trick of fate

trick of fate

《trick of fate》是電影《Trick 天雷勾動地火》的片尾曲,由美國黑人女歌手Valerie Pinkston演唱。


  • 外文名:trick of fate
  • 出自:《Trick 天雷勾動地火》片尾曲
  • 歌手:Valerie Pinkston
  • 類型:歌曲


此曲來自電影《Trick 天雷勾動地火》片尾曲


Valerie Pinkston
來自底特律的8人靈魂樂隊Chapter 8的成員之一


Trick of Fate(命運的邂逅 或 命運的偶遇)
I never thought I'd find someone like you
我從未想過 我能找到一個像你這樣的人
Though in my every fantasy I saw you everyday
I thought there was no way - to make my dream come true.
我從不相信 我的夢想能夠成真
I always thought that I would be alone
Afraid to dream that anyone was ever gonna see The love inside of me - but how could I have known
害怕有誰會窺見 我心中的愛戀 - 但若不是你我又如何明了自己內心的渴望?
A trick of fate would bring us together
一個命中注定的相遇 使我們在一起
A trick of fate would alter our lives
一個命中注定的相遇 改變了我們的生活
We had to wait it seemed like forever
我們不得不等待 雖然它看起來永不會來到
But never say never to a trick of fate
但永遠不要說“永不” 終有一天你會遇見你的“命中注定
What were the chances I'd be here with you
是什麼機緣讓我 現在和你在一起
That after all the lonely years of searching everywhere
在我孤獨地 年復一年地 找遍了全世界之後
I'd turn and you'd be there - from clear out of the blue
我轉過身看到你就在那裡 於是所有的陰霾都煙消雲散
Our lives are in the hands of destiny
我們的生活 都掌控在命運的手中
And though we try to take control
That's not the way it goes - a higher power knows How it's supposed to be
然而卻無能為力 - 唯有更強大的力量才能知曉 命運是怎樣控制我們的
A trick of fate brought us together
一個命中注定的相遇 使我們在一起
A trick of fate altered our lives
一個命中注定的相遇 改變了我們的生命
We had to wait it seemed like forever
我們必須等待 雖然它看起來永不會來到
But never say never to a trick of fate
但永遠不要說“永不” 終有一天你會遇見你的“命中注定”
And now, something has begun - something very new
現在 有種新的感情在我心中開始萌發
And suddenly the future's looking bright
忽然地 未來就變得明亮起來
Somehow when two hearts beat as one, fairy tales come true
And anything seems possible tonight
今夜 一切夢想 都變得可能
A trick of fate brought us together
一個命中注定的相遇 使我們在一起
A trick of fate altered our lives
一個命中注定的相遇 改變了我們的生命
We had to wait it seemed like forever
我們必須等待 雖然它看起來永不會來到
But never say never to a trick of fate
但永遠不要說“永不” 終有一天你會遇見你的“命中注定”
It just goes to show
That you never know
Where love's gonna grow
it's a trick of fate.


