


  • 中文名:上海大學數字影視藝術研發中心
  • 研究內容:數字圖像處理方法與技術等
  • 在研項目:上海市科委、教委項目多項
  • 水平:有創新、有特色、處國內領先水平
  • 隸屬:上海大學




The goal of the R&D Center for Digital Film&TV Studies is to strengthen extensive cooperation with society, promote the development of related disciplines, and expand the expressive capability of and market demand for technologies employed in the film&TV art. Correspondingly, the Center attaches great importance to the integration of technology and art and the refining of artistic expressiveness achieved by technology, so as to construct a full-fledged platform for the research and development of digital art designing technology and a well linked chain of R&D, education and application for the advancement of this distinctive interdisciplinary subject.
Attentively tracing the development trend of and the demand for contemporary media technologies and focusing its academic energy on the digital technology employed in the film & TV art, the Center is set to expand the scope of film & TV expressiveness. The research areas of the Center cover digital designing and network technology and digital technology for films and TV, which, more specifically, include: the processing and technology of digital images, computer graphics and simulation, visual calculation, designing of digital films and TV, theories of animation designing and the production of animations, action transducing, technology of multi-media calculation, Internet three-dimensional Internet technology, films & TV on demand and broadcasting, original designing of films and TV and the simulation of its effect, the methods and technology of computerized controlling of the shooting of films and TV, non-linear editing, the methods and technology of computerized processing and composition of films and TV programs.


