









1981-1985, 安徽師範大學數學系(本科)
1985-1987, 西北工業大學套用數學系(碩士研究生)



1. 參研的教學研究項目;
(2) 數學建模___培養學生綜合能力的有效途徑,安徽省教學研究項目
2. 教學獲獎


  1. 基於知識發現的智慧型決策支持系統研究,安徽省科學技術獎二等獎,2004
3. 物流系統的庫存控制模型與方法研究,全國百篇優秀博士論文,2005年
4. Considering asymmetrical manufacturing cost information in a two-echelon system that uses price-only contracts,IIE Transactions最佳論文獎,2006


1.主持研究國家自然科學基金項目:基於隨機需求與不對稱信息的供應鏈協調與量折扣研究,2005~2007, 項目批准號:70471045 .
4.參研國家自然科學基金項目:集成定性推理理論的智慧型決策支持系統研究, 2002.1-2004.12
6.主持高等學校全國優秀博士學位論文作者2005年專項資金資助項目,2006,01-2010,12, 項目批准號:200565.
8.主持高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,2007,01-2009,12, 項目批准號:(20060359007)
10.國家863項目:基於機械製造業的連續多時段智慧型最佳化下料問題研究及其系統實現,2007-2008 (排序第二), AA04Z134
11.國家自然科學基金重點項目:群決策理論與方法研究,2007-2009,(排序第三), 70631003


[1]Shan-Lin Yang and Yong-Wu Zhou, Unified discount pricing models of a two-echelon channel with a monopolistic manufacturer and heterogeneous retailers, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2006, 13: 143-168.
[2]Army H.-L. Lau, H.-S., Lau and Yong-Wu Zhou, Considering asymmetrical manufacturing cost information in a two-echelon system that uses price-only contracts, IIE Transactions, 2006, 38: 253-271.
[3]Army H.-L. Lau, H.-S., Lau and Yong-Wu Zhou, A stochastic and asymmetric-information framework for a dominant-manufacturer supply chain, European Journal of Operations Research, 2007, 176(1): 295-316
[4]Shan-Lin Yang and Yong-Wu Zhou, Two-echelon supply chain models: considering duopolistic retailers’ different competitive behaviors, International Journal of Production Economics, 2006 , 103: 104-116
[5]Yong-Wu Zhou and Shan-Lin Yang, A two-warehouse inventory model for items with stock-level-dependent demand rate. International Journal of Production Economics, 2005, 95: 215-228.
[6]Yong-Wu Zhou, Hon-Shiang Lau and Shan-Lin Yang, A finite horizon lot-sizing problem with time-varying deterministic demand and waiting-time-dependent partial backlogging. International Journal of Production Economics, 2004, 91: 109-119.
[7]Shan-Lin Yang and Yong-Wu Zhou, EOQ models for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial backorder under inflation. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2004, 2: 395-408
[8]Yong-Wu Zhou, Hon-Shiang Lau and Shan-Lin Yang, A new variable production scheduling strategy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial lost sale. Computers & Operations Research, 2003, 30: 1753-1776.
[9]Yong-Wu Zhou and Shan-Lin Yang, An optimal replenishment policy for items with inventory-level-dependent demand and fixed lifetime under the LIFO policy. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2003, 54: 585-593.
[10]Yong-Wu Zhou, A multi-warehouse inventory model for items with time-varying demand and shortages, Computers & Operations Research, 2003, 30: 2115-2134.
[11]Yong-Wu Zhou, The single-vendor-single-buyer integrated production-shipment model with stock-dependent demand rate. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2002, 13(4): 39-45.
[12]Yong-Wu Zhou and Hon-Shiang Lau, Comments on optimal production lot-sizing model considering the bounded learning case and shortages backordered-viewpoints. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2001, 52:590-591.
[13]Yong-Wu Zhou and Hon-Shiang Lau, An Economic Lot-size model for deteriorating items with lot-size dependent replenishment cost and time-varying demand, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2000, 24: 761-770.
[14]Zhou Yong-Wu, Inventory policy with time-varying demand and shortages considering time-varying costs. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2000, 11(3),1-8.
[15]Zhou Yong-Wu and Hon-Shiang Lau, Optimal production lot-sizing model considering the bounded learning case and shortages backordered. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1998, 49(10), 1206-1211.
[16]Zhou Yong-Wu, Optimal production policy for an item with increasing time-varying demand and shortages. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1996, 47(9), 1175-1183.
[17]周永務、冉翠玲,需求信息不對稱下供需雙方的博弈,系統工程與電子技術,2006,28(1): 68-71.
[18]王聖東、周永務 基於原材料訂購及預防性維修中斷的EPQ模型,系統工程學報,2005, 20(4):381-386、418.
[19]楊志林、周永務、楊善林 帶有兩貨棧具有拋物型需求的變質性物品經濟批量問題,系統工程理論方法套用,2005,14(4): 376-378.
[20]王聖東、周永務,一類最優EOQ模型的進一步擴展,數學的實踐與認識,2005,35(10): 7-16.
[21]周永務,楊善林 最優均勻廣告與訂貨策略的聯合決策模型,系統工程學報,2004,19第3期, 264-269.
[22]楊善林,周永務 兩貨棧庫存模型:考慮時變需求和增加量價格折扣,系統工程學報, 2003,第6期, 498-505.
[23]王聖東,周永務 線性時變需求且短缺量部分延期交貨的生產——庫存模型,套用數學,2003,16(增刊),8-12
[25]周永務,楊善林 Newsboy型商品最優廣告費用與訂貨策略的聯合確定,系統工程理論與實踐,2002,22(11): 59-63.
[26]周永務,楊善林 帶有可變備運期和有限服務率的經濟批量模型,套用數學,2002,15(3):111-115.
[27]周永務,楊善林 可變的定貨費用情形下變質性物品的經濟批量問題,系統工程與電子技術,2000, 22(12), 36-40.
[28]Zhou Yong-Wu, An optimal EOQ model for deteriorating items with two warehouses and time-varying demand. Mathematica Applicata. 1997, 10(2), 19-23.
[29]Zhou Yong-Wu, A new continuous-production lot-size model with time-varying demand and variable rate of production considering shortages. J. Syst. Sci. & Syst. Eng. 1998, 7(1), 1-10.
[30]Zhou Yong-Wu, Optimal production-adjustment policy for an item with linearly time-varying demand and shortages. J. Syst. Sci. & Syst. Eng. 1997, 6(2), 180-185.
[31]Zhou Yong-Wu,The optimal decision rule for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and shortages. J. Syst. Sci. & Syst. Eng. 1996, 5(2), 147-154.
[32]Zhou Yong-Wu, Optimal EOQ model for deteriorating items considering the incremental quantity discounts and shortages. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 1998, 9(1): 15-22.
[33]Zhou Yong-Wu, Optimal replenishment problem for items with polynomial demand during their life period, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 1999,10(2), 9-14.
[35]周永務,關於容量可變製造系統的最優生產策略,系統工程理論與實踐,1998, 18(6), 13-17.
[36]周永務,帶有臨時價格折扣的庫存系統的最優存儲策略,系統工程理論與實踐, 1998, 18(10), 16-27.
[37]周永務,購買費用的滯後支付對庫存系統最優訂貨策略的影響,系統工程理論與實踐, 1997, 17(4), 116-120.
[38]周永務,考慮費用時值的庫存系統的EOQ模型,系統工程理論與實踐,1996,16(8), 96-102
[39]周永務,最優銷售價格與經濟批量的聯合確定,管理工程學報,1998, 12(1): 39-44.
[40]周永務,通貨膨脹對帶有時變需求的變質性物品的庫存補充策略的影響,運籌學學報, 1998, 1, 48-56.




