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中國科學技術大學地球和空間科學學院教授, 博士生導師, 2019年全職回國工作,主要從事人工智慧地球物理,圖像與信號處理, 三維地震解釋,數值地質建模,地球物理反演、插值,計算機視覺與計算機圖形學方面的研究。


  • 中文名:伍新明 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:婁底
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校科羅拉多礦業大學 (Colorado School of Mines)
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向地球物理學
  • 職務:教授
伍新明, 中國科學技術大學地球和空間科學學院教授, 博士生導師, 2019年全職回國工作。2009年獲中南大學地球探測與信息技術本科學位,2012年獲同濟大學地球物理碩士學位,2016年獲美國科羅拉多礦業學院地球物理博士學位,2016~2019在美國經濟地質局從事博士後研究。2020年獲國際勘探地球物理學會 (SEG) 頒發的傑出青年獎(J. Clarence Karcher Award),並於同年獲選SEG榮譽講師 (Honorary Lecturer)。發表SCI論文40餘篇, 其中ESI高被引論文2篇,並於2016年獲得《Geophysics》雜誌年度最佳論文獎(1年1篇), 2017年獲得SEG年會最佳海報論文獎(1年1篇), 2018年獲得SEG年會最佳論文榮譽獎(1年1篇), 2016-2019連續三年獲得美國經濟地質局作者成就獎。自2017年以來擔任《Journal of Applied Geophysics》和《Interpretation》雜誌的 Associate Editor, 同時擔任十多家雜誌審稿人。


2012~2015期間擔任CWP(The Center for Wave Phenomena)研究助理;
2015.08~2016.05期間訪問美國經濟地質局(Bureau of Economic Geology);


2020:傑出青年獎(J. Clarence Karcher Award),國際勘探地球物理學會(SEG)
2020:榮譽講師(Honorary Lecturer),國際勘探地球物理學會(SEG).[Link1] [Link2]
2018:最佳論文榮譽獎(Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper),1年1篇,SEG 年會
2017:最佳海報論文獎(Best Poster Paper Award),1年1篇, SEG 年會
2016:年度最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award),1年1篇,Geophysics
15-17:四篇“地球物理亮點” (Geophysics Bright Spots)論文 (2015, 2016, 2017),SEG The Leading Edge 評選報導
17-19:作者成就獎(Author Achievement Award),美國經濟地質局
2015:SEG/Chevron Scholarship, SEG
2015:SEG/Thomas A. Mazza Memorial Scholarship, SEG
2009: 優秀畢業生,中南大學
05-09:國家獎學金 (2005, 2008)國家勵志獎學金 (2007),中國教育部


35.Pham, N.,X. Wu, and E. Naeini, Missing well log prediction using convolutional long short-term memory network.Geophysics, submitted.
34.Geng, Z.,X. Wu, Y. Shi, S. Fomel, 2019, Relative geologic time estimation with deep learning.Geophysics, submitted.
33.Wu, X., N. Bangs, and S. Fomel, 2019, Automatic fault mapping of a high-resolution 3D seismic data from Costa Rica subduction zone.JGR, in submission.
32.Wu, X.,L. Liang (Microsoft), Y. Shi, Z. Geng and S. Fomel, 2019, Deep learning for local seismic image processing: fault detection, structure-oriented smoothing with edge-preserving, and seismic normal estimation by using a single CNN.GJI, submitted.
31.Wu, X.,Hongliu Zeng, Yawen He, Sergey Fomel and Charles Kerans, 2019, Stratal slicing honoring both seismic structures and geologic concepts.AAPG Bulletin,in submission.
30. Wu, X.,Z. Zhao, Z. Geng, and S. Fomel, 2019, Toward accurate seismic flattening: methods and applications.GJI,in submission.[results]
29.Merzlikin, D., S. Fomel andX. Wu, 2019, Least-squares diffraction imaging using shaping regularization by anisotropic smoothing.Geophysics, in submission.
28.Geng, Z.,X. Wu, S. Fomel, Y. Chen, 2019, RT-seislet Transform.Geophysics, submitted.
27.Wu, X.,Y. Shi, S. Fomel, L. Liang (Microsoft), Q. Zhang (BP)and A. Yusifov (BP), 2019, FaultNet3D: predicting fault probabilities, strikes and dips with a common CNN.IEEE TGRS, in revision.[results]
26.Shi, Y.,X. Wuand S. Fomel, 2019, SaltSeg: Automatic 3D salt body segmentation using a deep convolutional neural network.Interpretation,SE113-SE122.[PDF]
25.Zhong, Z., T. Carr, G. Wang andX. Wu, 2019, Application of convolutional neural network in permeability prediction: A case study in Jacksonburg-Stringtown Oil Field, West Virginia, USA.Geophysics, accepted.
24.Wu, X., L. Liang (Uber), Y. Shi and S. Fomel, 2019, FaultSeg3D: using synthetic datasets to train an end-to-end convolutional neural network for 3D seismic fault segmentation.Geophysics, Vol. 84(3), IM35-IM45. [CODE] [Link][PDF].
23.Bader, S.,X. Wuand S. Fomel, 2019, Missing log data interpolation and semiautomatic seismic well ties using data matching techniques.Interpretation, Vol. 7(2), T347-T361.[PDF](Best Student Poster Paper at the 2017 SEG Annual Convention)
22.Wu, X.and Z. Guo, 2019, Detecting faults and channels while enhancing seismic structural and stratigraphic features.Interpretation, Vol. 7(1), T155–T166.[PDF][CODE]
21.Wu, X.and S. Fomel, 2018, Automatic fault interpretation with optimal surface voting.Geophysics, Vol. 83(5), O67-O82.[PDF][CODE](my recent favorite work)
20.Wu, X.and S. Fomel, 2018, Least-squares horizons with local slopes and multi-grid correlations,Geophysics, Vol. 83(4), IM29–IM40.[PDF][CODE](Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper at the 2018 SEG Annual Convention)
19.Wu, X., S. Fomel, and M. Hudec, 2018, Fast salt boundary interpretation withoptimal path picking.Geophysics, Vol. 83(3), O45–O53.[PDF][CODE]
18.Wu, X., Y. Shi, S. Fomel, and F. Li, 2018, Incremental correlation of multiple well logs following geologically optimal neighbors.Interpretation,Vol. 6(3), T713–T722.[PDF]
17.Wang, C., Z. Zhu, H. Gu,X. Wu, and S. Liu, 2018, Hankel low-rank approximation for seismic noise attenuation.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 57(1), 561–573.
16.Xue, Z.,X., WuandS. Fomel, 2018, Predictive painting across faults.Interpretation, Vol. 6(2),T449–T455.[PDF]
15.Li, G., Z., Zhu, Z.,X., Wuand P. Hou, 2018, On joint optimization of sensing matrix and sparsifying dictionary for robust compressed sensing systems.Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 73, 62–71.
14.Wu, X., 2017, Structure-, stratigraphy-, and fault-guided regularization in geophysical inversion.Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 210(1), 184-195.[PDF]
13.Tong, B., I., Tsvankin, andX., Wu, 2017, Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media.Geophysics,Vol. 82(4), WA83-WA93.[PDF]
12.Wu, X.andZ. Zhu, 2017, Methods to enhance seismic faults and construct fault surfaces.Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 107, 37-48.
11.Wu, X.and X., Janson, 2017, Directional structure tensors in estimating seismic structural and stratigraphic orientations.Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 210(1), 534-548.[PDF]
10.Wu, X., 2017, Building 3D subsurface models conforming to seismic structural and stratigraphic features.Geophysics, Vol.82(3), IM21-IM30.[PDF]
09.Wu, X.and G. Caumon, 2017, Simultaneous multiple well-seismic ties with flattened syntheticand real seismograms.Geophysics, Vol. 82(1), IM13-IM20.[PDF]
08.Wu, X., 2017, Directional structure-tensor based coherence to detect seismic channels and faults.Geophysics, Vol. 82(2), A13-A17.[PDF](“Geophysics Bright Spots” byThe Leading Edge)
07.Wu, X.and D. Hale, 2016, 3D seismic image processing for faults.Geophysics, 81(2), IM1–IM11.[PDF][CODE](2016 Best Paper Award in Geophysics)
06.Wu, X., 2016, Methods to compute salt likelihoods and extract salt boundaries from 3D seismic images.Geophysics, 81(6), IM119-IM126.[PDF]
05.Wu, X.and D. Hale, 2016, Automatically interpreting all faults, unconformities, and horizons from 3D seismic images.Interpretation, 4(2), T227-T237.[PDF]
04.Wu, X., S. Luo, and D. Hale, 2016, Moving faults while unfaulting 3D seismic images.Geophysics, 81(2), IM25-IM33.[PDF](“Geophysics Bright Spots” byThe Leading Edge)
03.Wu, X.and D. Hale, 2015, 3D seismic image processing for unconformities.Geophysics, 80 (2), IM35-IM44.[PDF](“Geophysics Bright Spots” byThe Leading Edge)
02.Wu, X.and D. Hale, 2015, Horizon volumes with interpreted constraints.Geophysics, 80 (2), IM21-IM33.[PDF](“Geophysics Bright Spots” byThe Leading Edge)
01.Wu, X.and G. Zhong, 2012, Generating a relative geologic time volume by improved 3D graph-cut-based phase unwrapping method with horizon and unconformity constraints.Geophysics, 77 (4), O21-O34.[PDF]


