

《鬼狗殺手》是1999年上映的劇情片,由吉姆 賈姆什執導,Scott Bryce等領銜主演。


  • 導演:吉姆 賈姆什
  • 中文名:鬼狗殺手
  • 製片地區:法國 / 德國 / 日本
  • 上映時間:1999年
名稱:Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
譯稱: 幽靈狗:忍者之路 / 鬼狗殺手
導演: 吉姆 賈姆什 (Jim Jarmusch)
Scott Bryce
Scott Bryce
Scott Bryce ...
發行公司: Channel Four Films
上映年度: 1999
imdb連結: tt0165798
Those who feel this is a slighted film than other Jarmusch didn't get the point: this movie is about the intimacy of one's belief system, private, eccentric, but all the more touching for that. Here one Afro-American man picked up the "Way of Samurai", totally alien to his ethnic and cultural background, and made it the bedrock of his whole existence.
To me, the movie is about the inevitably arbitrary nature of any conviction, and the remarkable strength of it, however outlandish it may be. If one really wishes to believe in something, then against all odds, it will become part of you, even when it becomes very, very, inconvenient; even fatally inconvenient.
And the choice of such a conviction can transcend all boundaries. I always believe that one's birth, into a particular culture, is a mere accident. Whether one chooses to be faithful to it, or rebels against it in favor of an "alien" cultural identification, is amoral; "beyond Good and Evil", if you will. One Italian-American mobster in this film, for example, sees himself as a connoisseur of Rapper, Flavor Flav, and talked and sang just like his Black idol. The Wittaker character's identification with a Japanese feudalist samurai's honor system is, therefore, not as unique as it may sound.
The interesting argument Jarmusch seems to be making here is, what is admirable is not the category of such a conviction, but the strength of it. Can't agree with that myself; but it sure provides some antidote to our soul-less consumerist incilnations.
這是一個只有Jim Jarmusch才能講述的犯罪故事。來去無蹤的鬼狗沉迷於日本武士道的規則與道德規範。每個武士都需要一個主人去效忠,鬼狗就把自己當成了Louie的奴僕。Louie是個黑幫小頭目,鬼狗小時候被他救過一命。當Louie的上司已認為他不中用時,鬼狗就出手了,他有條不紊地消滅了他的一個個敵人。但最後,他的主人射殺了他。


