

劉煜,男, 漢族,1980年生,理學博士。2016年從德國慕尼黑大學引進回國,雲南省古生物研究重點實驗室研究員,特聘教授。從事寒武紀節肢動物的研究,開創了運用現代的新技術手段(螢光顯微鏡,Micro-CT等)研究澄江動物群的先河。


  • 中文名:劉煜
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:雲南省
  • 出生日期:1980年
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:雲南大學,德國沃爾姆大學
  • 主要成就:國家青年千人計畫




2016.10– 今 雲南大學雲南省古生物研究重點實驗室,特聘教授





過去10年間,劉煜所涉及的研究方向涵蓋了胚胎髮育學、神經發育生物學及古生物學等研究動物進化事件的國際前沿領域。其在各領域均有若干SCI學術論文發表在國際學術期刊雜誌上。 截止目前,他共發表SCI英文文章18篇,英文書本章節1篇。其中,以第一作者身份撰寫並發表的文章共8篇。其代表性論文為分別發表在美國國家科學院院報(PNAS,中科院JCR1區期刊),Nature Communications(中科院JCR1區期刊)和Scientific Reports(中科院JCR2區期刊)上的三篇使用先進成像方法深入研究早寒武世澄江動物群節肢動物化石的文章。
近些年來,劉煜主要致力於將目前國際生物學研究領域中最前沿的多種先進研究手段和方法創新性地引入到澄江動物群化石標本的研究當中。經其研究工作創新性地引入的先進技術手段主要有:螢光顯微鏡、電子掃描顯微鏡和微型CT。前二者主要用於提取普通光學顯微鏡下無法觀察到的化石表面信息。特別值得一提的是其於2015年在Scientific Reports發文引入的微型CT技術對於澄江動物群化石未來的研究具有重大意義。CT掃描(相應設備稱為CT掃描議,或X射線斷層成像儀)是利用X射線的穿透能力探測標本內部構造的國際領先技術。這一技術雖已廣泛套用於醫學和工業檢測領域,但在古生物學領域的寒武紀澄江動物群標本的3維研究上的套用尚屬首次報導。利用微型CT掃描不僅可以觀察到被圍岩包埋或被動物化石的其它結構覆蓋的、用鋼針手工處理難以暴露的精細構造,而且還極大程度地保護了作為世界自然遺產的珍貴寒武紀澄江化石的完整性,使這些化石在研究過程中不受到人為(如:鋼針修理)的破壞。


1.Liu, Y., Melzer, R.R., Haug, J.T., Haug, C., Briggs, D.E.G., Hörnig, M.K., He, Y.Y., Hou, X.G. 2016. A three-dimensionally preserved minute larva of a great-appendage arthropod from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota. PNAS, 113, 5542–5546.
2.Yang, J., Ortega-Hernández, J., Butterfield, N.J., Liu, Y., Boyan, G.S., Hou, J.-B., Lan, T., Zhang, X.-G. 2016. Fuxianhuiid ventral nerve cord and early nervous system evolution in Panarthropoda. PNAS, 113, 2988–2993.
3.Boyan, G., Liu, Y., 2016. Development of the neurochemical architecture of the central complex. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10, 167.
4.Ehrhardt, E., Graf, P., Kleele, T., Liu, Y., Boyan, G. 2016. Fates of identified pioneer cells in the antennal nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocera gregaria. 2016. Arthropod, Structure & Development, 45, 23–30.
5.Strausfeld, N.J., Ma, X.Y., Edgecombe, G.D., Fortey, R.A., Land, M.F., Liu, Y., Cong, P.Y., Hou, X.G. 2016. Arthropod eyes: The early Cambrian fossil record and divergent evolution of visual systems. Arthropod, Structure & Development, 45, 152–172.
6.Liu, Y., Scholtz, G., Hou, X.G. 2015. When a 520 million-year-old Chengjiang fossil meets a modern micro-CT – a case study. Scientific Reports, 5: 12802. DOI: 10.1038/srep12802.
7.Boyan, G., Williams, L., Liu, Y. 2015. Conserved patterns of axogenesis in the protocerebral midline of panarthropod. Arthropod, Structure & Development, 44, 101–112.
8.Ehrhardt, E., Liu, Y., Boyan, G. 2015. Axogenesis in the antennal nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocera gregaria revisited: the base pioneers. Development, Genes & Evolution, 225, 39–45.
9.Liu, Y., Haug, J.T., Haug, C., Briggs, D.E.G., Hou, X.G. 2014. A 520 million-year-old chelicerate larva. Nature Communications, 5: 4440. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5440.
10.Boyan, G., Liu, Y. 2014a. Timelines in the insect brain: fates of identified neural stem cells generating the central complex in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Development, Genes & Evolution, 224, 37–51.
11.Boyan, G., Liu, Y. 2014b. Dye coupling and immunostaining of astrocyte-like glia following intracellular injection of fluorochromes in brain slices of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. In:Brain development: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1082 (Simon G. Sprecher ed.), Springer Science+Business Media. (DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-655-9_7).
12.Liu, Y. 2013. Gliogenesis in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria with particular focus on the protocerebrum prior to mid-embryogenesis. Cell & Tissue Research, 354, 697–705.
13.Liu, Y., Boyan, G. 2013. Glia associated with central complex lineages in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Development, Genes & Evolution, 223, 213–223.
14.Boyan, G., Liu, Y., Loser, M. 2012. A cellular network of dye-coupled glia associated with the embryonic central complex in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Development, Genes & Evolution, 222, 125–138.
15.Haug, J.T., Waloszek, D., Maas, A., Liu, Y., Haug, C. 2012. Functional morphology, ontogeny and evolution of mantis shrimp-like predators in the Cambrian. Palaeontology, 55, 369–399.
16.Boyan, G.S., Loser, M., Williams, L., Liu, Y. 2011. Astrocyte-like glia associated with the embryonic development of the central complex in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. Development, Genes & Evolution, 221, 141–155.
17.Liu, Y., Maas, A., Waloszek, D..2010. Early embryonic development of the head region of Gryllus assimilis Fabricius, 1775 (Orthoptera, Insecta). Arthropod, Structure & Development, 39, 382–395.
18.Liu, Y., Maas, A., Waloszek, D..2010. Early development of the anterior body region of the grey widow spider Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841 (Theridiidae, Araneae). Arthropod, Structure & Development, 38, 401–416.
19.Liu, Y., Bergström, J., Hou, X. 2007. Chengjiang arthropod Leanchoilia illecebrosa (Hou, 1987) reconsidered. GFF, 129, 263–272.


