in this life(Delta Goodrem演唱歌曲)

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《in this life》是一首歌曲,由Delta Goodrem演唱。


  • 中文名稱:in this life
  • 所屬公司:SONY MUSIC
  • 發行時間:2007-09-17
  • 歌手:Delta Goodrem


歌名:In This Life


I was nurtured曾經被養育
I was sheltered曾經被呵護
I was curious and young曾幾何時 我是如此好奇與年輕
I was searching for that something我努力尋求著某樣事物
Trying to find it on the run為了它不惜奔波勞碌
Oh and just when I stopped looking當我停下腳步驀然回首
I saw just how far I'd come不經意間我歷盡了滄海桑田
In this life在我的一生中
In this life在我的人生中
You give me love你給予我愛情
You give me light你給予我光芒
Show me everything that's been happening是你向我展示了世界的變遷
I've opened up my eyes讓我開闊了視野
I'm following遵循著
Three steps fight an honest fight展開正式決鬥的三步曲
Two hearts that can start a fire迸裂出激情火花的兩顆心
One love is all I need一種愛 就是我全部的所需
In this life在我的一生中
In this life在我的人生中
I have faltered I have stumbled曾經步履蹣跚 曾經跌跌撞撞
I have found my feet again最終還是步入了正軌
I've been angry I've been shaken曾經怒不可遏 曾經躊躇動搖
Found a new place to begin最終還是找到了新的起點
My persistence to make a difference我那無人能及的堅韌不拔精神
Has led me safe into your hands指引我安全地進入你的掌握
In this life在我的一生中
In this life在我的人生中
You give me love你給予我愛情
You give me light你給予我光芒
Show me everything that's been happening是你向我展示了世界的變遷
I've opened up my eyes讓我開闊了視野
I'm following遵循著
Three steps fight an honest fight展開正式決鬥的三步曲
Two hearts that can start a fire迸裂出激情火花的兩顆心
One love is all I need一種愛 就是我全部的所需
In this life在我的一生中
In this life在我的人生中
I was put here for a reason天生我材必有用
I was born into this world出生於這個大千世界
And I'm living and I'm believing努力生存著 並且堅信
I was meant to be your girl我命中注定成為你的女孩
In this life在我的一生中
In this life在我的人生中
You give me love你給予我愛情
You give me light你給予我光芒
Show me everything that's been happening是你向我展示了世界的變遷
I've opened up my eyes讓我開闊了視野
I'm following遵循著
Three steps fight an honest fight展開正式決鬥的三步曲
Two hearts that can start a fire迸裂出激情火花的兩顆心
One love is all I need一種愛 就是我全部的所需
In this life在我的一生中
Three steps fight an honest fight展開正式決鬥的三步曲
Two hearts that can start a fire迸裂出激情火花的兩顆心
One love is all I need一種愛 就是我全部的所需
In this life在我的一生中
In this life......在我的一生中……


