How much(Mariah Carey 歌曲)

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歌手:Mariah Carey
專輯介紹:瑪麗亞凱莉的專輯《Rainbow》於1999年11月4日發行,此張專輯可說是當今流行R&B、Hip-Hop的最佳見證,許多當今樂壇上鼎鼎有名的黑人藝人,從Jay-Z、Usher、Da Brat、Missy Elliot到Snoop Dogg、Mystikal及Master P都為Mariah Carey獻聲演出。專輯尚未發行已有許多人預見,這張專輯將為Mariah Carey輝煌的冠軍史再添一筆。專輯《Rainbow》中收錄的14首曲目中,除了"Against All Odds"是出自Phil Collins之手外,皆由瑪麗亞凱莉本人詞曲、製作一手包辦。
美國有一個古老的迷信:彩虹是夢想與希望的象徵,當彩虹出現時會帶來幸福。Mariah Carey本人表示,專輯會取這名字完全是意外,其實直到開始錄製專輯時,她還完全不知道該如何命名。但就像上帝的指引般,那天的錄音特別不順利,當她因為錄音的疲倦步出錄音室外時,突然看見到天空有兩道彩虹,那兩道彩虹比起以往所見的彩虹還絢麗奪目。看到那些鮮艷幸福的色彩時,她感到極大的感動,瑪麗亞凱莉表示過去一年來,有許多事情的發生讓自己的心情起伏不定,但是她相信彩虹所能帶來的幸福。瑪麗亞凱莉還表示,一個完美的世界應該如同彩虹般,雖然有不同顏色的存在卻能和諧共存,因此便命名該專輯為《Rainbow》。


The way I feel for you
I can't describe
It's almost too intense
To verbilize
Essentially you're all
I'm living for
And basically each day
I need you more and more
Have you even been so enamored
That's how much i love you
All I need in this life, you see
I me and my boyfriend
Have you ever felt lost
When you know you gotta leave me
That's how much I love you
Love is yours and mine
'Till the very end
Just me and my boyfriend
Don't underestimate the love in me
It's obvious these feelings run so deep
I fall and fall for you day after day
Nobody else could ever take your place
Have you even been so enamored
That's how much i love you
All I need in this life, you see
I me and my boyfriend
Have you ever felt lost
When you know you gotta leave me
That's how much I love you
Love is yours and mine
'Till the very end
Just me and my boyfriend
You don't gotta waste your time and
You don't gotta look for reassurance
'Cause clearly you're the only one
that's gettin this and
Sugar I don't need nobody else
But you
And honey I ain't lettin' you go too soon
Because I can't get enough
Why you asking how much?
It's more than you can handle baby


