Take Me There


  • 中文名稱:Take Me There
  • 填詞:Francis Sullivan
  • 譜曲:Joseph Wei
  • 編曲:Johnny Yim


關心妍 - Take Me There
監製:Johnny Yim


Would you stay and help me find
I'm searchin' for a dream
Somewhere in the darkest storm
Would you walk the road with me
And can you help me find the light
A light to hopeless heart
Can you hold my hand and
Talk me there
Coz im searchin for so long
For a dream that once there
Would you be with me
And stay by my side
Would you take me there
Would you take me there
Reach my hand and then
Togeter we will find our way out there
Would you take me there
We can have that dream again ooh
Hold my hand and take me there
Would you come and fight with me
From battles all around
I've been feelin' all burned out
It's not easy when no one's here
And can you help me find the light
A light to shine my heart
Can you hold my hand and
Take me there
Coz im searchin for so long
For a dream that once was there
Would you be with me
And stay by my side
Would you take me there
Would you take me there
Reach my hand and then
Togeter we will find our way out there
Would you take me there
We can have that dream again ooh
Hold my hand and take me there
Hold my hand and take me there


關心妍出生於中國香港,童年時在香港長大;1990年移居加拿大溫哥華,並在當地完成高中課程,及後攻讀英屬哥倫比亞大學主修科學系。1999年於全球華人新秀歌唱大賽 (加拿大區總決賽) 奪得冠軍,及同年於上海進行的全球華人新秀歌唱大賽 (總決賽) 以王菲的一曲《》獲得“最具潛質獎”。在2002年加入 BMA 唱片公司正式出道。除歌唱外,她同時有鋼琴、吉他及色士風的才華。


