


  • 中文名:中國實體轉讓網
  • 外文名:China entity change web
  • 原名:中華實體轉讓網
據有關部門統計,中國現在每年約有 1000 億市值的中小企業在轉讓、易手,但是因為苦於沒有一個開放型的信息平台,造成信息不通,出現這樣一種現象:想賣的賣不出去,最後只好關門停業,白白浪費了自己的資金積累、客源積累、系統積累等資源;而另一方面,因為缺乏有效的信息渠道,想買的又找不到合適的實體項目,大都不得不從零開始,積累各種資源,忍受長時間的虧損之後才能換來一定的客戶群等資源。
《中國實體轉讓網》原《中華實體轉讓網》正是基於中國經濟發展的大趨勢,引進已開發國家的成熟的操作經驗和商業模式,再結合中國的具體國情,建立了一個快捷全面、公平公正地發布實體項目轉讓、公司執照轉讓、商業場地轉讓、招商引資和連鎖加盟的信息平台; 並且在這個平台的基礎上,再建立網下的專業運作配合團隊,開展深入專業的具體運作推進,以深厚的專業知識和對項目前景的具體分析能力,為供需雙方提供一個進行合理的、快速的、公平的、簡單匹配的平台。從而使供需雙方都能得到他們合理的利益,達到雙贏的結果。
《 China entity change web 》 is rooted from 《 China entity change web 》 ----entity items change flat roof.
Good entity, good item not only bring us profits, but also carrier to capital increment .at present, The number of minor enterprise start to increase by degree, more and more capital individual institution as well as government all too impatient to hunting for high quality items through to invest foreground enterprises to gain the income of capital increament.
According to statistics of some sections, every year value of 100 billion minor enterprise are changing, placing. But because of there is no one opened information flat, so it works be obstructed to information, it emerges such a phenomenon: want to sell no sell .at last have to shut down. It is a waste of yourself to capital accumulate customer, accumulate system and other resources, in the other side, want to buy no buy as to short of the effective information channels.
《 China entity change web 》 is rooted from 《 China entity change web 》 is based on the trend of the development Economics, introduction of mature work experience and business pattern from developed country, and combine the situation of a country to build a full shortcut. Fair justness information flat to issue entity item change company license change ,business field change attract investments and franchise and based on this to build special work team, carry embed special body advance, with profundity special knowledge and items foreground to analyzed ability, offer a reasonable fast fair simple flat to both side of offer and need, consequently both side of offer and need to obtain their reasonable profits and the results of both side win.


