Go Rotary Club

Go Rotary Club

《Go Rotary Club》是一款Android平台的套用。


  • 軟體名稱:Go Rotary Club
  • 軟體平台:Android
  • 軟體大小:1.59M
  • 支持版本:Android 2.2以上
Rotary is a volunteer organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace. About 32,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas conduct projects to address today’s challenges — including illiteracy, disease, hunger, poverty, lack of clean water, and environmental concerns — while encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations. This is a free application, which allows any rotary club in the world to register as a user and enter the club’s history, members, regular meetings, activities, news and key projects into the application and present the information to other clubs’ members. 扶輪是由社區義工構成的全球性網路。扶輪社員是提供人道服務、鼓勵崇高的道德標準,幫助建立世界的親善與和平的事業、專業及社區的領導人士。全球超過 200 個國家及地理區域約 32,000 個扶輪社在自己當地的社區與海外辦理服務計畫,以解決今日的挑戰,包括文盲、疾病、飢餓、貧窮、缺乏潔淨的清水與環境相關問題。 世界各地的扶輪組織可以通過註冊這一免費的軟體把自己社團的歷史、成員、會議、活動、新聞及重點項目等信息展示給其它扶輪社社員。

