App Share

App Share


  • 軟體名稱:App Share
  • 軟體平台:mobile
  • 軟體版本:1.9.3
  • 運行環境:Android 2.0
  • 套用類型:系統安全類
Share Apps really share your apps‘ installation package(APK) with your friends directly。Share Apps will share you app(include system app) to:Email,Dropbox,Google Drive,Bluetooth,SMSMakes it easy to share market links to your apps using several different methods。This is a great way to get friends with new android smartphones started。It‘s very useful for those times when you want to quickly tell a friend about a single app。Featured:
* Share Apk directly as attachment by e-mail
* Share with other applications which accept text (SMS,facebook,google reader,etc。。。)For2w AppShare show your applications with a list,you can get a installation package directly from your momery and send it to your friends as a attachment,what‘s more,It also can share the market links to your friends。This is a great way to get friends with new android smartphones started。In addition to the ability to share a list of apps,you may also use For2w AppShare thoe feature(By long click):
* Uninstall application
* Open application
* Show in Market
* Show Applications‘s detail or move to sdcard or clear catch* Backup APK to your sdcard directlyPlease email me with questions or issues;What people say?This is the app you need!This application convert the application you want to share into apk file and it‘s very useful I recommend this than other share apps and this application allow you to share your application that you can enjoy。Michael:If you‘re looking for an apk sharing program,get this。The others on the market (I have tried 6) are terrible。This program is the only one that sends the actual file。There‘s no pre-processing loading every time you open it。Loads instantly with initial load up。No lag or bugs。Best app on the market and no cache to worry about。It save my new phone!I have an very important app that I really love,without this app i go crazy。This app suddenly have a new update and once I updated it ruined all the function。I go crazy to the point of thinking of going to my old phone that have the older version。Luckily with this share apps and my old phone i can send the old version app to my new phone and bye bye updated app。The Only One!If you‘re looking for an apk sharing program,get this。The others on the market (I have tried 6) are terrible。This program is the only one that sends the actual file。There‘s no pre-processing loading every time you open it。Loads instantly with initial load up。No lag or bugs。Best app on the market and no cache to worry about。Genial Extrahiert die apk und verlinkt nicht nur zum market。Super um backup von apps zu machen bevor man updates einspielt,die einem nicht zusagen。It s the best because is the only app that works Excelent-Ottima Veramente ottima per inviare tramite bluetooth il file apk da un telefono all‘altro-kw:share apps,share my apps,share apk,share my applications,email applications,send applications,appkik,app share,Better App Manage,backup apk,ShareMyApps分享,分享套用,分享安裝包,安裝包,應用程式,分享apk。


