



  • 中文名:劉聖
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1983.10
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西北工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士、研究生
  • 專業方向:空間結構光場在自由空間、光學周期微結構
  • 職務:副教授
  • 主要成就:西北工業大學博士論文創新基金專項獎勵基金二等獎
基本情況,教育經歷,工作經歷,教育教學,主要研究方向與項目,研究方向:,科研項目:,主要學術成果與獲獎,學術成果 Academic Achievements,榮譽獲獎,







1. 本科生基礎實驗課程:《大學物理實驗I、II》
2. 本科生專業課程:《光學測試技術





1. 國家自然基金青年項目1項
3. 西北工業大學基礎研究基金及西北工業大學中央高校基本科研業務費各1項
4. 作為主要技術骨幹參與國家重大科學研究(973)計畫項目課題等多項科研任務。


學術成果 Academic Achievements

1.Sheng Liu, Meirong Wang, Peng Li, Peng Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao. Abrupt polarization transition of vector autofocusing Airy beams. Opt. Lett., 2013,38(14): 2416-2418
2.Sheng Liu, Peng Li, Tao Peng, and Jianlin Zhao. Generation of arbitrary spatially variant polarization beams with a trapezoid Sagnac interferometer. Opt. Express, 2012,20(19): 20715-21721
3.Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Tunable self-shifting Bloch modes in anisotropic hexagonal photonic lattices. Opt. Lett., 2012, 37(12): 2184-2186.
4.Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Symmetry-breaking diffraction and dynamic self-trapping in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 100(6): 061907.
5.Sheng Liu, Yi Hu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Anomalous interactions of spatial gap solitons in optically induced photonic lattices. Optics Letter 2011, 36(7):1167-1169.
6.Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Visualization of Bragg reflection of complex photonic lattices by employing Brillouin zone spectroscopy. Applied Physics B 2010, 99(4): 727-731.
7.Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Xuetao Gan, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Interaction of in-band and in-gap lattice soliton trains in optically induced two-dimensional photonic lattices. Chinese Physics B 2010, 19(6): 065203.
8.Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Cibo Lou, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Numerical simulations of discrete propagations of light waves in optically induced planar waveguide arrays. Journal of Modern Optics 2009, 56(5): 677-684.
9.劉聖, 張鵬, 肖發俊, 甘雪濤, 趙建林. 基於布里淵區譜的二維光子晶格線性缺陷模式分析. 物理學報 2009, 58(8): 5467-5472. (SCI: 000269228600052)
10.D. Song, V. Paltoglou, S. Liu, Y. Zhu, D. Gallardo, L. Tang, J. Xu, M. Ablowitz, N. K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen. Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene. Nat. Commun. 2015, 6, 6272
11.D. Song, S. Liu, V. Paltoglou, D. Gallardo, L. Tang, J. Zhao, J. Xu, N. K. Efremidis, and Z. Chen , "Controlled generation of pseudospin-mediated vortices in photonic graphene", 2D Materials, Accepted 2015).
12.Peng Li, Sheng Liu, Tao Peng, Gaofeng Xie, Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Spiral autofocusing Airy beams carrying power-exponent-phase vortices. Opt. Express 22: 7598 (2014).
13.Wei Zhang, Sheng Liu, Peng Li, Xiangyang Jiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Controlling the polarization singularities of the focused azimuthally polarized beams. Opt. Express, 2013, 21(1): 974-983.
14.Xiangyang Jiao, Sheng Liu, Qian Wang, Xuetao Gan, Peng Li, and Jianlin Zhao. Redistributing energy flow and polarization of a focused azimuthally polarized beam with rotationally symmetric sector-shaped obstacles. Opt. Lett., 2012, 37(6): 1041-1043.
15.Zaifei Song, Sheng Liu, Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao and Enpu Li. Rotating properties of Bragg reflections and spatial lattice solitons in rotating photonic lattices. Chinese Opitcs Letters 2011, 9(7): 070801.(SCI: 000292716600007; EI: 20113214208357)
16.Zhuoyi Ye, Sheng Liu, Cibo Lou, Peng Zhang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Jianlin Zhao, and Zhigang Chen. Acceleration control of Airy beams with optically induced refractive-index gradient. Optics Letters 2011, 36(16): 3230-3232.
17.Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Cibo Lou, Fajun Xiao, Xiaosheng Wang, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Incomplete Brillouin zone spectra and controlled Bragg reflection with ionic-type photonic lattices. Physical Review A Rapid Communication 2010, 81(4): 041801.
18.Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Cibo Lou, Yuhan Gao, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Hybrid nonlinearity supported by nonconventionally biased photorefractive crystal. Applied Physics B 2009, 95(3): 559-563.
19.Yi Zhang, Peng Li, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao. Unveiling the photonic spin Hall effect of freely propagating fan-shaped cylindrical vector vortex beams. Opt. Lett. 2015, 40, 4444-4447.
20.Chenyang Zhao, Xuetao Gan, Sheng Liu, Yan Pang, and Jianlin Zhao. Generation of vector beams in planar photonic crystal cavities with multiple missing-hole defects. Opt. Express 2014, 22: 9360.
21.Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Beam steering and topological transformations driven by the interactions between a discrete vortex soliton and a discrete fundamental soliton. Phys. Rev. A 2014, 89: 013844.
22.Peng Li, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu, Tao Peng, Xuetao Gan, and Xiangyang Jiao. Dynamic behaviors of optical vortices in dual-core photonic crystal fibers. Opt. Commun. 2012,285(9): 2355-2359
23.Fajun Xiao, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu and Jianlin Zhao. Tunable oscillation of discrete solitons triggered by coherent interactions. Journal of Optics 2011, 13: 105101.
24.Peng Zhang, Cibo Lou, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Band-gap engineering and light manipulation with reconfigurable egg-crate photonic lattices. December special issue Optics and Photonics News (Optics in 2008) 2008, 19(12): 25.
25.Peng Zhang, Cibo Lou, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Tuning of Bloch modes, diffraction and refraction by two-dimensional lattice reconfiguration. Optics Letters 2010, 35(6): 892-894.
26.Xuetao Gan, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu, and Liang Fang. Generation and motion control of optical multi-vortex. Chinese Optics Letters 2009, 7(12): 1142-1145
27.Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Youming Zheng, Jianlin Zhao, and Zhigang Chen. Stabilization and breakup of optical vortices in presence of hybrid nonlinearity. Optics Express 2009, 17(25): 23130-23136.
28.Xuetao Gan, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fajun Xiao, and Jianlin Zhao. Solitary wave evolution of optical planar vortices in self-defocusing photorefractive media. Chinese Physics Letters.
29.Fajun Xiao, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Xuetao Gan, and Jianlin Zhao. Incoherent interaction between one- and two-dimensional solitons in noncentrosymmetric photorefractive media. Chinese Physics B 2010, 19(4): 044208.
30.Yi Hu, Cibo Lou, Sheng Liu, Peng Zhang, Jianlin Zhao, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen. Orientation-dependent excitations of lattice soliton trains with hybrid nonlinearity. Optics Letters. 2009, 34(7): 1114-1116.
31.Meirong Wang, Jianlin Zhao, Sheng Liu, Fei Liu, Xun Wan, and Peng Zhang. Optical current sensor immune to reflection phase shift based on graded-index magneto-optical glass. Applied Optics. 2009, 48(32): 6264-6270.
32.Fajun Xiao, Baoran Li, Meirong Wang, Weiren Zhu, Peng Zhang, Sheng Liu, Malin Premaratne, Jianlin Zhao. Optical Bloch oscillations of an Airy beam in a photonic lattice with a linear transverse index gradient. Opt. Express 2014, 22 (19): 22763




