knock knock(Lenka《knock knock》)

knock knock(Lenka《knock knock》)

《knock knock》是Lenka演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Lenka》中,2008年09月22日發行。


  • 外文名:knock knock
  • 所屬專輯:《Lenka》
  • 發行時間:2008-09-22
  • 歌曲類型流行



A second, a minute, and hour, a day goes by.
I’m hopin' just to be by your side.
I’m turnin' the handle
it won’t open.
Don’t make me wait, cause right now I need your smile.
Knock Knock
When life had locked me out, I turned to you
so open the door.
Cause you’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’
Little louder Little louder
A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart
I’ve tried it but they all leave me cold
So now I’m here waiting to see you
my remedy for all that’s been hurting me
Knock Knock
When life had locked me out,
I turned to you so open the door.
Cause you’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
You seem to know the way to turn my frown upside down
you always know what to say to make me feel like everything’s ok.
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’ (X3)
Little louder Little louder
When life had locked me out, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
When life had locked me down, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’ Nothin' works like you, oh oh Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’
When life had locked me out, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.


A second, a minute, and hour, a day goes by.時間一分一秒漸漸流逝
I’m hopin' just to be by your side.我只是希望能呆在你身邊
I’m turnin' the handle我轉動把手
it won’t open.卻無法打開門
Don’t make me wait, cause right now I need your smile.別讓我再等了 因為現在我需要你的微笑
Knock Knock叩叩
When life had locked me out, I turned to you當生活將我鎖在外(生活不如意,遇到挫折困難,碰壁的時候) 我便求助於你
so open the door.所以請開開門
Cause you’re all I need right now it’s true.因為你就是我此刻所需要的 真的
Nothin' works like you.沒有什麼能像你一樣起作用
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’ 大聲點…敲大聲點..
Little louder Little louder
A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart你銘記在心的一次溫水沐,一個開懷大笑,一首老歌
I’ve tried it but they all leave me cold我都嘗試過 但那一切都無法溫暖我
So now I’m here waiting to see you所以此刻我在這兒等待著想要見到你
my remedy for all that’s been hurting me你就是治癒我所有傷痛的藥啊
Knock Knock(重複同上)
When life had locked me out,
I turned to you so open the door.
Cause you’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
You seem to know the way to turn my frown upside down你似乎有辦法能將我的愁眉苦臉變成笑臉盈盈
you always know what to say to make me feel like everything’s ok.你總是知道說些什麼就能令我覺得一切都很安好
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’ (X3)
Little louder Little louder
When life had locked me out, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
When life had locked me down, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.
Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’ Nothin' works like you, oh oh Little louder Little louder Little louder knockin’
When life had locked me out, I turned to you and you open the door.
You’re all I need right now it’s true.
Nothin' works like you.


蕾恩卡·克莉帕克(Lenka),來自澳洲Electronic-Rock團體Decoder Ring中的優質創作甜美女聲,一位古靈精怪的小女孩,腦子充滿天馬行空的七彩畫面轉由音符輸出,可愛有趣之迷人特質讓聽眾很快的喜歡上了她,生動活潑的豐富曲風,完全排除千篇一律枯燥乏味的編排模式,加上毫不吹噓的創作功力,邀你一同進入她多樣的音樂異想世界。  蕾恩卡六歲時伴隨吹奏小號的父親而開口歌唱,慢慢培養出對音樂的高度興趣。移居悉尼之後開始學習舞蹈等表演課程,進入藝術學院加強其發聲訓練。2004年加入 Electronic-Rock 團體 Decoder Ring,替短片《猶太男孩 Jewboy》編寫配樂而風靡許多電影節會場,更躍登澳洲大小音樂祭典舞台。蕾恩卡飛到美國洛杉磯尋找更多音樂靈感,同時不斷於工作室裡頭製作自己的歌曲,2007年獲得 Epic Records 賞識,順利簽入旗下發表了個人專輯。
首張同名大碟《LENKA》,一次動員了 StuartBrawley(CelineDion、Seal、TheRollingStones製作人)、 PierreMarchand(SarahMcLachlan、RufusWainwright、BT製作人)、 MikeElizondo(Maroon5、Pink、SherylCrow製作人)、JohnAlagia(DaveMatthewsBand、 JohnMayer、JasonMraz製作人)、JasonLader(Jay-Z、GwenStefani、Coldplay製作人)等五位當紅製作人聯手打造。  Heart Skips a Beat 是由著名澳大利亞歌星Lenka所唱。


