

《Tapworthy:設計偉大的iPhone套用》是2011東南大學出版社 出版的圖書,作者是Josh Clark。


  • 書名:Tapworthy:設計偉大的iPhone套用
  • 作者:Josh Clark
  • 原版名稱:Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps
  • ISBN:9787564125011 
  • 頁數:310
  • 出版社:東南大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2011年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


你已經有了一個關於iphone套用的創意——和其他地球人一樣。採用優雅的設計,融入有效的易用性以及適度的個性化,可以讓你的套用與眾不同。這本鮮活易讀的指南,通過介紹實用原則和豐富的可視化樣例,向你展示如何為iphone和ipod touch設計非凡的用戶體驗。
無論你是設計師、程式設計師、管理者,還是行銷人員,tapworthy都將教會你“思考iphone”,並幫助你在整個設計過程中間對問題做對事。你將探索如何綜合考慮設計、心理、文化、人體工程學和易用性來創造一個值得點擊(tapworthy)的套用。與此同時,你還將獲得來自facebook、usa today、twitterrific等許多套用設計大師的幕後洞見。


designing apps for delight and usability
but first...breathe
no geek credentials required
advice from the real world
1.touch and go
how we use iphone apps
on the go: one hand, one eye, one big blur
get it done quick
one tool in a crowded toolbox
bored, fickle, and disloyal
double-tap, pinch, twist, what?
clumsy fingers
so, what, do i design for dummies?
2. is it tapworthy?
crafting your app's mission
there's not an app for q-hat
"WE NEED AN I PHONE APP" You've almost certainly heard that one at the office. Or in a conversation with chums. Maybe even around your own kitchen table. Since you're reading this book, you've probably even said it yourself.
You're right: you do need an iPhone app. Apple's glossy gadget touched off a whole new kind of computing--personal, intimate, and convenient--that has be-come both passion and habit for millions of regular folks. That's not going away;looking ahead, we're not going to spend less time with our phones, our tablets,our on-the-go internet devices. More and more, getting in front of people means getting on mobile devices, starting with the iPhone. It's a device with the follow-ing and technology to get your stuff out there with a rare combination of volume and style.
But First...Breathe
An iPhone app isn't an end in itself. It's not something to be hustled through,just so you can check it offyour list. There's a whiffin the air of the go-go website panic of the 1990s, when everyone rushed to cobble together some HTML-just to have a website, any Website, with little consideration of either usefulness or usability. It was at once a period of heady innovation and herd-following medi-ocrity. The same holds for iPhone apps today. There are mind-bending creations to be found in the App Store, but the store is also chockablock with time-wasting duds. You can do better.
Set your app apart with elegant design. This means something more than pretty pixels. Design is what your app does, how it works, how it presents itself to your au-dience. Tapworthy apps draw people in with both efficiency and charm. They cope with small screens and fleeting user attention to make every pixel count, every tap rewarding. That means great app design has to embrace a carefully honed concept, a restrained feature set, efficient usability, and a healthy dollop of person-ality. All of this takes time, thought, and talent, but perhaps most of all, it takes a little common sense. This book distills observation of real people using real apps into plain-spoken principles for designing exceptional interfaces for the iPhone and iPod Touch. (Most of the advice in this book applies equally to iPhone and iPod Touch--and often to other smart phones, too. To keep things simple, though, I refer to iPhone throughout. It's okay with me ifyou mentally add "and iPhone Touch"after each mention. The iPad gets passing attention, too, but the size and context of its use make the iPad a whole different animal. This book focuses on designing for the small screen, leaving iPad design for another day.)
No Geek Credentials Required
This book teaches you how to "think iPhone." It isn't a programming book. It's not a marketing book. It's about the design and psychology and culture and usability and ergonomics of the iPhone and its apps. From idea to polished pixel, this book explains how to create something awesome: an iPhone app that delights. You'll learn how to conceive and refine your app's design in tune with the needs of a mobile andience--and their fingers and thumbs. Designing a handheld device that works by touch is entirely different from designing any other kind of software interface. Experienced designers and newcomers alike will uncover the shifts in mindset and technique required to craft a great app.
You'll still dive deep into the nitty-gritty of iPhone interface elements. This book explains the hows and whys of every button, toolbar, and gee-whiz gizmo. But it does so from the human perspective of what people want, expect, and need from your app. Throughout, you'll find design concepts explained in the context of familiar physical objects and real-world examples. Humane explanations for cre-ating humane software.
All of this means that this book isn't (only) for geeks. It's for everyone involved in the app design process--designers, programmers, managers, marketers, clients--as well as smitten iPhone enthusiasts who are just curious about what makes this thing tick. Equip yourself to ask the right questions (and find the right answers)to make aesthetic, technical, and usability decisions that will make your app a pleasure to use. The book's aim is to establish a common vocabulary that helps geeks and civilians speak in the same tongue about the goals and mechanics of great apps. This mission is simple enough: when everyone around the table un-derstands the ingredients of tapworthy apps, more apps will be tapworthy.
Advice from the Real World
Great apps seem effortless, and the best make it seem as if the design process came fast and easy. That's rarely true. No matter how sensational the designer or developer, designing a great app takes hard work and careful consideration.Throughout this book, you'll find interviews with iPhone superstars who each share their process, breakthroughs, and misfires. You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of popular apps including Facebook, Twitterrific, USA Today,Things, and others. Early sketches and design mockups show how these apps evolved from concept to polished design--and not always in a straight line.
Looking over the shoulders of the best in the industry cemented the principles described in this book. These apps show how careful attention to both style and substance yields interfaces that are functional and easy to use, sure, but also cre-ates user experiences that are in some way intimately personal. When did anyone ever say that about software? We are in a new era of the oh-so-personal computer,and that means we all have to think about software differently.
"We need an iPhone app:' Yes, you do, but more specifically, you need a tapworthy app. Designing one begins with understanding exactly how and why people use their iPhones in the first place. That's where this book begins, too.


“我被Josh Clark關於iPhone開發方面的深刻理解徹底征服了。對於我每一位正在考慮iPhone套用的讀者來說,這都是一本重要的著作。”
——Jurgen Schweizer,Cultured Code創始人
“很難找到像Josh Clark這樣的人,如此專注於界面設計和移動設備主題。”
——John Maeda
“在過去兩年多的時間裡,我完全沉浸在iPhone UI設計之中,甚至自己也寫過相關主題,所以儘管我很高興地審閱了本書初稿,但並不指望會有任何令我耳目一新的東西。老兄,我錯了。Tapworthy不僅總結了幾乎所有我所知道關於iPhone用戶界面設計的知識,並促使我以新的方式來思考iPhone典型用戶。對於任何致力於移動套用的人來說,這本書都是非常寶貴的資源。”
——David Barnard
App Cubby創始人




