
GoldWriter隸屬Gold CultureConsultancy Limited (Registered in England and Wales Company Number 06848540), 是英國首家華人設立的專業論文代寫網站。作為英國最具專業的留學生論文代寫網站,GoldWriter以其專業化的服務,高質量的寫作,合理的價格,在廣大華人朋友中樹立了良好的信譽和口碑,成為留學生的良師益友,是留學生論文代寫網站的首選


  • 外文名:GoldWriter
  • 所屬國家:英國
  • 性質:專業論文代寫網站
  • 宗旨:誠信為先, 質量取勝,保障隱私


與其他一些論文代寫網站不同的是,我們有著雄厚的代寫力量, 所有管理及部分寫作人員身在海外,皆由英,.美,澳,加,名校畢業, 全部獲得碩士,部分博士學歷,並特聘多名外籍寫作專家及海外大學在校講師進行專業指導。 學術人員有著深厚且紮實的寫作功底,對於代寫論文擁有極強的責任心,以廣泛的涉獵為優勢,完備的理論為基礎,為您量身打造最優秀的論文。務求帶給消費者最好的服務及質量. 各種論文全部由專人一對一負責,並由外國教授作最後鑑定修改, 提供意見, 務求保證質量,量身打造最優秀的論文是最具說服力的。


GoldWriter的宗旨是誠信為先, 質量取勝,保障隱私。所有客戶訂單均在寫作能力審核後再接受,決不出現欺騙定金的行為。如超出能力範圍的寫作,一律事先作出聲明,做到誠實, 守信;所有文書, 作業, 論文保證原創,免費修改,保證通過院校剽竊檢測系統Turnitin的檢測(並將隨寫作附送相關報告一份供確認);所有顧客的資料一律保密,決不外泄,未經客戶許可,絕對不會用於其它任何目的。


GoldWriterwas developed on four guiding principle,Quality,Service,Commitment andValue for your Money(Q,S,C,V). We are a league of professional writers who will cater to any thesis, dissertation or essay project. We give special courses in writing and correspondence to promote quality writers because producing well-qualified employees means delivering quality output. Our goal is to help professionals and students to meet their deadlines without sacrificing the quality of work.
From time of inquiry until the date of delivery,QUALITYof writing is our utmost concern. AtGoldWriter, you can be assured that from start to finish you are in constant communication with us. You provide us with the details and we will do the writing for you. We will turn your ideas into one cohesive thought thus ensuring your full satisfaction. Our writers/researchers are a mixture of college/master degree holders & PhDs who are all professionals in their respective fields.
GoldWriterhas built its name through hard work, perseverance and passion for what we do. We are not going to destroy our good name for easy money. Long-term relationship with our client is our aim. We can only achieve that if you are satisfied with our work. You can be sureVALUE FOR YOUR MONEYis what you will get. Our rates are very much competitive yet you can be confident that you are getting a quality work. Because we believe that good service does not have to be expensive.


