

第十二屆全國政協委員、華中農業大學資源與環境學院院長、土壤學教授、博士生導師。國家傑出青年基金獲得者,新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選,享受國務院政府特殊津貼。現任農業微生物學國家重點實驗室副主任、中國土壤學會土壤化學專業委員會主任、國際土壤學聯合會土壤界面專業委員會副主席、環境生物地球化學學會(ISEB)國際學術委員會執委。是 Scientific Reports、Frontiers in Microbiology、Applied Soil Ecology、Geomicrobiology Journal、土壤學報等期刊編委。曾擔任第4屆土壤礦物-有機物-微生物相互作用和第21屆環境生物地球化學國際學術研討會主席及多個國際學術會議分會召集人。在國際學術會議上做口頭和邀請報告20餘次。獲省部科技成果獎4項,2008年獲第二屆中國土壤學會獎,2009年獲全國百篇優秀博士學位論文指導獎,2010年獲中國僑界創新人才貢獻獎和第五屆湖北省優秀科技工作者稱號。發表SCI論文90餘篇,主編德國Springer專著1部、《Biology and Fertility of Soils》和《Geomicrobiology Journal》專刊各1期,應邀為聯合國教科文組織百科全書生命支撐體系(EOLSS)撰稿。


  • 中文名:黃巧雲
  • 外文名:Qiao-Yun Huang
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:湖北省黃梅縣
  • 出生日期:1964年9月
  • 畢業院校華中農業大學 
  • 主要成就:國家傑出青年基金獲得者 
  • 代表作品:《土壤學》、《土壤生物化學》
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授 


《Applied Soil Ecology》編委
《The Open Enzyme Inhibition Journal》編委
《The Open Colloid Science Journal》編委
第四屆土壤礦物-有機物-微生物相互作用國際學術研討會(ISMOM2004, 中國武漢)組委會主席
第14屆國際粘土大會(義大利 Castellaneta Marina, 14-20 Jun., 2009)“Bio-Clays Interface & Life’s Origin”分會召集人


1) Environmental Science and Technology
2) Biomacromolecules
3) Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
4) FEMS Microbiology Ecology
5) Journal of Environmental Quality
6) Environmental Pollution
7) Talanta
8) Ecotoxicology
9) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
10) Applied Soil Ecology
11) Journal of Hazardous Materials
12) Water Research
13) Water Environment Research
14) Soil Science & Plant Nutrition
15) Australian Journal of Soil Research
16) Journal of Environmental Sciences
17) Pedosphere


1989-1992 華中農業大學資源環境與農業化學系 博士
1984-1987 華中農業大學土壤與農業化學系 碩士
1980-1984 華中農業大學土壤與農業化學系 本科




2010-至今 華中農業大學資源與環境學院院長
1999 –2010華中農業大學資源與環境學院教授、土壤與植物營養系主任
1998.10- 2000.9 日本山口大學(Yamaguchi University)農學部 博士後研究
1997.10- 1998.02 義大利那不勒斯大學(University of Naples)農業化學系 合作研究
1994.09- 1998.09 華中農業大學資源環境與農業化學系 副教授
1993.08- 1994.08 加拿大曼尼托巴大學(University of Manitoba)土壤系 合作研究
1992.09- 1993.07 華中農業大學土壤與植物營養系 講師
1987.08- 1989.07 天津市農業科學院 助理研究員


2009年 全國百篇優秀博士學位論文指導獎
2007年 新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選(2007-360-079)
2007年 湖北省梁亮勝僑界科技獎三等獎(2007835)
2006年 華中農業大學十大優秀研究生指導教師
2005年 教育部提名國家自然科學二等獎(第一完成人)“可變電荷土壤組分表面無機、有機分子的化學行為與反應機制”(2005-081)
2005年 湖北省自然科學三等獎(第一完成人)“可變電荷土壤表面重金屬、小分子化合物和生物分子的作用特性與機制”(2005Z-037-3-019-013-R01)
2004年 入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫
2003年 湖北省有突出貢獻的中青年專家
2002年 入選教育部優秀青年教師資助計畫
2000年 華中農業大學教學成果一等獎(第三完成人)
1996年 湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎(第一作者)
1996年 華中農業大學教學質量優秀二等獎
1995年 國家教委科技進步二等獎(第六完成人)“我國亞熱帶山地土壤粘粒礦物組成與表面化學特性研究”(95-243)
1995年 華中農業大學青年教師講課競賽三等獎
1995年 華中農業大學教學質量優秀三等獎
1990年 農業部科技進步二等獎(第四完成人)“湖北湖南紅壤、黃棕壤粘粒礦物組合與14埃過渡礦物特性研究”(901076)




已畢業碩士生: 姜明華,吳劍媚,郭學軍,徐磊輝,魏凌雲,謝朝陽,張學文,劉震,曾軍,潘園園,黃宏霞,徐英賢,喬學琴,朱俊,路延篤,邵俊,王珂征,陳寒松,張景源,劉麗娜,宮常修,朱小嬌,張喆,雷磊,馮光志,曹媛媛,何小川,,王萍,徐曄,李仁義,張峻青,康凱麗,趙慧娟,王寧,劉容孜,錢淑芳,朱穎,田琳奇,魏巍,劉景,陳金秀,曾路陽
在讀碩士生: 馬明愷,謝金秋,劉舒寧,韓亞峰,申珍珍,徐敏,梁頂
已畢業博士生:趙振華,周學永,黃敏,蔡鵬,榮興民 ,方臨川,趙剛,李明,洪志能,蔣代華, 薛愛芳, Bocar Ahamadou (馬里),Ibrahim Mohamed El Sayed Ali(埃及),吳華勇,洪志能,陳熙,杜輝輝,石含之


2013-2017 土壤礦物-有機物-微生物互作界面重金屬的化學行為 國家自然科學基金(41230854重點項目),300 萬元
2009-2012 土壤顆粒表面細菌固定的分子機理及其環境效應,國家自然科學基金(40825002),200萬元
2007-2009 堆肥與重組菌聯合修復重金屬污染土壤的新技術,國家863高技術研究專題(2006AA06Z350),97萬元。
2006-2008 土壤礦物與細菌相互作用的熱力學研究,國家自然科學基金(40571084), 45萬元。
2005-2007 土壤膠體與生物分子和細菌的互動作用 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫(NCET-04-0736),50萬元。
2004-2006 Mechanisms for the Adsorption and Immobilization of Enzymes on Soil Active Particles. International Foundation for Science (C/2527-2), 1萬美元。
2003-2005 土壤活性顆粒表面酶和DNA固定機制研究,國家自然科學基金(40271064),30萬元。
2003-2005 細菌耐鎘基因的克隆及其功能分析,高等學校博士學科點基金(20020504023),7.5萬元。
2002-2004 土壤膠體、礦物表面生物活性分子的固定機制,教育部優秀青年教師資助計畫,9萬元。
2001-2003 細菌影響下的土壤膠體礦物表面重金屬的轉化與有效性,國家自然科學基金(20077010), 19萬元。
1998-2000 外源環境污染物對土壤酶活性和穩定性的影響,湖北省自然科學基金(97J055),2.2萬元。
1995-1997 Interactions of Enzymes with Oxides and Oxides-humus Complexes, International Foundation for Science (IFS, C/2527-1),1.2萬美元。
1996-1999 鐵、鋁、錳、矽氧化物對酶的吸附和活性的影響, 國家自然科學基金(49601011), 10萬元。
1994-1995 粘粒礦物對土壤酶的吸附、活性和穩定性的影響,國家教委留學回國人員基金, 2萬元。
1990-1992 酸性土壤及有關環境中鋁離子的形態及其毒性,中國科學院南京土壤研究所土壤圈物質循環開放實驗室基金。


1) 2008.11.24-29 The 5 International Symposium on Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Matter and Microorgansims, Pucón, Chile (口頭報告Oral presentation, 分會主持人Session chair)
2) 2008.12.1-6 “Innovative Technologies for Soil Remediation”, Crocher Advanced Study Institute, Hongkong, China (特邀報告Invited Lecture)
3) 2008.6.1-4 The 5 International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, Kyoto, Japan (口頭報告Oral Presentation)
4) 2007.7.15-19, 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE),Beijing, China (口頭報告Oral presentation, 分會主持人)
5) 2006.7.9-15 第十八屆世界土壤學大會,美國費城(Poster theater)
6) 2005.8.25-27 第9屆印度尼西亞微生物學會和第3屆亞洲乳酸菌會議, 印尼巴厘島(邀請報告)
7) 2004.9.20-23 第四屆土壤礦物-有機物-微生物相互作用國際學術研討會,中國武漢,組委會主席。
8) 2004.8.2-6 第一屆中德環境微生物學術研討會, 中國北京, 邀請報告(Invited paper)。
9) 2003.9.1-6 The 16 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry,Aomori, Japan (Oral presentation)。
10) 2002.8.13-21 The 17 World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand (Oral presentation)
11) 2001.9.11-15 The 15th International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Wroclaw, Poland (Oral presentation).
12) 2000.5.22-26 The 3rd International Symposium on Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions and Ecosystem Health, Naples, Italy.
13) 1999.7.12-16 International Symposium on Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Application, Granada, Spain (Oral presentation).
14) 1998.8.20-26 The 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France.
15) 1997.5.4-11 International Symposium on Soil, Human and Environment Interactions, Nanjing, China (Oral presentation).
16) 1996.9.3-6 The 2nd International Symposium on Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions, Nancy, France (Oral presentation).
17) 1994.8.13-18 The 31th Annual Meeting of Clay Mineral Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (Oral presentation).
18) 1993.5.10-16 The 2nd Workshop on Material Cycling in Pedosphere, Nanjing, China.


2006.10-12月 Dr. B. K. G. Theng, Land Care Research, New Zealand.
2006.5.6-19 Prof. P. M. Huang, Dept. of Soil Science, Saskatchewan University, Canada.
2004.6.28-7.13 Prof. Lena Ma, Dept. of Soil and Water Science, University of Florida, USA
2001.10.6-14 Prof. J-M Bollag, Laboratory of Soil Biochemistry, Center for Bioremediation and Detoxification, The Pennsylvania State University, USA


2008.9.24-27 中國土壤學會第十一屆全國會員代表大會,特邀報告(北京)
2007.11.24-26 中國土壤學會土壤化學專業委員會學術研討會,重慶(分會主持人)
2006.11.24-26 第二屆礦物-微生物相互作用戰略研討會, 南京(分會主持人)。
2006.9.24-26 中國土壤學會土壤化學與生態環境和農業可持續發展學術研討會,浙江杭州(分會主持人)
2005.1.26-27 土壤生物與土壤過程戰略研討會,北京(邀請報告)。
2004. 11.25-26 礦物-微生物相互作用戰略研討會, 南京。
2004.7.26-29 第十屆全國土壤學會員代表大會,瀋陽。
2003.12.5-9 第二屆環境化學中青年學者學術研討會,廣州。
2003.9.24-26 香山科學會議(212次),污染土壤修復與生態安全,北京。
2001.12.1-2 中國科協青年科學家論壇第67次活動,北京,微生物與重金屬污染土壤的植物修復(口頭報告)。
2001.4,11-13 土壤化學與生態環境建設和農業可持續發展學術討論會,中國土壤學會,武漢,土壤生物修復研究的進展與展望(邀請報告)。


1.Gang Zhao, Qiaoyun Huang, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Wei Liang, Ke Dai. Interfacial interaction between methyl parathion-degrading bacteria and minerals is important in biodegradation. Biodegradation 2014, 25, 1-9.
2.Zhineng Hong, Gang Zhao, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Ke Dai, Qiaoyun Huang. Effects of Solution Chemistry on Bacterial Adhesion with Phyllosilicates and Goethite Explained by the Extended DLVO Theory. Geomicrobiology Journal 2014, 31, 419-430.
3.Huayong Wu, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Ke Dai, Qiaoyun Huang. In situ ATR-FTIR study on the adhesion of Pseudomonas putida to Red soil colloids. J Soils Sediments 2014,14, 504-514.
4.Wenqiang Zhao, Sharon L. Walker, Qiaoyun Huang, Peng Cai. Adhesion of bacterial pathogens to soil colloidal particles: Influences of cell type, natural organic matter, and solution chemistry. Water Research 2014, 53,35-46.
5.Gang Zhao, Qiaoyun Huang, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Wei Liang, Ke Dai.Biodegradation of methyl parathion in the presence of goethite: The effect of Pseudomonas sp. Z1 adhesion. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2014, 86, 294-299.
6.Waseem Hassan, Wenli Chen, Peng Cai, Qiaoyun Huang. Oxidative Enzymes, the Ultimate Regulator: Implications for Factors Affecting Their Efficiency. J. Environ. Qual. 2013, 42: 1779–1790.
7.Waseem HASSAN, Wenli CHEN, Qiaoyun HUANG, Ibrahim MOHAMED. Microcalorimetric evaluation of soil microbiological properties under plant residues and dogmatic water gradients in Red soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2013), 59, 858–870.
8.MING LI et al.. Combined Application of Rice Straw and Fungus Penicillium Chrysogenum to Remediate Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soil. Soil and Sediment Contamination:An International Journal. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2014
9.Zhineng Hong, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Ke Dai, Qiaoyun Huang. The effect of extracellular polymeric substances on the adhesion of bacteria to clay minerals and goethite. Chemical Geology 360–361 (2013) 118–125.
10.Peng Cai, Qiaoyun Huang, and Sharon L. Walker. Deposition and Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Clay Minerals in a Parallel Plate Flow System. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013,47 (4):1896–1903.
11.W. Q. Zhao, X. Liu, Q. Y. Huang, X. M. Rong, W. Liang, K. Dai, P. Cai. 2012. Sorption of Streptococcus suis on various soil particles from an Alfisol and effects on pathogen metabolic activity. European Journal of Soil Science.63,5,558–564.
12.Wenqiang Zhao, Xing Liu, Qiaoyun Huang, Sharon L. Walker, Peng Cai. Interactions of pathogens Escherichia coli and Streptococcus suis with clay minerals. Applied Clay Science, 2012, 69, 37–42
13.Linchuan Fang, Yuanyuan Cao, Qiaoyun Huang, Sharon L. Walker, Peng Cai,Reactions between bacterial exopolymers and goethite: A combined macroscopic and spectroscopic investigation. water research, 46(2012):5613-5620.
14.Z. Hong, X. Rong , P. Cai , K. Dai , W. Liang , W. Chen & Q. Huang.Initial adhesion of Bacillus subtilis on soil minerals as related to their surface properties,European Journal of Soil Science, 2012. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2012.01460.x
15.Xingjian Xu , Lu Xia, Qiaoyun Huang, Ji-Dong Gu & Wenli Chen. Biosorption of cadmium by a metal-resistant filamentous fungus isolated from chicken manure compost. Environmental Technology.ifirst,
16. Xingjian Xu,Qian Huang,Qiaoyun Huang,Wenli Chen. Soil microbial augmentation by an EGFP-tagged Pseudomonas putida X4 to reduce phytoavailable cadmium. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.2012,71,55–60.
17.Xiaochuan He, Wenli Chen and Qiaoyun Huang,Surface display of monkey metallothionein α tandem repeats and EGFP fusion protein on Pseudomonas putida X4 for biosorption and detection of cadmium.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011
18.Huayong Wu, Daihua Jiang, Peng Cai, Xingmin Rong, Ke Dai, Wei Liang and Qiaoyun Huang, Adsorption of Pseudomonas putida on soil particle size fractions: effects of solution chemistry and organic matter,Journal of Soils and Sediments,2012,12,(2):143-149.
19.Zhineng Hong, Xingmin Rong, Peng Cai, Wei Liang, and Qiaoyun Huang.Effects of Temperature, pH and Salt Concentrations on the Adsorption of Bacillus subtilis on Soil Clay Minerals Investigated by Microcalorimetry. Geomicrobiology Journal, 28:686–691, 2011.
20. Linchuan Fang, Xing Wei, Peng Cai, Qiaoyun Huang, Hao Chen, Wei Liang, Xinming Rong. Role of extracellular polymeric substances in Cu(II) adsorption on Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102: 1137–1141.
21. Peng Cai∗, Xiaomin He, Aifang Xue, Hao Chen Qiaoyun Huang, Jun Yu. Bioavailability of methyl parathion adsorbed on clay minerals and iron oxide.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 185 (2-3): 1032–1036.
22. Xing Wei, Linchuan Fang, Peng Cai*, Qiaoyun Huang, Hao Chen, Wei Liang, Xinming Rong. Influence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on Cd adsorption by bacteria. Environmental Pollution. 2011, 159: 1369–1374.
23.Yuanyuan Cao, Xing Wei, Peng Cai,∗, Qiaoyun Huang, Xinming Rong, Wei Liang. Preferential adsorption of extracellular polymeric substances from bacteria on clay minerals and iron oxide. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2011. 83: 122–127.
24.Linchuan Fang, Chen Zhou, Peng Cai, Wenli Chen, Xingmin Rong, Ke Dai, Wei Liang, Ji-Dong Gu, Qiaoyun Huang. Binding characteristics of copper and cadmium by cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 190: 810–815.
25.Wu Huayong, Daihua Jiang, Peng Cai, et al. 2011. Effects of low-molecular-weight organic ligands and phosphate on adsorption of Pseudomonas putida by clay minerals and iron oxide. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 82: 147–151.
26.Chen Han-Song, Huang Qiao-Yun*, Liu Li-Na, Cai Peng, Liang Wei and Li Min 2010. Poultry manure compost alleviates the phytotoxicity of soil cadmium: Influence on growth of Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Pedosphere, 20: 63–70.
27.Zhu Jun, Qiaoyun Huang*, Massimo Pigna, Antonio Violante. 2010. Immobilization of acid phosphatase on uncalcined and calcined Mg/Al-CO3 layered double hydroxides. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 77: 166–173.
28. Fang Linchuan, Qiaoyun Huang, Xing Wei, et al. 2010. Microcalorimetric and potentiometric titration studies on the adsorption of copper by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), minerals and their composites. Bioresource Technology, 101 (15): 5774
29.Rong Xingmin, Wenli Chen, Qiaoyun Huang*, et al. 2010. Pseudomonas Putida Adhesion to Goethite: studied by equilibrium adsorption, SEM, FTIR and ITC. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 80: 79–85.
30. Mohamed Ibrahim, Bocar Ahamadou, M. Li, et al.2010. Fractionation of copper and cadmium and their binding with soil organic matter in a contaminated soil amended with organic materials. Journal of Soils & Sediments, 10 (6): 973–982
31.Fang Linchuan, Peng Cai, Pengxiang Li, et al. 2010. Microcalorimetric and potentiometric titration studies on the adsorption of copper by P. putida and B. thuringiensis and their composites with minerals. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181: 1031–103
32.Xingmin Rong, Qiaoyun Huang, Wenli Chen. Microcalorimetric investigation on the metabolic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis as influenced by kaolinite. Applied Clay Science. 2007, 38: 97–103. 2011-07-01 1695
33.Zhou Xueyong, Qiaoyun Huang, Guiling Xu, Ziniu Yu. Adsorption and insecticidal activity of toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis on rectorite. Pedosphere 2007, 17 (4): 513–521.
34.Rong X., Qiaoyun Huang, Jiang D., Cai P. and Liang W. Isothermal microcalorimetry: applications in soil and Environmental sciences. Pedosphere, 2007, 17 (2): 137–145.
35. Liu Lina, H. Chen, P. Cai, W. Liang & Qiaoyun Huang* 2008 Immobilization and phytotoxicity of Cd in contaminated soil amended with chicken manure compost. Journal of Hazardous Materials Published on Line, Doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.07.004. (2007 SCI IF=2.337)
36. Fu Ya-Juan, Wen-Li Chen & Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者) 2008 Construction of two lux-tagged Hg-specific biosensors and their luminescence performance. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,79(3):363–370. (2007年SCI IF=2.475)
37. Rong X., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者) X. He, H. Chen, P. Cai, W. Liang 2008 Interaction of Pseudomonas putida with kaolinite and montmorillonite: A combination study by equilibrium adsorption, ITC, SEM and FTIRColloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 64(1): 49-55 (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
38. Cai P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), Ming Li, Wei Liang 2008 Binding and Degradation of DNA on Montmorillonite Coated by Hydroxyl Aluminum Species. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 62(2): 299-306. (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
39. Fu Q., H. Hu, S. Chen, Qiaoyun Huang, W. Liang 2007 Adsorption of insecticidal toxin from Bacillus thuringiensissubsp. Kurstaki by some Chinese soils: effects of organic acid ligands addition. Plant & Soil, 296:35–41. (2006年SCI IF=1.495)
40. Cai P., Q. Huang (通訊作者) and X. Zhang Interactions of DNA with Clay Minerals and Soil Colloidal Particles and Protection against Degradation by DNase. Environmental Science & Technology, 2006, 40 (9):2971-2976. (2007 SCI IF=4.363)
41. Cai P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), W. Chen, D. Zhang, K. Wang, D. Jiang, W. Liang Soil colloids-bound plasmid DNA: effect on transformation of E. coli and resistance to DNase I degradation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2007, 39(5): 1007–1013. (2007 SCI IF=2.58)
42. Cai , P., Q. Huang (通訊作者),X. Zhang and H. Chen Adsorption of DNA on clay minerals and various colloidal particles from an Alfisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2006, 38(3):471–476. (2007年SCI IF=2.58)
43. Huang Qiaoyun, W. Chen and L. Xu Adsorption of copper and cadmium by Cu- and Cd-resistant bacteria and their composites with soil colloids and kaolinite. Geomicrobiology Journal 2005, 22(5):227-236 (2006年SCI IF=1.886).
44. Huang Qiaoyun, Z. Zhao and W. Chen Effects of several low-molecular-weight organic and inorganic ligands on the adsorption of acid phosphatase on soil colloids and minerals, Chemosphere, 2003, 52(3):571-579.(2006年SCI IF=2.442)
45. Huang Qiaoyun, Wei Liang and Peng Cai Adsorption, desorption and activities of acid phosphatase on various colloidal particles from an Ultisol. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2005, 45(3-4):209-214. (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
46. Cai P., Q. Huang (通訊作者), D. Jiang, X. Rong, W. LiangMicrocalorimetric studies on the adsorption of DNA by soil colloidal particle. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface. 2006, 49(1):49-54. (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
47. Cai P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), Xuewen Zhang Microcalorimetric studies of the effects of MgCl2 concentrations and pH on the adsorption of DNA on montmorillonite, kaolinite and goethite. Applied Clay Science, 2006, 32(1-2): 147-152 (2007年SCI IF=1.861).
48. Cai P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), J. Zhu, D. Jiang, X, Zhou, X. Rong, W. Liang Effects of low-molecular-weight organic acids and phosphate on DNA adsorption by soil colloids and minerals. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 2007, 54(1): 53-59 (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
49. Rong X., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者) and Wenli Chen Microcalorimetric investigation on the metabolic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis as influenced by kaolinite, montmorillonite and goethite. Applied Clay Science. 2007, 38(1-2):97-103. (2007年SCI IF=1.861).
50. Jiang D., Q. Huang (通訊作者), P. Cai, X. Rong and W. Chen Adsorption of Pseudomonas putida on clay minerals and iron oxide. Colloid and Surfaces, B: Biointerface, 2007, 54(2): 217-221 (2007年SCI IF=2.109)
51. Hu H., H. Liu, J. He and Qiaoyun Huang Effect of selected organic acids on cadmium sorption by variable- and permanent-charge soils. Pedosphere, 2007, 17(1): 117-123. (2005年SCI IF=1.817)
52. Huang L., W. Tan, F. Liu, H. Hu and Qiaoyun Huang 2007 Composition and transformation of 1.4 nm minerals in cutan and matrix of Alfisols in central China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 7(4):240-246.
53. Cai P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), Y. Lu, W. Chen, D. Jiang, W. Liang 2007 Amplification of plasmid DNA bound on soil colloidal particles and clay minerals by the polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19(9):1326-1329 (2006年SCI IF=0.395)
54. Fu Q., Y. Dong, H. Hu and Qiaoyun Huang 2007 Adsorption of the insecticidal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki by soil minerals: Effects of organic acid ligands. Applied Clay Science 37: 201–206. (2006年SCI IF=1.652).
55. Huang Q. ISMOM2004 Special Issue. Biology & Fertility of Soils, 2006, 42(5): 377-378. (2006 SCI IF=1.405)
56. Rong X., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), Jiang D., Cai P. and Liang W. Isothermal microcalorimetry: applications in soil and Environmental sciences. Pedosphere, 2007, 17(2): 137-145. (2005年SCI IF=1.817)
57. Zhou Xueyong, Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), Guiling Xu, Ziniu Yu Adsorption and insecticidal activity of toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis on rectorite. Pedosphere 2007, 17(4): 513-521 (2005年SCI IF=1.817)
58. Tan W., F. Liu, Y. Li, H. Hu and Qiaoyun Huang Geochemical characteristics of elements in Fe-Mn nodules from major soils of China. Pedosphere, 2006, 16:72-81. (2005年SCI IF=1.817).
59. Feng X., Tan W., Liu F., Huang Qiaoyun& Liu X. Pathways of birnessite formation in alkali medium. Science in China Ser. D, 2005, 48 (9):1438-1451. (2006年SCI IF=0.935)
60. Zhou X., Qiaoyun Huang, Shouwen Chen, Ziniu Yu Adsorption of the insecticidal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis on montmorillonite, kaolinite, silica, goethite and Red soil. Applied Clay Science, 2005, 30:87-93. (2006年SCI IF=1.324).
61. Tan W., F. Liu, X. Feng, Qiaoyun Huang, X. Li. Adsorption and redox reactions of heavy metals on Fe-Mn nodules from Chinese soils. J. Colloid and Interface Science. 2005, 284(2): 600-605. (2006年SCI IF=2.233).
62. Cai, P., Qiaoyun Huang (通訊作者), X. Zhang and H. Chen Binding and transformation of extracellular DNA in soil. Pedosphere, 2005, 15(1):16-23 (2005年SCI IF=1.817).
63. Huang Qiaoyun, Chen Wenli, Guo Xuejun Chemical Fractionation of Cu, Zn and Cd in Two Chinese Soils as influenced by Rhizobia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2004, 35(7-8): 947-960. (2006年SCI IF= 0.302)
64. Chen, W. Qiaoyun Huang and X. Xiong Distribution and Biodiversity of Soybean Rhizobia in the Soils of Shennongjia Forest Reserve, China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2004, 40(5): 306-312. (2006 SCI IF=1.405).
65. Huang, Qiaoyun, W. Chen and X. Guo Immobilization and species of heavy metals in soils in the absence and presence of bacterial biomass. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2004, 50 (6): 935-939. (2006年SCI IF=0.443).
66. Shindo, H., D. Watanabe, T. Onaga, Qiaoyun Huang Adsorption, activity and stability of acid phosphatase as influenced by selected inorganic soil components. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2002, 48(5):763-767. (2006年SCI IF=0.443)
67. Huang, Qiaoyun and H. Shindo 2000 Effects of copper on the activity and kinetics of free and immobilized acid phosphatase. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32(13):1885-1892. (2007 SCI IF=2.58)
68. Huang, Qiaoyun and H. Shindo 2000 Inhibition of free and immobilized acid phosphatase by Zn. Soil Science 165(10):793-802. (SCI影響因子0.956)
69. Huang Qiaoyun and H. Shindo 2001 Comparison of the influence of Cu, Zn and Cd on free and immobilized acid phosphatase. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 47(4):767-772 (SCI影響因子0.443)
70. Huang, Qiaoyun; M.Jiang; Z.Yang and X.Li 1997 Influence of several soil colloids in Central-south China on the adsorption, activity, kinetics and stability of urease enzyme. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 12(1-2):25-32. (SCI影響因子0.271)
71. Huang, Qiaoyun; H.Shindo and T.B.Goh 1995 Adsorption, activities and kinetics of acid phosphatase as influenced by montmorillonite with different interlayer materials. Soil Science 159(4): 271-278.(SCI影響因子0.956)


1)吳華勇,蔣代華,蔡鵬,榮興民,黃巧雲, 低分子量有機配體對黏粒礦物吸附蘇雲金芽孢桿菌的影響,土壤學報,2011,48,(6):1293-1297.
2)榮興民, 黃巧雲, 陳雯莉, 蔡鵬, 梁巍. 細菌在兩種土壤礦物表面吸附的熱力學分析. 土壤學報, 2011, 48 (2): 331–337.
3) 陳寒松 劉麗娜 黃巧雲* 蔡鵬 梁巍 2008 堆肥修復土壤金屬污染的研究進展,套用與環境生物學報(接受)
4) 周學永, 高建保,蔡鵬,黃巧雲* 2008 Bt毒素在三種礦物表面的吸附與解吸 套用生態學報,19(5):1144-1148.
5) 路延篤,黃巧雲*,陳雯莉,雷磊,何小川 2008 猴金屬硫蛋白α域(MT-α cDNA)突變體的構建、表達及工程菌對重金屬的吸附 環境科學學報,28(9):1763-1770.
6) 方臨川 黃巧雲* 蔡鵬 梁巍 2007 XAFS技術在重金屬的界面吸附研究中的套用 套用與環境生物學報(接受)
7) 榮興民,黃巧雲*,陳雯莉,梁巍 2007 土壤礦物與微生物相互作用的機理及其環境效應 生態學報, 28(1):376-387.
8) 朱俊 蔡鵬 黃巧雲 榮興民 梁巍 2007 磷酸鹽和低分子量有機酸鹽對紅壤膠體和礦物吸附DNA的影響 土壤學報,44: 印刷中。
9) 曾軍 黃巧雲* 陳雯莉 2007 基於luxAB標記菌株的發光定量分析及其在鎘毒性檢測方面的套用 套用與環境生物學報, 13(1):135-139.
10) 蔣代華黃巧雲*蔡鵬榮興民陳雯莉 2007 粘粒礦物對細菌吸附的測定方法的建立 土壤學報, 44(4):656-662
11) 趙振華 黃巧雲 廖麗霞 夏立玲 李學垣2007 酒石酸對粘粒礦物上酸性磷酸酶吸附及活性的影響。土壤學報,44(5): 867-872
12) 路延篤 黃巧雲* 陳雯莉 李林 2006 細菌表面展示技術及其在環境重金屬污染修復中的意義 生態與農村環境學報 22(4):74-79.
13) 張學文 蔡鵬 黃巧雲* 胡紅青 2006 抗重金屬細菌對土壤膠體和礦物比表面積的影響,華中農業大學學報,25(4):393~396
14) 謝朝陽, 黃巧雲, 黃敏, 韓紅梅 2006 耐重金屬細菌對土壤膠體礦物體系吸附銅的影響 湖北農業科學,45(5):587-592。
15) 周學永 陳守文 吳新世 黃巧雲 2006 蘇雲金芽胞桿菌原毒素在蒙脫石上的吸附特性研究 農業環境科學學報, 25(4):992-996.
16) 黃 敏 蘇以榮 黃道友 吳金水 黃巧雲 2006 土壤養分循環實地採樣調查方法 套用生態學報,17(2):205-209。
17) 趙振華 黃巧雲 蔣新 王代長 郜紅建 李學垣 2005 草酸對土壤膠體與礦物表面酶的吸附及活性影響 套用生態學報,16(3):533-538。
18) 馮雄漢 譚文峰 劉凡 黃巧雲等 2005 鹼性介質中水鈉錳礦的生成途徑 中國科學 (D輯) 35(4):340-351.
19) 潘園園 陳雯莉 黃巧雲 2005 一株抗重金屬銅鎘細菌的分離、鑑定及其16S rDNA的序列分析 微生物學通報 32(3):68-72。
20) 徐磊輝 黃巧雲 陳文莉 2004 環境重金屬污染的細菌修復與檢測,套用與環境生物學報,10(2):256-262.
21) 黃敏 肖和艾 黃巧雲 李學垣 吳金水 2004 有機物料對水旱輪作紅壤磷素微生物轉化的影響 土壤學報 41(4): 584-589.
22) 趙振華 黃巧雲 蔣新 余貴芬 王芳 李學垣 2004 乙酸對土壤膠體礦物吸附酸性磷酸酶的影響 套用生態學報.2004,15(3).482-486
23) 郭學軍 黃巧雲 陳雯莉 2002 微生物對土壤環境中重金屬活性的影響 《套用與環境生物學報》8(1):105-110.
24) 趙振華 黃巧雲 李學垣 2003 低分子有機酸對土壤膠體礦物吸附磷酸酶的影響. I 醋酸的影響. 土壤學報, 40(2): 224-231.
25) 趙振華 黃巧雲 李學垣 2003 磷酸對土壤膠體礦物吸附酸性磷酸酶的影響. 土壤學報, 40 (3): 353-359.
26) 趙振華 黃巧雲 陳文莉 2002 幾種低分子量有機酸、磷酸對土壤膠體和礦物吸附酸性磷酸酶的影響,中國農業科學,35(11):1375-1380.
27) Huang, Qiaoyun, W. Chen, L. Gianfreda and A. Violante 2002 Adsorption of acid phosphates on minerals and soil colloids in presence of citrate and phosphate. Pedosphere, 12(4):339-348.
28) Huang, Qiaoyun; J. Wu; W. Chen and X. Li 2000 Adsorption of cadmium on soil colloids and minerals in presence of rhizobia. Pedosphere 10(4):299-307.
29) 黃巧雲 吳劍媚 陳雯莉 李學垣 1998 根瘤菌與土壤膠體、氧化鐵對重金屬的吸附:I.銅的吸附, 華中農業大學學報,17(1):29-34。
30) Huang, Qiaoyun; M.Jiang and X.Li 1998 Effects of iron and aluminum oxides and kaolinite on the adsorption and activity of invertase. Pedosphere 8(3):251-260
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32) 黃巧雲 李學垣 徐鳳琳 1995 矽對酸性土壤鋁毒的緩解作用,環境科學,16(6):11-13。
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38) 黃巧雲 李學垣 徐鳳琳 1994 鋁對小麥幼苗生長和某些生理性質的影響,植物生理學通訊,30(2):97-100。
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1. Huang, Q., P.M. Huang, A. Violante 2008 Soil Mineral-Microbe-Organic Interactions: Theories and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
2. 黃巧雲 主編 2006 土壤學 中國農業出版社
3. Huang Qiaoyun 2006, Soil Biochemistry, In Land Use and Cover, edited by W. Verheye, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, [http://www.eolss.net]
4. 吳金水 林啟美 黃巧雲 肖和艾 編著 2006 土壤微生物生物量研究方法及其套用,氣象出版社。
5. Huang, Qiaoyun, W. Chen and X. Guo 2005 Sequential fractionation of Cu, Zn, and Cd in soils in absence and presence of rhizobia. In Soil Abiotic and Biotic Interactions and Impact (Eds. P.M. Huang, A. Violante, J-M. Bollag and P. Vityakon), Science Publishers, Inc., New Hampshire, USA, pp.301-310.
6. Huang, Qiaoyun, M. Pigna, M.A.Rao and A.Violante 2005 Influence of acetate, phosphate, and citrate on the adsorption of acid phosphatase on variable-charge minerals and soil clays: implications in rhizosphere chemistry. In Soil Abiotic and Biotic Interactions and Impact (Eds. P.M. Huang, A. Violante, J-M. Bollag and P. Vityakon), Science Publishers, Inc., New Hampshire, USA, pp.409-426.
7. 黃巧雲 2001 根際土壤的化學 《土壤化學》(李學垣主編)高等教育出版社, pp350-368.
8. 黃巧雲 胡紅青 2001 土壤的氧化還原化學《土壤化學》(李學垣主編)高等教育出版社, pp.316-349.
9. Huang, Qiaoyun, X.Guo and W. Chen 2001 Influence of rhizobia on the forms of Cu, Zn and Cd in two Chinese soils. In: Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment (J.Weber, E. Jamroz, J. Drozd and A. Karczewska eds.), pp. 271-272, Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, Poland.
10. 黃巧雲(編委)2000 《土壤學》(黃昌勇主編),311pp. 中國農業出版社,北京
11. Huang Qiaoyun; M.Jiang and X.Li 1998 Effects of variable-charge soil minerals on the adsorption, activity and kinetics of urease. In Soil, Human and Environment Interactions (eds. Zhihong Cao et al.), China Science & Technology Press, Beijing. pp.392-400.
12. Huang Qiaoyun; M.Jiang and X.Li 1999 Adsorption and properties of urease immobilized on several iron, aluminum oxides and kaolinite. In Effect of Mineral-Organic- Microorganism Interactions on Soil and Freshwater Environments. (eds. J. Berthelin; P. M. Huang; J.-M. Bollag and F. Andreux), pp.167-174, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. (ISTP)
13. 黃巧雲主編 1997 邁向21世紀的土壤與植物營養科學, 576pp. 中國農業出版社,北京。
14. 黃巧雲 陳雯莉 1997 土壤酶學研究的某些進展 《邁向21世紀的土壤與植物營養科學》, pp.208-214,中國農業出版社,北京。
15. 吳劍媚 黃巧雲 1997 土壤礦物與微生物的相互作用 《邁向21世紀的土壤與植物營養科學》,pp.221-225 中國農業出版社,北京。
16. Chen, W.; J.Zhou;Qiaoyun Huang and F. Li 1996 Diversity of sym plasmid in Rhizobium fredii strains and plasmid stability under free-living and symbiotic conditions. In Diversity and Taxonomy of Rhizobia (eds.F.Li et al.), pp.116-125. China Agricultural Scientech Press, Beijing.
17. 黃巧雲 1996 土壤酸鹼化學 《土壤化學及實驗指導》(李學垣主編),pp.195-201, 中國農業出版社,北京。
18. 黃巧雲 1996 根際土壤的化學特點與養分元素的生物有效性 《土壤化學及實驗指導》 (李學垣主編),pp.201-208, 中國農業出版社,北京。
19. 胡紅青 黃巧雲 李學垣 1995 鋁毒及酸性土壤的改良,《現代農業科學研究進展》,pp.70-73, 天津科學技術出版社,天津。
20. Huang, Qiaoyun; X.Li and F.Xu 1994 Studies on diagnostic indices of aluminum toxicity and calcium deficiency for wheat growth in acidic soils. The 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico 5b:245-246.
21. Li.X, Qiaoyun Huang and F.Xu et al. 1994 Forms of active Al in acid soils and Al phytotoxicity. The 15th World Congress of Soil Sci., Acapulco, Mexico 5b:246-247.
22. 黃巧雲 胡紅青 李學垣 1994 土壤酸化與植物生長 《現代土壤科學研究》 (徐明岡等主編), pp.734-737, 中國農業科技出版社,北京。
23. Huang, Qiaoyun; X.Li and F.Xu 1993 The Status of active and potential aluminum in acid soils and their toxicity to wheat. Pedosphere, pp.230-237, Nanjing University Press, Nanjing.
24. 黃巧雲 徐鳳琳 李學垣 楊金安 1992 溶液pH和矽、鈣濃度對小麥鋁脅迫的影響,《土壤資源的特性與利用》(李曉琳主編), pp.274-280,北京農業大學出版社,北京。


