

MCSD(Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)微軟認證解決方案開發專家。 微軟認證解決方案開發人員 (MCSD) 報考者需要通過三門核心考試和一門選修考試。核心技術考試要求報考者證明他們精通解決方案的體系結構、桌面應用程式的開發和分散式應用程式的開發。選修考試要求證明具有使用微軟開發工具的專業技能。最好的認證方案!


  • 中文名:微軟認證解決方案開發專家
  • 外文名:Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
  • 縮寫:mcsd
  • 核心考試:五門考試


一門關於 Web applications development的考試
一門關於 Windows applications development的考試
一門關於 Web services and server components的考試
一門關於 solution architecture的考試
提示Many of the exams in this certification track are retired. If a required exam is retired and you have not yet passed that exam, you cannot complete the certification track. You must fulfill all listed requirements to earn the certification. If you passed a required exam before it retired, it can be applied toward certification. The credential will not expire.
Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-305
Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-315
Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-306
Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-316
Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-310
Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-320
Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-300
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-229
Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, Enterprise Edition
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-230
Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-234
TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server
Exam 70-235
Managing, Organizing, and Delivering IT Projects by Using Microsoft Solutions Framework 3.0
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-301
Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-330
Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET
NoteThis exam isretired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification.
Exam 70-340
TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – Implementation and Maintenance
Exam 70-431
Developing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004
Exam 74-135
1This exam retires on October 31, 2010.


微軟認證解決方案開發專家 (MCSD) 可獲得如下權益(2000 年 1 月 1 日生效):
訂閱“微軟開發人員網路”(MSDN®)在獲得認證後的一年內,可以獲得一年的 MSDN 訂閱折扣(實行細節可能會隨著您的所在地點有所變化,請查看您的 Welcome Kit。)MSDN 專業版的折扣額為 200 美元,MSDN Universal(通用版)的折扣為 500 美元。
從部分公司獲得獨有的產品和服務折扣。一些優惠只提供給最高級認證,[微軟認證系統工程師 + Internet (MCSE+I)、微軟認證系統工程師 (MCSE)、微軟認證資料庫管理員 (MCDBA)、微軟認證解決方案開發專家 (MCSD)]。現已通過認證的人員可以通過訪問 MCP 安全 Web 站點,並單擊“其他權益”來獲取相關信息。獲得最高級認證的人員可以選擇“最高級權益”。
通過安全的 MCP Web 站點直接從微軟公司獲得技術和產品信息。
MCSD 徽標、證書、成績單、皮夾卡、領帶夾向同事和客戶表明您的微軟認證專家(MCP)身份。在認證時可以從 MCP 安全 Web 站點下載徽標和成績單的電子檔案。
免費訪問 Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online (《微軟認證專家線上雜誌》 -- 一份有關職業生涯及專業前景展望的雜誌)。Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online Web 站點的安全內容包括本期雜誌(只有 MCP 才能訪問),其他僅線上發行的內容和專欄,一個只對 MCP 開放的資料庫和與微軟和其他技術專家定期的線上技術討論。
對於具有 MCSE+Internet、MCSE、MCSD 和 MCDBA 認證的人員,還提供其他線上優惠。進入 MCP 安全 Web 站點,訪問 Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online。(所有 MCP 都有資格瀏覽線上雜誌的安全內容。一些 MCP 可能還有資格免費得到雜誌的印刷版本;這種資格由該雜誌確定。)




