


  • 書名:國劇海外傳播工程叢書:京藏劇·文成公主
  • 作者:楊孝明
  • 出版日期:2014年1月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • 定價:45.00
  • 外文名:Princess Wencheng: A Combined Drama of the Beijing Opera and the Tibetan Opera
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:263頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社





楊孝明教授1977年畢業於西安外國語大學,獲學士學位,留校任教。1984年赴英國學習,並於1985年和1991年先後獲得英語諾丁漢大學語言學碩士和美國俄亥俄州鮑陵格林州立大學英語博士學位,現為美國新澤西海洋學院終身教授,美國"現代語言協會"和"全美英語教師聯合會"永久會員。楊孝明教授在學術研究方面也很有成績,迄今已出版中、英文學術專著4部,譯著1部,其英文專著The Rhetoric of Propaganda 和Error of Creativity在英國牛津大學、劍橋大學、哈佛大學、耶魯大學等大學圖書館均有收藏。


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction3
Chapter Ⅱ The Prototype of the drama7
2.1.The story of Princess Wencheng7
2.2.Reforms following the marriage9
2.3.Interracial marriage: a historical debate15
2.4 Case Study of the Lives of Chinese princesses 23
Chapter Ⅲ Theatrical Performance 36
3.1 The Tibetan opera36
3.2 Critiques of the drama44
3.2.1 The division of roles44
3.2.2 Hybridity: fusion versus combination47
3.2.3 Characterization50
3.2.4 Theatrical conflicts56
3.3 Theatrical performance of the traditional Tibetan and other regional operas60
3.3.1 The traditional Tibetan version60
3.3.2 A later version of the Tibetan opera61
3.3.3 Ballet version62
3.3.4 Sichuan opera63
The script of the drama65
Appendix Ⅰ: The ABC of Beijing opera110
Appendix Ⅱ: The ABC of Tibetan opera139
Works consulted and cited159
About the author162
Acknowledgement 163



Another challenge is the issue of hybridity.Both the media and the overwhelming majority of the critics seem enthusiastic about the artistic fusion between Beijing opera and Tibetan opera.Such viewhas a traditional bearing since "harmony" is the catch phrase in all the forms of artistic creation while "difference" is something to be avoided.The more seamless fusion between the two art forms, the higher the caliber of the art.But as one of the critics points out, the composition of the drama should not be a fusion of the two art forms; rather, it should be a "combination" of both operas.Although both "fusion" and "combination" have the meaning of uniting two items, the unity connotes different shades of meanings."Fusion" is a mixture of two things in such a way that the end product is the one that retains the essence of neither of the two whereas combination is a process ofblending two items with each keeping its unique features.


