one better

one better

《one better》是美國歌手亞倫·卡特演唱的一首歌曲。


  • 中文名:one better
  • 歌手亞倫·卡特
  • 國籍美國
  • 榮獲:美國十大金曲的最年輕的歌手


亞倫·卡特美國音樂史上擁有連續五首十大金曲的最年輕的歌手,被人譽為“流行樂小王子”。亞倫·卡特於1987年12月7日出生於佛羅里達,是個龍鳳胎。2歲的時候就開始學習唱歌及跳舞,7歲的時候就開始組成第一個屬於他自己的樂團——DEAD END。第一張專輯在全球各國的十大排行榜上同時也在全球12個國家得到金唱片銷售,第二張專輯《歡樂派對》創下多項白金唱片的銷售記錄,並一舉拿下Billboard專輯榜第4名,以迅雷不及掩耳之勢走紅。第三張專輯《天之驕子》使他榮獲第三屆Teen Choice Award(少年選擇獎)最佳男歌手。


《One better》
Give me a half a chance
I'll make you understand
That what I've got to give
Is so much more than this
Than you'll ever know
I don't say what's on my mind
But you'll find this out in time
Don't always open up
I'm not quick to trust
And let someone inside
I've got a lot to learn
Never felt this way before
But I've got to say what's right for me
You should know that I can
Be more than you will ever need
I'll show you something new to see Yeah
I'll be the one you can believe
I'll be one better Yeah
I'll be one better
You've seen some falling stars
You've felt a broken heart
Time is all it takes
Learn from my mistakes
Know exactly what you are
But I can't hang on the side
Had enough of all these fights
Got to get to you
Got to get this through
'Till you realize
I've got a lot to learn
Never felt this way before
But I've got to say what's right for me
You should know that I can
Be more than you will ever need
I'll show you something new to see Yeah
I'll be the one you can believe
I'll be one better Yeah
I won't back down. No never, no never
You don't have to be alone
You should know that I can
Be more than you will ever need
I'll show you something new to see Yeah
I'll be the one you can believe
I'll be one better
I'll be one better
I'll be one better


Come Get It The Very Best Of Aaron Carter
歌手:Aaron Carter
語言:英語 流派:Pop
流行樂壇小王子亞倫·卡特(Aaron Carter)最新專輯《The Very Best of Aaron Carter》
亞倫·卡特,1998年發行了個人首張專輯《The Very Best of Aaron Carter》,在全球引起強烈反響,上市不久就打進了全球各地的十大排行榜,獲得了12個國家的金唱片銷售獎,同時他也成為英國音樂史上首位擁有一張專輯連續4首歌擠進十大金曲的年輕歌手


