
高建剛,博士生導師。男,1963年12月出生, 博士,現為山東大學生命科學學院副院長, 博士生導師。發表了15篇SCI收錄文章,包括Nature, Nature Genetics 及PNAS等。論文總影響因子超過100,它引累計超過360次。


  • 中文名:高建剛
  • 出生日期:1963年12月
  • 職業:博士生導師
  • 主要成就:1982-1989年為山東大學本科生、碩士生


1982-1989在山東大學生物系攻讀學士、碩士。1989-1992由山東大學和北京大學聯合培養攻讀博士學位。1993-1995在中科院上海細胞所做博後,1995-1997作為副研究員在中科院北京發育所工作。1997-1999作為A級研究員在澳大利亞昆士蘭大學工作。1999-2007作為Laboratory Supervisor在美國St Jude兒童研究醫院工作。2007年10月至今山東大學生命科學學院任特聘教授。




取得科研成果成功利用胚胎幹細胞和基因打靶(基因敲除和基因敲入)技術研究了多個基因的功能並製作了多個人類疾病動物模型。近年來在國際一流期刊發表了15篇高水平SCI收錄文章,包括Nature, Nature Genetics及PNAS等。論文總影響因子超過100,他引累計超過360次。研究成果具有重要的學術和套用價值。 近年發表文章 1. Jiangang Gao, Kyeongmi Cheon, Steven Nusinowitz, Qin Liu, Di Bei, Karen Atkins, Asif Azimi, Stephen P. Daiger, Debora B. Farber, John R. Heckenlively, Eric A. Pierce, Lori S. Sullivan and Jian Zuo. Progressive photoreceptor degeneration, outer segment dysplasia, and rhodopsin mislocalization in mice with targeted disruption of the retinitis pigmentosa-1 (Rp1) gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2. M.Charles Liberman*, Jiangang Gao*, David Z.Z. He, Xudong Wu, Shuping Jia and Jian Zuo. Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier. Nature * Eaqual first authors 3. Jiangang Gao, Xudong Wu and Jian Zuo. Targeting hearing genes in mice. Molecular Brain Research (2004). 4. Xudong Wu, Jiangang Gao, Yunkai Guo and Jian Zuo. Hearing threshold elevation precedes hair cell Loss in Prestin knockout mice. Molecular Brain Research (2004). 5. Mary Ann Cheatham, Kristin Huynh, Jiangang Gao, Jian Zuo and Peter Dallos, Cochlear Function in Prestin Knockout Mice. Journal of 6. Mingyuan Li, Yong Tian, Bernd Fritzsch, Jiangang Gao, Xudong Wu and Jian Zuo. An Inner Hair Cell-Cre Expressing Transgenic Line. Genesis 7. Xiaoqing Liu, Yun Zhao, Jiangang Gao, Basil Pawlyk, Barry Starcher, Jeffrey A Spencer, Hiromi Yanagisawa, Jian Zuo and Tiansen Li. Elastic fiber homeostasis requires lysyl oxidase-like 1 protein. Nature Genetics Jun Yang, Jiangang Gao, Michael Adamian, Xiao-Hong Wen, Basil Pawlyk, Luo Zhang, Michael J. Sanderson, Jian Zuo, Clint L. Makino, and Tiansen Li. The ciliary rootlet maintains long-term stability of sensory cilia. Mol Cell Biol. 9. Mary Ann Cheatham, Jing Zheng, Kristin Huynh, Guoguang Du, Jiangang Gao, Jian Zuo and Peter Dallos, Cochlear function in mice with only one copy of the Prestin gene. Journal of Physiology 10. Lisan Parker, Jiangang Gao and Jian Zuo. Absence of hearing loss in a mouse model for DFNA17 and MYH9-related disease: The use of public gene-targeted ES cell resources. Molecular Brain Research 11. Jiangang Gao, Stéphane F. Maison, Xudong Wu , Kirko Hirose, Sherri M. Jones, Ildar Bayazitov, Yong Tian, Guy Mittleman, Douglas B Matthews , Stanislav S. Zakharenko, M. Charles Liberman and Jian Zuo. Orphan Glutamate Receptor 1 Subunit Required for High-Frequency Hearing. Mol Cell Biol.12. Jiangang Gao, Xiang Wang, Xudong Wu, Sal Aguinaga, Kristin Huynh, Shuping Jia, Keiji Matsuda, Manish Patel, Jing Zheng, MaryAnn Cheatham, David Z.Z He, Peter Dallos and Jian Zuo. Prestin-based outer hair cell electromotility in knockin mice does not appear to adjust the operating point of a cilia-based amplifier. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 13. Shengqiang Yu, Karl Hackmann, Jiangang Gao, Xiaobing He, Klaus Piontek, Miguel A. García González, Luis F. Menezes, Hangxue Xu, Gregory G. Germino, Jian Zuo and Feng Qian. Essential Role of Cleavage of Polycystin-1 at G-Protein Coupled-Receptor Proteolytic Site for Kidney Tubular Structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 14. Xudong Wu, Xiang Wang, Jiangang Gao, Yiling Yu, Shuping Jia, Jing Zheng, Peter Dallos, David Z.Z. He, MaryAnn Cheatham and Jian Zuo. Glucose transporter 5 is undetectable in outer hair cells and does not contribute to cochlear amplification. Molecular Brain Research Peter Dallos, Xudong Wu, MaryAnn Cheatham, Jiangang Gao, Jing Zheng, Shuping Jia, Xiang Wang, Wendy Cheng, David Z.Z. He, and Jian Zuo. Prestin-Based Outer Hair Cell Motility Is Necessary for Mammalian Cochlear Amplification . Neuron。


