Chocolate Fever

Chocolate Fever

《Chocolate Fever》是Publisher:Listening Library出版的圖書,作者是Robert Kimmel Smith(羅伯特·金梅爾·史密斯)。


  • 外文名:Henry Green
  • 性別:男
  • 登場作品:Chocolate Fever
  • 年齡:6 to 10
  • 身高:on thetall side
  • 體重:on the thin side


作 者/Author:Robert Kimmel Smith(羅伯特·金梅爾·史密斯) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Listening Library
出版時間/Publication Date:2007-05-22
裝 幀/Format:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙


原文(Henry Green is a boy who loves chocolate He likes it bitter, sweet, dark, light, and daily; for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks; in cakes, candy bars, milk, and every other form you can possibly imagine Henry probably loves chocolate more than any boy in the history of the world One day-it starts off like any other day-Henry finds that strange things are happening to him First he makes medical history with the only case of Chocolate Fever ever Then he finds himself caught up in a wild and hilarious chase, climaxed by a very unusual hijacking!)


原文Born in Brooklyn, New York, Robert Kimmel Smith was 8 years old when he read his first book--a book that moved him enough to make him cry It turned out to be a life-defining event, because after that experience he decided not only that he loved reading, but also, luckily for us and for his millions of fans, that he wanted to become a writer Little did he know that he would grow up to become an award-winning author whose books have sold millions of copies and are making a difference to millions of children
It would take 30 years for his dream to become a reality He embarked on his writing career in 1970 after leaving the advertising business But as Smith himself described it, his foray into writing books began entirely by accident, and he credits his daughter with getting him started It seems that one night he was making up a bedtime story for his daughter, Heidi As he was spinning his yarn, it began to grow and grow and take on a life of its own Heidi urged him to finish the story, which ultimately became his first book, Chocolate Fever Heidi must have known that there was something delicious about that story, because Chocolate Fever went on to sell almost two million copies


