Ghost Story

Ghost Story

Ghost Story是由英國搖滾酷玩Coldplay樂隊推出的一首新單曲,收錄於其專輯Ghost Stories中。


  • 外文名稱:Ghost Story
  • 所屬專輯Ghost Stories
  • 歌曲時長:4分17秒
  • 歌曲原唱:Coldplay
  • 音樂風格:流行,歐美
  • MV導演:CampbellHooper
  • 歌曲語言:英文


Maybe I'm just a ghost
Disappear when anybody's close
Go through you when you travel
Travel over near
Maybe I'm just a ghost
Emptied by 'em, anybody knows
Maybe I'm on the ropes
Or I'm not even here
Every time I try to walk through walls
More walls appear
What's the point of feeling love for you
When you don't believe I'm here?
What's the point of trying to raise your voice
If no one ever hears?
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear
Maybe I'm a ghost
Just a whisper in a puff of smoke
A secret that nobody knows
No one will ever hear
Or maybe I'm a ghost
Specter on a wrong course
Thorn without out a rose
Something people fear
And every time I thought I'll walk through walls
It's all becoming clear
What's the point in feeling love for you
When you don't believe I'm here?
What's the point of saying 'Rescue me! '
If no one ever hears?
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear
And every time I thought I'll walk through walls
It's all becoming clear
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappe...!


對於這首新近發行的單曲,有網友表示:離開Brian Eno的高大上體育館搖滾後,Coldplay求新求變,嘗試了新風格,引入了電子元素。旋律方面見仁見智,至少歌詞不再填充愛啊希望啊夢想啊之類的歌詞,整體往Parachutes時期私人化(或者叫簡單化)風格回溯。Ghost Story依然是一張流行專輯,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展現了他們與時俱進的氣度,電音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈現的冷色調,都未觸及他們的筋骨:流暢而唯美的旋律;口白化卻又含蓄雋永的歌詞;以及精緻與磅礴熔於一爐的整體氛圍,這一切無疑有相當多的聽眾很滿意Coldplay的這個音樂作品。


