumin: Evidence that sulfometuron-methyl binds at the Sudlow's site I. Journal of Molecular Structure. 968(1-3): 59-66.
4. Ding F., Liu W., Li Y., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2010. Determining the binding affinity and binding site of bensulfuron-methyl to human serum albumin by quenching of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. Journal of Luminescence. 130(11): 2013-2021.
5. Ding F., Liu W., Li N., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2010. Complex of nicosulfuron with human serum albumin: A biophysical study. Journal of Molecular Structure. 975(1-3): 256-264.
6. Ding F., Han B.-Y., Liu W., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2010. Interaction of Imidacloprid with Hemoglobin by Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism. Journal of Fluorescence. 20 (3): 753-762.
7. Diao J., Li Y., Shi S., Sun Y., Sun Y.*. 2010. QSAR Models for Predicting Toxicity of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans Using Quantum Chemical Descriptors. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 85(2): 109-115.
8. Zhao G., Huang J., Sun Y.*. 2010. Carboxylesterase from Spodoptera Litura immobilized on hexagonal mesoporous molecular sieves. The Royal Australian Chemical Institute's National Convention in Conjunction with the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry. July.
9. Li Y., Ren L.-M., Sun Y.*, Yu J.-P., Diao J.-X., Zhao G.-Y.. 2010. GC/MS analysis of PAHs in the atmosphere surrounding refuse incineration plant from Beijing, China, full paper accepted by the 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT). December 15-17th.
10. Ren L.-M., Zhou Y., Sun Y.*, Zhao G.-Y.. 2010. Fundamental study on anaerobic degradation law of municipal solid waste in the landfill plant from Beijing, China, full paper accepted by the 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT). December 15-17th.
11. Ge J., Cong J., Sun Y., Li G., Zhou Z., Qian C., Liu F.. 2010. Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Surface Water and Industrial Wastewater from Beijing, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 84(4): 401-405.
12. 孫野, 孫英*, 楊正軍, 李揚颺, 葉猛, 朱廷鈺. 2010. 煙氣脫二噁英過程中活性炭噴射工藝最佳化模擬. 環境科學與技術. S2期.
1. Ding F., Zhao G., Huang J., Sun Y.*, Zhang L*.. 2009. Fluorescence spectroscopic investigation of the interaction between chloramphenicol and lysozyme. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 44(10): 4083-4089.
2. Ding F., Zhao G., Chen S., Liu F., Sun Y.*, Zhang, L*.. 2009. Chloramphenicol binding to human serum albumin: Determination of binding constants and binding sites by steady-state fluorescence. Journal of Molecular Structure. 929(1-3): 159-166.
3. Ding F., Pan H., Li Z.-Y., Liu F., Sun Y.*. 2009. Spectroscopic studies on the binding of barbital to bovine serum albumin. Journal of Luminescence. 129(6): 650-655.
4. Ding F., Liu W., Liu F., Li Z.-Y., Sun Y.*. 2009. A Study of the Interaction Between Malachite Green and Lysozyme by Steady-State Fluorescence. Journal of Fluorescence. 19(5): 783-791.
5. Ding F., Li N., Han B., Liu F., Zhang L., Sun Y.*. 2009. The binding of C.I. Acid Red 2 to human serum albumin: Determination of binding mechanism and binding site using fluorescence spectroscopy. Dyes and Pigments. 83(2): 249-257.
6. Ding F., Huang J., Lin J., Li Z., Liu F., Jiang Z., Sun Y.*. 2009. A study of the binding of C.I. Mordant Red 3 with bovine serum albumin using fluorescence spectroscopy. Dyes and Pigments. 82(1): 65-70.
7. Zhang J., Sun Y., Mao C., Gao H., Zhou W., Zhou Z.. 2009. Theoretical study of pK a for perchloric acid. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM. 906(1-3): 46-49.
8. 趙廣宇, 黃金莉, 刁劍雄, 孫野, 孫英*. 2009. SBA-15介孔材料在生物酶固定化中的套用進展. 中國環境科學學會2009年學術年會論文集. 北京航空航天大學出版社. 4: 999-1007.


1. 孫英; 李源清; 刁劍雄. 一種基於AChE酶定向固定的生物感測器的製備方法. 授權號ZL201510390301.4
2. 孫英; 陳俊豪; 蒲承君; 宮曉燕. 一種同時檢測四環素類和磺胺類抗生素的螢光試紙條.授權號ZL2016205784486
3. 孫英; 刁劍雄. 一種基於蛋白表面篩選的酶定向固定化方法. 申請號201410228185.1
4. 孫英; 刁劍雄; 劉航. 一種新型農藥的篩選方法. 授權號ZL201610390367.8
5. 孫英; 刁劍雄; 於曉璐. 一種乙醯膽鹼酯酶的複合固定化方法. 申請號201610460093.5
6. 孫英; 刁劍雄; 蒲承君; 劉航. 一種乙醯膽鹼酯酶的複合固定化方法. 申請號201710448876.6
7. 孫英; 張欣禹; 周韻; 刁劍雄; 劉航; 於曉璐; 陳俊豪. 一種可防控抗生素污染的蔬果有機糞肥推薦施用方法. 申請號2017103847723
8. 孫英; 張欣禹; 陳俊豪; 刁劍雄; 劉航; 於曉璐; 周韻. 一種可指導防控抗生素污染的有機糞肥合理施用的工具包. 申請號2017103961201
9. 孫英; 於曉璐; 劉航; 王寅超; 李遠囑. 一種磁性分子印跡材料的製備方法. 申請號2017104225794
10. 孫英; 陳俊豪; 蒲承君; 劉航; 於曉璐; 賈璇. 一種碳基增效劑協同催化過硫酸鹽的水處理方法. 申請號201810020493.3
11. 孫英; 陳俊豪; 李成; 於曉璐; 劉航; 蒲承君. 一種碳基助劑強化催化過硫酸鹽的水處理方法. 申請號201810003586.5
12. 孫英; 劉航; 陳俊豪; 黃鑫. 一種原位催化過硫酸鹽消減畜禽糞污抗生素的方法. 申請號2018106301119
13. 孫英; 劉航; 顧麗鵬. 一種促進畜禽固廢中抗生素釋放的助劑及其套用. 申請號2018106287268
14. 孫英; 黃鑫; 周磊; 袁國軍; 唐鑫; 陳俊豪. 一種原位處理奶牛糞尿的方法. 申請號201910025719.3


畜禽糞便資源化利用技術-源頭減量模式(ISBN 978-7-5116-2643-1). 中國農業科學技術出版社, 2017, 參編.


