

周光雄,男,安徽人,漢族,是一名教授。 主持實施和參與了國家自然基金面上項目、聯合基金項目、廣東省自然基金團隊項目、廳級課題的研究工作,在中草藥化學、微生物代謝產物及海洋天然產物等研究領域都有涉及。


  • 中文名:周光雄
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教授
  • 黨派:九三學社


性別: 男
籍貫: 安徽
民族: 漢
黨派: 九三學社
職稱: 教授
學歷: 研究生
學位: 博士


近20年來從事生藥學/天然藥物化學等領域的研究工作,參與了生藥學等領域多個國家及省部級課題(如85 國家重點科技攻關項目—常用中藥材品種整理和質量研究,科技部中藥材標準化研究課題)的研究, 主持實施和參與了國家自然基金面上項目、聯合基金項目、廣東省自然基金團隊項目、廳級課題的研究工作,在中草藥化學、微生物代謝產物及海洋天然產物等研究領域都有涉及。先後對10餘種中草藥、8種海綿及一些微生物培養物進行了活性化學成分的研究,分離鑑定了300多個化合物,發現了近60餘個新化合物和一系列抗腫瘤、抗真菌等生物活性化合物。至今,已發表論文80餘篇,其中發表在JACS(美國化學會志)、JOC、JNP等各種國際性專業期刊的SCI論文近40篇。參編專著和教材兩部。現為Medicinal Crops雜誌編委,為Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin、Natural Products Research、Chemical Research in Chinese Universities、中國高等化學學報(英文版)等國內外多個雜誌審稿人。目前,承擔國家自然基金項目和省廳級項目各一項,並參與承擔國家自然基金委與廣東省政府聯合基金重點項目、教育部創新團隊項目及省自然基金團隊項目的研究工作。在教學上承擔本科生、研究生課程教學工作,指導博士生、碩士生10餘人,並每年指導3-4名本科生進行畢業論文專題研究。


1996-1999 中國協和醫科大學藥物化學專業天然藥物化學方向博士
1987-1989 江西中醫學院中藥學專業中藥資源學方向碩士
1981-1985 安徽中醫學院藥學專業本科


2004年-現在 暨南大學生藥學教研室主任,教授,碩士、博士生導師
2000-2002年 美國亞利桑那大學農學和生命科學學院西南天然產物研究與產業化中心,從事土壤微生物和沙漠植物抗腫瘤天然產物博士後研究
2002-2003 美國加州大學戴維斯分校化學系,從事抗腫瘤、抗真菌海洋天然產物博士後研究
1999-2000 中國醫學科學院藥物研究所天然藥物化學研究室,副研究員
1989-1996 江西省中醫藥研究所中藥研究室,助理研究員
1985-1987 皖南醫學院,助教





在國內外重要專業刊物如“Journal of Organic Chemistry”, “JACS”、“Journal of Natural Products”, “Chem. Pharm. Bull.”、“Journal of Asia Natural Products Research” 等上發表研究性論文80餘篇,其中近40篇為SCI論文。


1. Guang-Xiong Zhou, Shun-Yan Mo, Hui-Xiao He, Jian-Gong Shi, Wen-Cai Ye, Zhong Liu, Ren-Wang Jiang. Molecular structure and tautomerization of the 1:1 complex of luteoskyrin and rugulosin Journal of Molecular Structure, 2010, 979: 86–91
2. Wen Xu, Hui Wang, Guang-Xiong Zhou; Xin-Sheng Yao. Two new 8-O-4′-type lignans from the stem of Schima superba and their cell growth inhibitory activities against human cancer cell linesang; ., Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2010, 12 (10): 874 – 878
3. Wei-Hua Jiao, Hao Gao, Chen-Yang Li, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Susumu Kitanaka, Atsuko Ohmura, Xin-Sheng Yao. b-Carboline alkaloids from the stems of Picrasma quassioides. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2010, 48(6), 490-495.
4. Wei-Hua Jiao, Hao Gao, Chen-Yang Li, Feng Zhao, Ren-Wang Jiang, Ying Wang, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Xin-Sheng Yao. Quassidines A-D, Bis-carboline Alkaloids from the Stems of Picrasma quassioides. Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73 (2), 167-171.
5. Li, Chen-Yang; Gao, Hao; Jiao, Wei-Hua; Zhang, Long; Zhou, Guang-Xiong; Yao, Xin-Sheng. Three New Diterpenoids from Rabdosia lophanthoides var. gerardiana. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2010, 93 (3), 450-456.
6.Guang-Xiong Zhou, Chuan-Li Lu, Heng-Shan Wang, And Xin-Sheng Yao. An acetyl flavonol from Nervilia fordii ( Hance) Schltr Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 2009,11 (6), 498-502
7. Yi Dai, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Hiroshi Kurihara, Wen-Cai Ye, Xin-Sheng Yao. A biphenyl glycoside from Pyracantha fortuneana Natural Product Research, Part A: Structure and Synthesis 2009, 23 (13): 1163-1167
8. Yi DAI, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Hiroshi KURIHARA, Wen-Cai YE, and Xin-Sheng YAO. Fortuneanosides G—L, Dibenzofuran Glycosides from the Fruit of Pyracantha fortuneana Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2008, 56 (4) 439—442
9. John B. MacMillan, Guang–Xiong Zhou, Colin K. Skepper, and Tadeusz F. Molinski. Phorbasides A-E, Cytotoxic Chlorocyclopropane Macrolide Glycosides from the Marine Sponge Phorbas sp. CD Determination of C-Methyl Sugar Configurations,J. Org. Chem,2008, 73 (10): 3699–3706.
10. Guang-Xiong Zhou, Yanjun Zhang, Ruo-Yun Chen, and De-Quan Yu. Calamistrins H and I, Two Linear Annonaceous Acetogenins from the Roots of Uvaria calamistrata Hance, Heterocycles, 2008, 75 (4): 933-937.
11. Yi Dai, Xiang-Jiu He, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Hiroshi Kurihara, Wen-Cai Ye and Xin-Sheng Yao. Acylphloroglucinol glycosides from the fruits of Pyracantha fortuneana, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10 (2): 111–117.
12. Gao Hao, Wang Zhao, Yang Lei, Yu Yang, Yao Zhi-Hong, Wang Nai-Li, Zhou Guang-Xiong, Ye Wen-Caid and Yao Xin-Sheng. Five new bidesmoside triterpenoid saponins from Stauntonia chinensis, Magn. Reson. Chem., 2008, 46: 630–637.
13. Linglin Li, Guang-Xiong Zhou and Ren-Wang Jiang Methyl eucomate, Acta Cryst., 2008. E64, o1354.
14. X.-L.ZHOU, X.-J.HE, G.-X.ZHOU, W.-C.YE and X.-S.YAO. Pregnane glycosides from Solanum nigrum, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2007, 9 (6): 517-523.
15. Colin K. Skepper, John B. MacMillan, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Makoto N. Masuno, and Tadeusz F. Molinski. Chlorocyclopropane Macrolides from the Marine Sponge Phorba ssp. Assignment of the Configurations of Phorbasides A and B by Quantitative CD, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (14): 4150-4151.
16. Hui Yao, Guang-Xiong Zhou, Qiong Wu, Guang-Qing Lei, Dao-Feng Chen, Jia-Kuan Chen and Tong-Shui Zhou. Mistletonone, a Novel Antioxidative Diarylheptanoid from the Branches and Leaves of Viscum coloratum, Molecules, 2007, 12: 312-317.
17. Guangxiong Zhou, Renwan Jiang, Wencai Ye, Jiangong Shi, Yan Lu. Two new biflavonoids from Daphe giraldii, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2007, 55 (9), 1287-1290.
18. Guang-xiong Zhou,T. F. Molinski. Manoalide and its Relatives from the Methanolic Extract of a Sponge, Journal of Asia Natural Products Research 2006, 1: 13-18.
19. Xiao-Qi Zhang, Guo-Cai Wang, Wen-Cai Ye, Qian Li, Guang-Xiong Zhou and Xin-Sheng Yao. New Diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48 (9): 1122−1125.
20. Yi Dai, Guang-xiong Zhou, Hiroshi Kurihara, Wen-cai Ye, and Xin-sheng Yao. BiphenylGlycosidesfromtheFruitofPyracanthafortuneana, J. Nat. Prod., 2006,69: 1022-1024.
21. Xinlan Zhou, Xiangjiu He, Guanghui Wang, Hao Gao, Guangxiong Zhou, Wencai Ye, and Xinsheng Yao. Steroidal Saponins from Solanum nigrum, J. Nat. Prod.,2006, 69: 1158-1163


本科生課程:《Spectral Analysis of Organic Compounds》、《生藥學》、《Pharmacognosy》、《中藥鑑定學》


Medicinal Crops 雜誌編委


85 國家重點科技攻關項目—常用中藥材品種整理和質量研究 獲乙等獎;


