

吳忠文,男,教授,1931 年出生。曾任吉林大學教授、博士生導師,長春吉大特塑工程研究有限公司首席科學家。國內特種工程塑膠PES、PEEK、PEEKK的發明人,現為廣州金髮科技股份有限公司的首席科學家。


  • 中文名:吳忠文
  • 出生日期:1931年
  • 職業:教授
  • 性別:男
專業和研究方向,主要學歷,主要學術經歷,研究方向及主要研究內容介紹,2000年以來承擔的主要科研項目,2000年以來發表論文、著作情況,Wu zhongwen 2000 15篇,Wu zhongwen 2001 34篇,Wu zhongwen 2002年50篇,


專業 高分子材料
研究方向 耐高溫高分子材料
博士點名稱 高分子化學與物理


1953.9-1959.7(休學兩年) 東北師範大學化學系畢業 當時不授學位
1959.9-1963.12 吉林大學化學系高分子專業研究生畢業 當時不授學位
1979.4-1981.4 日本東京大學宇宙航空研究所進修 獲東京大學博士學位


1964.12-1979.9 吉林大學 助教
1979.9-1984.9 吉林大學 講師
1984.9-1987.6 吉林大學 副教授
1987.6-1989.7 吉林大學 教授
1989.7-1998.10 吉林大學 博士導師、研究中心主任
1998.10-至今 吉林大學 博士導師


研究生期間和畢業後主要從事高分子統計理論方面的基礎理論研究。70年代開始從事剛性鏈高分子的結構與性能關係方面的套用基礎研究和特種工程塑膠的套用開發研究,曾先後完成了聚醚碸(PES)樹脂、聚醚醚酮(PEEK)樹脂、聚醚醚酮酮(PEEKK)樹脂等三個品種的實驗室研究、擴試到中試,"九· 五"末經過部級鑑定驗收,結果主要性能均達到國際先進水平。其中的PES和PEEK,"十·五"又完成了百噸級的產業化示範工程,其中的PEEK除滿足國內需求外,已實現向國外出口。


序號 承擔項目或課題名稱 項目來源 項目或課題負責人 起止時間
1 聚醚醚酮樹脂百噸級工業化示範工程 國家計委 負責人 01.8-03.8
2 耐高溫、高強度、耐輻射、耐摩塑膠及製品 國防科工委 參加者 02.10-05.12
3 高性能PEEKK樹脂合成放大試驗及套用技術 國家科委 參加者 01.12-04.12


Wu zhongwen 2000 15篇

Zhang SJ, Fu LX, Yang DC, et al.
Formation of a metastable phase induced by a liquid crystalline phase in a novel chloropoly(aryl ether ketone).MACROMOL RAPID COMM 21 (16): 1144-1147 NOV 14 2000
Sun H, Na H, Wang HF, et al.
Synthesis and thermotropic liquid-crystalline behaviour of novel main-chain poly(ether ether ketone ketone)s containing a lateral tert-butyl group.POLYM INT 49 (11): 1539-1542 NOV 2000
Ben T, Chen CH, Zhen YB, et al.
Novel way to synthesize crystalline poly(aryl ether sulfone).ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 219: 84-POLY Part 2 MAR 26 2000
Zhou HW, Chen CH, Jiang ZH, et al.
Melting behavior of poly(ether diphenyl ether ketone ketone).ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 219: 164-POLY Part 2 MAR 26 2000
Gao JB, Li K, Yu YH, et al.
Properties of monodisperse phenyl-capped oligoanilines after being doped.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 219: 171-POLY Part 2 MAR 26 2000
Ruan RX, Jiang ZH, Wang GB, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of poly(ether ether ketone)s containing the structure unit of 1,5-naphthalene rings.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 219: 32-MACR Part 2 MAR 26 2000
Wang GB, Jiang ZH, Chen CH, et al.
Synthesis and thermal properties of thermotropic liquid crystal of the novel poly(aryl ether ketones containing fluorine-pendant group.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 219: 33-MACR Part 2 MAR 26 2000
Wang GB, Chen CH, Zhou HW, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel PEEK with pendant group containing fluorine
CHEM J CHINESE U 21 (8): 1325-1327 AUG 2000
Qiu ZB, Zhou HW, Mo ZS, et al.
A study of the crystallographic equivalence of ether and ketone groups in poly(aryl ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 21 (8): 1328-1330 AUG 2000
Ruan RX, Jiang ZH, Wang GB, et al.
Melting and crystallization behavior of poly(ether ether ketone)/poly(ether ether ketone ketone) blends
CHEM J CHINESE U 21 (7): 1130-1133 JUL 2000
Fu LX, Zhang SJ, Zhang J, et al.
The single crystal-like banded textures in the films of a thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) containing a lateral chloro group.CHEM J CHINESE U 21 (6): 988-990 JUN 2000
Qiu ZB, Zhou HW, Mo ZS, et al.
Nonisothermal cold crystallization kinetics of poly(aryl ether diphenyl ether ketone)
POLYM J 32 (3): 287-290 2000
Zhang SJ, Fu LX, Liu JJ, et al.
Synthesis and thermotropic liquid crystalline behaviour of novel poly(aryl ether ketone)s with a lateral methoxy group.MACROMOL CHEM PHYSIC 201 (6): 649-655 APR 14 2000
Gao JB, Li K, Sun H, et al.
The synthesis of phenyl-capped trianiline and teraaniline by a modified-pseudo-high dilution technique and their UV-Vis spectral studies.CHEM J CHINESE U 21 (2): 315-320 FEB 2000
Sun H, Zheng YB, Zhang WJ, et al.
The thermotropic liquid crystalline behavior of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone)
CHEM J CHINESE U 20 (12): 1985-1986 DEC 1999

Wu zhongwen 2001 34篇

Fu LX, Zhang SJ, Liu JJ, et al.
Homoepitaxial crystallization in films of a thermotropic liquid crystalline chloro-poly(aryl ether ketone)
MACROMOL CHEM PHYSIC 202 (14): 2853-2856 SEP 28 2001
Sun ZY, An LJ, Li HF, et al.
Effects of pressure and molecular weight on the miscibility of polystyrene and cyclohexane
MACROMOL THEOR SIMUL 10 (7): 692-699 SEP 21 2001
Wang YS, Wang GB, Jiang ZH, et al.
Isothermal crystallization kinetics of in situ composites of poly(ether ether ketone) and a novel poly(aryl ether ketone) liquid crystalline containing fluorine.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 89-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Gao ZH, Chen CH, Mao HP, et al.
Solubility of poly (aryl ether ketone)s controlled by synthetic methods.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 118-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Hu W, Liu BJ, Chen CH, et al.
Effect of heat treatment on thermal property and morphological structure of poly(ether ether ketone).
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 127-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Chen L, Yu YH, Mao HP, et al.
Modified pseudo-high-dilution technique to synthesize parent aniline trimer.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 142-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Zhang CL, Na H, Mu JX, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of diglycidyl ether epoxy resin with biphenyl-4,4 '-diol and epoxy chloropropane.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 154-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Liu BJ, Hu W, Jin YH, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel soluble poly(aryl ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 158-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Niu YM, Jiang ZH, Wang GB, et al.
Synthesis and thermal crosslinking characterization of poly(ether ether ketone) copolymers containing the structure unit(20%) of 1,5 '-naphthalene rings.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 162-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Zhang CL, Na H, Mu JX, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of diglycidyl ether epoxy resin containing biphenyl.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 204-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Liu BJ, Hu W, Chen CH, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of fluorinated polyether containing biphenyl.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 206-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Ben T, Wang X, Chen CH, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of nanometer scale rigid cyclic oligomer containing 3,3,3-trifluoromethyl-biphenyl moieties.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 208-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Wang X, Ben T, Chen CH, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel nanometer scale rigid macrocyclic oligomers.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 209-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Liu BJ, Hu W, Zhao S, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel polymers with (3,5-ditrifluoromethyl)phenyl side group.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 210-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Li H, Chen CH, Jiang ZH, et al.
Synthesis and thermotropic liquid crystalline behavior of novel poly(aryl ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 239-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Mao HP, Yu YH, Chen L, et al.
Affection of p-functional group to the activity of aniline.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 240-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Yu YH, Chen L, Mao HP, et al.
Study of synthesis of Parent Aniline Trimer.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 222: 241-POLY Part 2 AUG 2001
Ben T, Chen CH, Sun H, et al.
Structures of 2D ordered monolayer of rigid cyclic oligomer.CHEM J CHINESE U 22 (8): 1428-1430 AUG 2001
Liu BJ, Hu W, Jin YH, et al.
Synthesis and charaterization of novel fluorine-containing polymer with reactive side group.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 221: 57-POLY Part 2 APR 1 2001
Ben T, Chen CH, Cao H, et al.
Ordered 2-d monolayers of nanometer scale rigid cyclic oligomer.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 221: 59-POLY Part 2 APR 1 2001
Liu XC, Ben T, Qiu H, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of controllable crosslinking poly (ether ether ketone).
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 221: 75-POLY Part 2 APR 1 2001
Sun H, Wang HF, Chen CH, et al.
Synthesis and thermotropic liquid crystalline properties of poly(aryl ether ketone copolymers containing a tert-butyl side group).
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 221: 98-POLY Part 2 APR 1 2001
Sun H, Chen CH, Wang HF, et al.
Rheological evidence of isotropization transition of a thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone).
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 221: 131-POLY Part 2 APR 1 2001
Qiu ZB, Mo ZS, Zhou HW, et al.
Crystallographic equivalence of ether and ketone groups in poly(aryl ether ketone)s
MACROMOL CHEM PHYSIC 202 (9): 1862-1865 JUL 6 2001
Sun H, Wang HF, Jiang ZH, et al.
Detection of nematic-isotropic transition of a main-chain thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) by dynamic rheological technique.J MATER SCI LETT 20 (12): 1117-1119 2001
Wang GB, Wang D, Jiang ZH, et al.
The synthesis and properties of fluoropoly(aryl ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 22 (6): 1053-1056 JUN 2001
Sun H, Ma J, Beng T, et al.
Shear-induced stabilization of the nematic phase in a side group-containing poly(aryl ether ketone) copolymer.CHEM RES CHINESE U 17 (2): 233-236 MAY 2001
Wen GY, Sun ZY, Yang J, et al.
Theoretical calculation of Flory-Huggins and scattering interaction parameters by means of the lattice fluid theory for PVME/PSD blends
MACROMOL THEOR SIMUL 10 (4): 368-373 MAY 16 2001
Sun H, Zhang WJ, Wu ZW, et al.
Dynamic rheological characterization of a thermotropic liquid crystalline poly (aryl ether ketone)
CHINESE CHEM LETT 12 (3): 273-274 MAR 2001
Zhang SJ, Fu LX, Yang DC, et al.
Studies on the structure and properties of thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 22 (2): 334-337 FEB 2001
Zhang WJ, Wang C, Gao JB, et al.
Stabilization and anti-corrosion property of phenyl-capped and aniline tetramer as additives to common coating.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 220: 48-POLY Part 2 AUG 20 2000
Wang GB, Chen CH, Jiang ZH, et al.
Studies on in situ composites and properties of poly(ether ether ketone) and novel poly(aryl ether ketone) liquid crystalline containing fluorine.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 220: 90-POLY Part 2 AUG 20 2000
Liu BJ, Dong YB, Hu W, et al.
Synthesis and chracterization of novel fluorine-containing polyarylate.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 220: 139-POLY Part 2 AUG 20 2000
Gao ZH, Ben T, Liu XC, et al.
Synthesis of soluble and controllable crosslinking poly(aryl ether ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 220: 165-POLY Part 2 AUG 20 2000 2002

Wu zhongwen 2002年50篇

Sun XH, Zhang G, Shi Q, et al.
Study on foaming water-swellable EPDM rubber.J APPL POLYM SCI 86 (14): 3712-3717 DEC 27 2002
Liu BJ, Wang GB, Hu W, et al.
Poly(aryl ether ketone)s with (3-methyl)phenyl and (3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl side groups
J POLYM SCI POL CHEM 40 (20): 3392-3398 OCT 15 2002
Liu XC, Chen CH, Cao H, et al.
Synthesis and thermal properties of controllable cross-linking poly(ether ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 23 (9): 1817-1819 SEP 2002
Liu CG, Na H, Wu ZW
Synthesis of biphenyl methacrylate(bpma) monomers.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 073-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Gao ZH, Chen CH, Mao HP, et al.
The synthesis and characterization of oligomers containing thio band.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 091-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Mu JX, Jiang ZH, Wang Y, et al.
The synthesis and characterization of superbranched PAEKs.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 092-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Li XF, Na H, Cao J, et al.
The synthesis of a novel liner PEBEKK oligomer ended with hydrogen.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 094-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Li XF, Na H, Cao J, et al.
The synthesis of a novel PEBEKK oligomer ended with hydroxy.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 095-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu QH, Zhang YH, Wang D, et al.
Synthesis and properties of block copolymers and random copolymers of PEEK-PEEKK.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 103-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Yu YH, Chen L, Mao HP, et al.
Synthesis and the electrochemical property of 4-amino-3',5'diphenyl-biphenyl and 4-amino-3',5'-di(methyl-phenoxide)-biphenyl.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 107-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Zhang CL, Na H, Mu JX, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of diglycidyl ether epoxy resin containing sulfonate and biphenyl groups.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 111-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Hu W, Zhou J, Jin YH, et al.
Fluorinated polyester prepared from substituted hydroquinone and terephthalyl chloride.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 119-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu CG, Na H, Dong ZY, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of a monomer for liquid crystalline polymers.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 139-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liang ZG, Na H, Jiang W, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of a novel polyarylester ketone.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 140-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Yang W, Dang GD, ZHao XG, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of aromatic macrocyclic oligomers containing two or three p-chlorophenyl substituents.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 142-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu CG, Na H, Wu ZW
A new synthesis method of liquid crystalline polyester oligomer with biphenyl group.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 144-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu BJ, Li T, Hu W, et al.
Fluorinated poly(aryl ether ketone) and poly(aryl ether).ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 150-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Jin YH, Liu BJ, Sun XH, et al.
Thermal behavior of fluorinated poly(aryl ether dketone)s.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 168-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Wang HF, Liu XC, Chen LA, et al.
Treatment of peek under supercritical ethanol.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 174-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Rao XH, Liu BJ, Zhang LM, et al.
XPS study of fluorine-containing poly(aryl ethers).ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 176-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Hu W, Liu BJ, Ma XO, et al.
Study of double melting behavior of PEEK by ADSC.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 179-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Zhou B, Yu C, Ji XB, et al.
Study on calcium carbonate reinforced peek.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 181-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu XC, Chen CH, Ben T, et al.
Study on crystallization of controllable crosslinking poly (aryl ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 183-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Liu XC, Chen CH, Ben T, et al.
Rheological evidence and thermal property of controllable crosslinking poly (aryl ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 194-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Dang GD, Yang W, Zhao XG, et al.
Macromolecular architecture via coupling: Synthesis of a manacle-like nano-structure dimer containing two nanoscale rigid macrocycles.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 216-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Wang D, Jin YH, Jiang ZH, et al.
Microcellular foaming of amorphous high-TG polymer using carbon dioxide
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 222-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Cao J, Na H, Li XF, et al.
Dsc and waxd study of two oligo(ether biphenyl ether ketone)S
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 230-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Mao HP, Yu YH, Chen L, et al.
Effect of P-functional groups on the activity of aniline derivants
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 232-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Hu W, Liu BJ, Ma XY, et al.
Aging of 6F-PEEK studied by alternating differential scanning calorimetry
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 247-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Yu YH, Chen L, Mao HP, et al.
Chemical oxidation and electrochemical oxidation on acetylamino-capped polyaniline pentamer
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 254-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Hu W, Ma XY, Liu BJ, et al.
Crossilinkable fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether)
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 259-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Dang GD, Yang W, Zhao XG, et al.
Study of the single-crystal X-ray structure of an asymmetric macrocyclic oligomer.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 224: 594-POLY Part 2 AUG 18 2002
Chen L, Wang HF, Yu YH, et al.
An electroactive indicator.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 060-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Ben T, Wang X, Zhang TR, et al.
Entrapment and release property of rigid macrocyclic oligomer/keggin heteropoly acid system.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 073-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Liu BJ, Hu W, Chen CH, et al.
Novel fluorinated poly(aryl ether)s with low dielectric constants.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 089-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Ma J, Wang HF, Hui S, et al.
Shear-induced stabilization of the nematic phase in a side group-containing poly(Aryl Ether Ketone) copolymer.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 98-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Zhang CL, Hui N, Cao J, et al.
Structure and characterization of a novel fluorine-containing epoxy resin.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 101-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Wang HF, Chen L, Liu XC, et al.
Study on degradation of pet in supercritical ethylene glycol.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 103-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Liu BJ, Wang D, Hu W, et al.
Synthesis of liquid-crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 126-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Liu BJ, Wang D, Hu W, et al.
Synthesis of novel thermotropic liquid-crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone)s with (3-methyl)phenyl side groups.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 129-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Jin YH, Hu W, Liu BJ, et al.
Synthesis of poly(aryl ether nitrile)s with fluorinated pendant groups.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 134-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Hu W, Liu BJ, Zhou J, et al.
Trifluoromethylated aromatic poly(ether sulfone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 147-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Hu W, Liu BJ, Zhao S, et al.
Methylated and trifluoromethylated aromatic poly(ether ether ketone diphenyl ketone)s.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 171-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Hu W, Liu BJ, Rao XH, et al.
Preparation of aromatic poly(ether nitrile) and poly(ether sulfone) with (3-methyl)phenyl pendant groups.
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 190-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Wang D, Liu BJ, Gao ZH, et al.
Synthesis of a fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether nitrile).
ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 214-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Cao J, Na H, Zhang CL, et al.
Synthesis of a novel linear oligomer for PEDEK.ABSTR PAP AM CHEM S 223: 215-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002
Sun ZY, Yang JA, Jiang W, et al.
Theoretical representation of shear and pressure influence on the phase separation behavior of PVME/PS mixture.POLYMER 43 (14): 4047-4054 JUN 2002
Ben T, Chen CH, Cao H, et al.
LB film structure of nanometer-scale PEEKK macrocyclic oligomers
MACROMOL RAPID COMM 23 (3): 196-199 FEB 19 2002
Liu BJ, Chen CH, Hu W, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 23 (2): 321-323 FEB 2002
Liu BJ, Chen CH, Jin YH, et al.
Synthesis and characterization of novel soluble poly(aryl ether ketone)s
CHEM J CHINESE U 23 (2): 324-326 FEB 2002


