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姓 名: 陳佩佩
性 別: 女
職 稱: 高級工程師
通訊地址: 北京市海淀區中關村北一條11號


2001.09-2005.07 青島科技大學, 工學學士
2005.09-2010.07 國家納米科學中心, 理學博士
2010.09-2013.09 法國國家健康與醫學研究院,巴黎笛卡爾大學,博士後
2011.01-2012.08 荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學, 訪問學者
2014.07至今 國家納米科學中心, 高級工程師




1.P. P. Chen, L. P. Xu, J. Liu, F. J. H. Hol, J. E. Keymer, F. Taddei, D. Han* and A. B. Lindner*, “Nanoscale Probing the Kinetics of Oriented Bacterial Cell Growth Using Atomic Force Microscopy”
2.P. P. Chen, L. Jiang and D. Han*, “In situ imaging of multiphase bio-interfaces at micro-/nanoscales”
3.H. L. Fan, P. P. Chen (co-first author), R. M. Qi, J. Zhai, J. X. Wang, L. Chen, L. Chen, Q. M. Sun, Y. L. Song, D. Han* and L. Jiang*, “Greatly Improved Blood Compatibility by Microscopic Multi-Scale Design of Surface Architectures”
4.P. P. Chen, L. Chen, D. Han*, J. Zhai, Y. M. Zheng and L. Jiang*, “Wetting Behavior at Micro-/Nanoscales: Direct Imaging of a Microscopic Water/Air/Solid Three-Phase Interface”, Small
5.P. P. Chen, H. T. Dong, L. Chen, Q. M. Sun, D. Han*, “Application of atomic force microscopy to living samples from cells to fresh tissues”, Chinese Science Bulletin
6.J. T. Feng, L. Lin, P. P. Chen, W. D. Hua, Q. M. Sun, Z. Ao, D. S. Liu, L. Jiang, S. T. Wang* and D. Han*, “Topographical Binding to Mucosa-exposed Cancer Cells: Pollen-mimetic Porous Microspheres with Tunable Pore Sizes”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.F. Gasset-Rosa, A.-S. Coquel, M. Moreno-del Álamo, P. P. Chen, X. H. Song, A. M. Serrano, M. E. Fernández-Tresguerres, S. Moreno-Díaz de la Espina, A. B. Lindner* and R. Giraldo* “Direct assessment in bacteria of prionoid propagation and phenotype selection by Hsp70 chaperone”, Molecular Microbiology
8.L. Lin, M. J. Liu, L. Chen, P. P. Chen, J. Ma, D. Han* and L. Jiang*, “Bio-inspired hierarchical macromolecular-nanoclay hydrogels for robust underwater superoleophobicity”, Advanced Materials
9.L. Chen, M. J. Liu, H. Bai, P. P. Chen, F. Xia, D. Han* and L. Jiang*, “Antiplatelet and thermally responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) surface with nanoscale topography”, Journal of the American Chemical Society


