A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns



  • 書名:A Thousand Splendid Suns
  • 作者:卡勒德·胡賽尼
  • ISBN:9781594483073
  • 出版社:PENGUIN Group 
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 正文語種:英語


Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry the troubled and bitter Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing unrest, tragedy strikes fifteen-year-old Laila, who must leave her home and join Mariam's unhappy household. Laila and Mariam are to find consolation in each other, their friendship to grow as deep as the bond between sisters, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. With the passing of time comes Taliban rule over Afghanistan, the streets of Kabul loud with the sound of gunfire and bombs, life a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear, the women's endurance tested beyond their worst imaginings. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism. In the end it is love that triumphs over death and destruction. A Thousand Splendid Suns is an unforgettable portrait of a wounded country and a deeply moving story of family and friendship. It is a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of an unforgiving time, an unlikely bond and an indestructible love. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


紐約時報榜首圖書 亞馬遜小說類銷售冠軍
儘管生命充滿苦痛與辛酸 但每一段悲痛的情節中都能讓人見到希望的陽光。
我與許多在喀布爾的女性談過,她們的故事都是真實且讓人心碎的。當我開始寫《燦爛千陽》(A Thousand Splendid Suns)之際,我發現我自己不斷想起這些充滿韌性的阿富汗婦女。雖然她們不見得是引發我描寫萊拉或者瑪麗雅姆故事角色的靈感來源,不過她們的聲音、面容與堅毅的生存故事卻一直縈繞著我,而且關於這本小說,我有一大部分的啟發是來自阿富汗女性的集體精神力量。
Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye(喀布爾每條街道都令人目不轉睛)
Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass(埃及來的商旅穿行過座座市集)
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs(人們數不清她的屋頂上有多少輪皎潔的明月)
And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls(也數不清她的牆壁之後那一千個燦爛的太陽)
胡賽尼:這本新書的書名是來自一首有關喀布爾的詩作,這首詩是十七世紀阿富汗詩人Saib-e-Tabrizi在參觀喀布爾之後的印象之作。當我發現了這一首詩的時候,我正試圖尋找有關描寫喀布爾的詩詞英文譯本,想要在書中人物即將離開他深愛城市的悲傷場景中使用。我了解到我不只找到了切合書中想要表達的情緒詩句,同時在詩末所出現的詞句“a thousand splendid suns”也相當適合這本小說想要表達的主題。這首詩是由Josephine Davis教授從波斯文翻譯過來的。
Joanna Daneman: “風格異常簡潔清晰,人物刻畫深刻而鮮明,主題直達根本而深重。這是一位令人矚目的作家,我將繼續關注。”
Seth J. Frantzman: “卡勒德·胡賽尼再一次大獲成功。《燦爛千陽》講述了一個非常與眾不用的故事,關於兩代女性的悲慘遭遇,感人至深。她們深陷無愛的婚姻,命運被操縱在時代的手中,無法逃脫。”
Donald Mitchell: “卡勒德·胡賽尼在刻畫重要歷史事件與時代主題方面異常成功,同時又能令你的心跟隨故事情節一遍又一遍地疼痛。為何你的反應會如此劇烈?我想那是因為所有的角色都能讓人感同身受,這是在閱讀其他現代小說時很難有的體驗。”
Lawrance M. Bernabo: “無論怎么說,超越異常成功的處女作總是比最初的創作要艱難許多,胡賽尼本來極有可能變成吃老本的平庸作家,但《燦爛千陽》充分說明,關於阿富汗,這位喀布爾土生土長的作家還有許多精彩的故事要講。”
Amanda Richards: “這本小說會讓最剛強的男人也偷偷拭淚。胡賽尼簡單卻充滿豐富細節的描寫讓閱讀充滿樂趣,在我看來,燦爛千陽是我讀過的最好的小說之一。絕不可錯過!”
N. Durham: “正如其他評論者所說,《燦爛千陽》比胡賽尼的上一本小說《追風箏的人》更令人喜歡。他再一次試圖讓我們能夠多了解那個原本陌生的世界,而不只是進行無謂地譴責和置之不理。當然,如果你是《追風箏的人》的無條件擁戴者,這本書你自然也會喜歡。”
John Kwok: “一本真正的現代文學經典,注定要成為2007年度最佳小說。它應當被與《戰爭與和平》以及《日瓦格醫生》相提並論。”
——《出版商周刊》 (Publisher Weekly)
——《圖書館雜誌》(Library Journal )
——《明尼阿波利斯星壇報》(Minneapolis Star-Tribune)
——《夏洛特觀察家報》(Charlotte Observer)
——《聖路易斯郵訊報》(St. Louise Post Dispatcher


Stephanie Cross, Daily Mail
`A gripping tale ... It is, too, a powerful portrait of female suffering and endurance under the Taliban' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Natasha Walter, Guardian
`Anyone whose heart-strings were pulled by The Kite Runner should be more than satisfied with this follow-up' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
`Hosseini is at his best in some of his description of the landscape and his account of the developing relationship of the two wives, which begins with hostility and slowly blossoms into a concord ...' --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Lucie Young, Daily Telegraph
`Hosseini has that rare thing, a Dickensian knack for storytelling. He excels at writing suspenseful epics filled with compelling characters' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Marie Claire
`Explores the turbulent history of modern Afghanistan through the lives of two young characters' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
The Times
`The novel offers extraordinarily harrowing insights into the lives of Afghan women over the past three decades .... If he cut his teeth by writing about his countrymen, it is the plight of Afghanistan's women that has brought him to realise his full powers as a novelist' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
London Paper Book of the Week
`Hosseini has stuck with his winning formula: compelling, unflashy storytelling centred around two sympathetic protagonists struggling in difficult times ... nothing beats a good story' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
`Hosseini is at his best in some of his description of the landscape and his account of the developing relationship of the two wives, which begins with hostility and slowly blossoms into a concord ...'
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From the Publisher
The highly anticipated and breathtaking new novel by the author of the internationally bestselling novel The Kite Runner. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


A beautifully crafted and disturbing story of two women victims of the wrath of men. As unforgettable as The Kite Runner, this novel places us in Afghanistan with an open heart' Isabel Allende 'I loved this book - I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting. It is incredibly moving and a real insight into the madness and suffering of Afghanistan - in particular its women' Fiona Bruce 'Hosseini proves his credentials as a superstar storyteller. This follow up to The Kite Runner will have fans rampaging into bookshops desperate for their copy. Yet again he weaves a masterful story around the lives of two extraordinary and compelling characters brought together in adversity' Mariella Frostrup 'From further east comes, at long last, Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns in which the universally adored author of The Kite Runner returns with a study of love and self-sacrifice in a modern Afghan family' Sunday Telegraph --This text refers to the Paperback edition.


卡勒德·胡賽尼(Khaled Hosseini),1965年生於喀布爾,後隨父親逃往美國。胡賽尼畢業於加州大學聖地亞哥醫學系,現居加州執業。《追風箏的人》是他的第一本小說,因書中角色刻畫生動,故事情節震撼感人,出版後大獲好評,獲得各項新人獎,並躍居全美各大暢銷排行榜,目前正由夢工廠改拍成電影。
Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and moved to the United States in 1980. His first novel, The Kite Runner , was an international bestseller, published in thirty-four countries. In 2006 he was named a US goodwill envoy to the United Nations Refugee Agency. He lives in northern California. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


