
定義積木寶貝:About GymAngel



  • 中文名:定義積木寶貝
  • 外文名:About GymAngel
  • 課程研發機構:中國科學院、中央教科研究所等
  • 理論:三能平衡發展
簡介,6大理念Six Founding Concepts,6大特色What is Unique of GymAngel,全國積木寶貝國際早教中心地址:,


GymAngel International Early Education aims to promote the balanced development of physique, intelligence, and socialization of children aged 0 – 6 years old. The class system has been co-developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese National Institute for Education Research, Peking University, and the International Toy Library Association.
Based on longitudinal evaluation of the development of 50’000 Chinese children, and in conjunction with the cooperative works of over 100 experts from China and overseas, GymAngel believes that intellectual, physical and social emotional growths are all equally important and should be developed with balance.
Teaching equipments and instruments in GymAngel come from the world-leading educational tools development company ITLA. GymAngel engages in fostering children to develop well-rounded abilities therefore help them achieving the strengths to fulfill their dreams.

6大理念Six Founding Concepts

1. 多維度科學評價,讀懂孩子  Understand your child with scientific multi-dimensional assessments   2. 平衡發展體能、智慧型、心理能力  Develop your child’s physical, intellectual, and social emotional abilities with balance
3. 拓展心理能量,0—6歲最關鍵  Promote your child’s psychological strengths with a golden period of 0-6 years old
4. 遊戲中探索,鼓勵孩子自我建構  Encourage your child developing the self-construction within games
5. 父母捲入,和孩子一起成長  Involve in the progress of your child’s growth; grow up together with him/her
6、多感官刺激,認知世界  Provide your child multi-senses stimuli to help him/her understand this fascinating world

6大特色What is Unique of GymAngel

1、權威專家團隊技術支撐Technological support provided by an authoritative specialist team
積木寶貝課程體系由中國科學院、中央教科研究所、北京大學、ITLA(國際玩具圖書館協會)  共同研發,保證課程的科學性。  The class system of GymAngel has been co-developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese National Institute for Education Research, Peking University, and the International Toy Library Association. All of the class activities have scientific base.
2ITLA唯一授權的國際頂級教具Best international teaching aids from ITLA
積木寶貝引入了ITLA授權的國際頂級教具,會員可以擁有世界上最先進的玩具,接觸到世界上最先進和安全的進口軟包裝設備。  GymAngel use the best ITLA-designed equipments for teaching. Babies and children in GymAngel study with the world-top early childhood education instruments.
3、多通道體驗式教學環境Teaching through experiencing
積木寶貝致力於為寶寶打造視覺、觸覺、聽覺多通道體驗式的教學環境,建造最環保的學習環境,最先進的遊戲環境和最豐富的人文環境,以及雙母語的語言環境。  To know something deeply you must experience it with all senses – this explains why everything goes into babies’ mouth as they try to make sense of the world! GymAngel use a luxuriant human environment, bilingual teaching in Chinese and English, and a range of games and activities that stimulate all the senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste – to let babies have a rich and complete experience as they grow and learn.
4、量化測評,針對性教學Tailored teaching
積木寶貝實施針對性教學,將基於每個孩子的定期量化測評,得出個性化分析,結合寶寶個體情況,提供專業的個性化成長指導,在教學過程中,有針對性的實施。  Every baby is unique with different natural talents. GymAngel engages in fostering the development of your child’s strengths. Scientific qualitative assessments are employed in GymAngel to evaluate every child’s capacities, to understand his/her needs, and to design teaching activities accordingly.
5、滲透式心理教育Taping psychological development of the children
積木寶貝特色的ABC課程體系,明確包含了孩子心理發展指標,通過滲透式心理教學,幫助孩子儲備強大的心理能量。  GymAngel’s ABC (A-Gym, Baby Music, Creativity Arts) class system taps the progress of children’s psychological development. The classes encourage children to have a strong sense of self belief and self worth, therefore to empower them for achieving future dreams, goals and ambitions.
6、全方位父母教育Parenting Support and Advice
積木寶貝提倡父母積極捲入,對父母進行全方位的教育,定期開設父母培訓、測評分析和專家互動,為寶寶營造和諧的成長環境。  GymAngel strongly encourages parents’ involvement. Classes specially designed for parents are based on the knowledge from psychological research. In the parenting classes, you will learn how to understand your child’s needs through his/her behaviors, and how to direct your child’s development accordingly. To build a healthy grow-up environment for your child, join GymAngel’s parenting classes and communicate with early-childhood education experts!


太原中心地址:太原市南內環街179號 南內環橋東城市花園


