When Sophie Gets Angry

When Sophie Gets Angry

《When Sophie Gets Angry》是2007年1月1日由Scholastic出版社出版的圖書,作者是Molly Bang。本書主要借Sophie生氣的故事向孩子們展示了生氣是正常的情緒,他們生氣後應該向父母、老師尋求幫助。


  • 書名:When Sophie Gets Angry
  • 作者:Molly Bang(莫麗·邦) 著
  • ISBN:9780439924931
  • 出版社:Publisher:Scholastic
  • 出版時間:2007-01-01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 正文語種:英文


Everybody gets angry sometimes. And for children, anger can be very upsetting. In this Caldecott-honor book, children will see what Sophie does when she gets angry. Parents, teachers, and children can talk about it. People do lots of different things when they get angry. What do you do?


This Caldecott Honor artist believes that "reading picture books together is one of the nicest ways to snuggle with your child, be close, and talk about things that are important." "I thought of being an illustrator only, but editors said there were no writers whom they could match me with, so I should write my own stories." Now she's had more than 20 books published! The mother of a grown daughter, Bang divides her time between northern California and Falmouth, Massachusetts.


