

Professor of Strategy and International Business

Chairmen, Departmental Research Post-Graduate Committee

School of Business University of Hong Kong


  • 中文名周政
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:香港大學教授
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 主要成就:Journal of International Marketing
  • 代表作品:Representative Referred Journal Publications
  • 性別:男


Ph.D. in Marketing and Strategy
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S. in Economics and Management
Tsinghua University
B.E. (Honors) in Automatic Control
Tsinghua University
Panel Member, Business Studies Panel of HK Research Grants Council, 2012 -.
Senior Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2010 -.
Editorial Board Member:.
Strategic Management Journal, 2013 -.
Journal of the International Business Studies, 2009 -.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2007 –.
Journal of International Marketing, 2013 -.
Journal of World Business, 2009 -.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2008 -.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2007 - 2009.
Journal of Marketing Science (Chinese), 2004 –.


Strategic Orientation and Product Innovation.
Trust and Relational Ties in Emerging Economies andChina.


Representative Referred Journal Publications
  1. Poppo, L andKZ Zhou(2013), “Managing Contracts for Fairness in Buyer-Supplier Exchanges,” Strategic Management Journal,forthcoming
  2. Zhou, KZand D. Xu (2012), “How Foreign Firms Curtail Local Supplier Opportunism inChina? Detailed Contracts, Centralized Control, and Relational Governance,” Journal of International Business Studies, 43(7): 677-692 (PDF)
  3. Zhou, KZand CB Li (2012), “How Knowledge Affects Radical Innovation: Knowledge Base, Market Knowledge Acquisition, and Internal Knowledge Sharing,” Strategic Management Journal, 33(9): 1090-1102 (PDF)
  4. Sheng, S,KZ Zhou,and JJ Li (2011), “The Effects of Business and Political Ties on Firm Performance: Evidence fromChina,” Journal of Marketing 75(1): 1-15 (Lead Article,PDF)
  5. Zhou, KZand F Wu (2010),“Technology Capability, Strategic Flexibility, and Product Innovation,” Strategic Management Journal,31(5): 547–561 (PDF)
  6. Li, JJ, L Poppo. andKZ Zhou(2010), “Social Capital, Contractual Arrangement, and Local Knowledge Acquisition by International Subsidiaries,” Strategic Management Journal, 31(4): 349–370 (Lead Article,PDF)
  7. Zhou, KZand L Poppo (2010), “Exchange Hazards, Relational Reliability, and Contracts inChina: The Contingent Role of Legal Enforceability,” Journal of International Business Studies,41(5): 861-881.(PDF)
  8. Li, JJ,KZ Zhou, and A Shao (2009) “Competitive Position, Managerial Ties, and Profitability of Foreign Firms inChina: An Interactive Perspective ,” Journal of International Business Studies, 40(2): 339-352 (PDF)
  9. Zhou, K.Z., J.J. Li, N. Zhou, and C. Su (2008), “Market Orientation, Job Satisfaction, Product Quality, and Firm Performance: Evidence fromChina,” Strategic Management Journal, 29(9): 985-1000. (PDF)
  10. Li, J.J.,L. Poppo, andK.Z. Zhou(2008) “Do Managerial Ties inChinaAlways Produce Value? Competition, Uncertainty, and Domestic vs. Foreign Firms,” Strategic Management Journal, 29(4): 383-400. (PDF)
  11. Zhou, K.Z., L. Poppo, and Z. Yang (2008), “Relational Ties or Customized Contracts? An Examination of Alternative Governance Choices inChina, ” Journal of International Business Studies, 39(3): 526-534. (PDF)
  12. Poppo, L.,K.Z. Zhou,and S. Ryu (2008), “Alternative Origins to Interorganizational Trust: An Interdependence Perspective on the Shadow of the Past and the Shadow of the Future,” Organization Science,19(1), 39-55 (PDF)
  13. Zhou, K.Z.,J. R. Brown, C.S. Dev, and S. Agarwal (2007), “The Effects of Customer and Competitor Orientations on Performance in Global Markets: A Contingency Analysis,” Journal of International Business Studies, 38(2), 303-319 (PDF)
  14. Zhou, K.Z., D.K. Tse, and J. Li (2006), “Organizational Change in Emerging Economies: Drivers and Consequences,” Journal of International Business Studies, 37(2): 248-263. (PDF)
  15. Zhou, K.Z, C.K. Yim, and D.K. Tse (2005), “The Effects of Strategic Orientations on Technology- and Market-based Breakthrough Innovations,” Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 42-60. (PDF)
  16. Brown, J., C. Dev, andZ. Zhou(2003), “Broadening the Foreign Market Entry Mode Decision: Separating Ownership and Control,” Journal of International Business Studies, 34(5), 473-488. (PDF)
OtherReferred Journal Publications
  1. Zhang Q andKZ Zhou(2013), “Governing interfirm knowledge transfer in the Chinese market: The interplay of formal and informal mechanisms,” Industrial Marketing Management, in press
  2. Sheng S,KZ Zhou, and Leopold Lessassy (2013), “NPD speed vs. innovativeness: The contingent impact of institutional and market environments,” Journal of Business Research,in press (PDF)
  3. Ju M,KZ Zhou, GY Gao, J Lu (2013), “Technological capability growth and performance outcome: Foreign versus local firms in China,” Journal of International Marketing, 21(2), 1-16 (lead article).
  4. Lee RP, andKZ Zhou(2012), “Is Product Imitation Good for Firm Performance? An Examination of Product Imitation Types and Contingency Factors,” Journal of International Marketing, 20(3), 1-16 (lead article). (PDF)
  5. Bao Y, X Chen, andKZ Zhou(2012), “External Learning, Market Dynamics, and Radical Innovation: Evidence from China’s High-Tech Firms,” Journal of Business Research, 65(8), 1226-1233. (PDF)
  6. Bao Y, S Sheng, andKZ Zhou(2012), “Network-Based Market Knowledge and Product Innovativeness,” Marketing Letters, 23(1), 309-324. (PDF)
  7. Zhou, KZand CB Li (2010), “How Strategic Orientation Influences the Building of Dynamic Capability in Emerging Economies,” Journal of Business Research, 63(3), 224-231 (PDF)
  8. Li, JJ andKZZhou(2010), “How Foreign Firms Achieve Competitive Advantage in the Chinese Emerging Economy: Managerial Ties and Market Orientation,” Journal of Business Research, 63(8), 856-862 (PDF)
  9. Zhou, KZ,J Brown, and C Dev (2009), “Market Orientation, Competitive Advantage, and Firm Performance: A Demand-based View,” Journal of Business Research, 62(11), 1063-1070 (PDF)
  10. Su, C.,K.Z. Zhou, N. Zhou, and J.J. Li (2008), “Understanding the Role of Spousal Fairness in Predicting Spousal Influence Dynamics,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(3): 378-394. (PDF)
  11. Poppo, L.,K.Z. Zhou,and T. Zenger (2008), “Examining the Conditional Limits of Relational Governance: Specialized Assets, Performance Ambiguity, and Long-Standing Ties,” Journal of Management Studies, 45(7), 1195-1216 (PDF)
  12. Zhou, K.Z.and K. Nakamoto (2007), “The Effect of Enhanced and Unique Features on New Product Preference: The Moderating Role of Product Familiarity,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1): 53-62 (PDF)
  13. Zhou, K.Z.and C.B. Li (2007), “How Does Strategic Orientation Matter in Chinese Firms?” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24(4), 447-466 (PDF)
  14. Gao, G.Y.,K.Z. Zhou, and C.K. Yim (2007), “On What Should Firms Focus in Transitional Economies? A Study of the Contingent Value of Strategic Orientations in China ,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(1), 3-15, lead article. (PDF)
  15. Zhou, K.Z.(2006), “Innovation, Imitation, and New Product Performance: The Case of China ,” Industrial Marketing Management, 35(3): 394-402. (PDF)
  16. Bao, Y.,K.Z. Zhou,and N. Zhou (2006), “Social Alienation in a Transitional Economy: Antecedents and Impact on Attitude toward Social Reform,” Journal of Business Research, 59(9), 990-998. (PDF)
  17. Li, J.,K.Z. Zhou, S. Lam, and D. Tse (2006), “Active Trust Building of Local Senior Managers in International Joint Ventures,” Journal of Business Research, 59(1), 73-80. (PDF)
  18. Zhou, K.Z, G. Gao, Z. Yang and N. Zhou (2005), “Developing Strategic Orientation in China : Antecedents and Consequences of Market and Innovation Orientations,” Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1049-1058. (PDF)
  19. Yang, Z., S. Cai,K.Z. Zhou, and N. Zhou (2005), “Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure User Perceived Service Quality of Information Presenting Web Portals,” Information and Management, 42(4), 575-589. (PDF)
  20. Zhou, K.Z., J. Li, and N. Zhou (2004), “Employee’s Perceptions of Market Orientation in a Transitional Economy: China as an Example,” Journal of Global Marketing, 17(4), 5-22. (PDF)
  21. Bao, Y.,K. Z. Zhou, and C. Su (2003), “Face Consciousness and Risk Aversion: How Do They Affect Consumer Decision-Making?” Psychology and Marketing, 20(8), 733-755. (PDF)
  22. Zhou, K. Z., C. Su, and Y. Bao (2002), “A Paradox of Price-Quality and Market Efficiency: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and China Markets,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (4), 349-365. (PDF)


